UNO Special Education and Communication Disorders Faculty Proceedings & Presentations | Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders | University of Nebraska at Omaha
Conference proceedings and presentations by the Special Education and Communication Disorders Department faculty members are collected here.


Submissions from 2016


Short­‐Term Test-­Retest Reliability of Informal Phonological Analysis for 2­‐year‐old Late Talkers, Jordan Gearheart, Ann Walker, and Shari L. DeVeney

Submissions from 2015


Full­‐semester and time­‐compressed fluency disorders course: An evaluation of student perceptions of competence, satisfaction, and workload, Shari L. DeVeney, Amy F. Teten, and Mary J. Friehe


Test-retest reliability of independent phonological measures of 2-year-old speech, Katherine Wittler and Shari L. DeVeney

Submissions from 2014


Engagement differences for 2-year-olds identified as late talkers, Brianna Hendrickson and Shari L. DeVeney

Submissions from 2013


Spoken Production of Novel Words with Accompanying Picture Symbols Across Language Skill Proficiencies of Young Children, Amy Buchanan, Jennifer Morris, and Shari L. DeVeney


Stabilizing Developmental Language Trajectories in Infants/Toddlers: A Preliminary Study, Christine Marvin, Miriam E. Kuhn, and Lisa L. Knoche


Checklist for Assessing Graduate Students’ Competencies in the Area of Voice Disorders, Amy F. Teten, Shari L. DeVeney, and Mary J. Friehe


Phonological profiles of 2-year-olds with expressive-only and expressive and receptive language delay: A pilot study, Kristin VanWyngaarden and Shari L. DeVeney

Submissions from 2004


Struggling with Declining Diversity in Professional Programs, Sandra Squires and Melodee Landis