UNO Women’s and Gender Studies Faculty Publications | Women's and Gender Studies | University of Nebraska at Omaha

Publications by the Women's and Gender Studies Program faculty members are collected here.

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Submissions from 2023


Promoting Service-Learning through an Interdisciplinary and Decentralized Faculty Fellow Program, Shannon Cummins, Mitzi J. Ritzman, Jodi Benenson, C. Cecilia Tocaimaza-Hatch, and Andrea MM Weare


Beautytube: Enacting postfeminism on the YouTube multi-channel network ICON from 2015 to 2016, Andrea MM Weare

Submissions from 2021


Assessing and Improving Political Learning and Engagement on College Campuses, Nancy Thomas, Leah A. Murray, Kyle Upchurch, Catherine A. Copeland, Jodi Benenson, Jennifer Boehm, Lori Britt, Stephen K. Hunt, Steven Koether, Lance Lippert, Barbara A. Pickering, Kim Schmidl-Gagne, Jennifer Shea, Anthony M. Starke Jr., Angela Taylor, Andrea MM Weare, and Sidney Williams


Pinning beauty: standards promoted and behaviors encouraged within pinterest’s healthy makeup content, Andrea MM Weare and Guangchao Charles Feng


Contextualizing Motivating Language to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): How Leader Motivating Language Affects Employees’ CSR Engagement and Employee–Organization Relationships, Yafei Zhang, Chuqing Dong, Andrea MM Weare, and Song Harris Ao

Submissions from 2020


Trying to save the game(r): Understanding the self-disclosure of YouTube subscribers surrounding mental health in video-game vlog comments, Maria Mickles and Andrea MM Weare


#notokay: Challenging sexual violence through digital health activism, Roma Subramanian and Andrea MM Weare

Submissions from 2018


State of intervention: community stakeholder discourse on teen childbearing in Iowa, Andrea MM Weare, Tammy J. Walkner, and Melissa Tully

Submissions from 2017


“You get old. You get invisible”: Social isolation and the challenge of communicating with aging women, Tammy J. Walkner, Andrea MM Weare, and Melissa Tully

Submissions from 2016


Cultural Trends of Audience Online Interaction with Vocal Talent Shows: A Comparative Study between China and the US, Yafei Zhang, Andrea MM Weare, Heungseok Koh, and Li Chen