In higher education, feedback is an effective but underappreciated teaching tool that expands students’ opportunities for learning. Students need more formative feedback that can lead to dialogic experiences, and they need more feedback experiences in different mediums and modes. Providing students with multimodal feedback that is formative may lead to more dialogic experiences for students and improve their learning. Multimodal feedback experiences benefit all students, including those from diverse and disabled communities. This paper examines some of the advantages and limitations of written, audio, and video feedback and argues that feedback that is primarily formative and delivered using multiple modes and mediums to accommodate certain assignments, students, and contexts increases the potential for students to have dialogic learning experiences. Instructors can take advantage of the affordances of writing, audio, and video to design multimodal feedback experiences for students that extend their learning environment and facilitate more dialogic interaction between students and instructors, students and their peers, and students and themselves.
Recommended Citation
Martin, Dan
"Providing Students with Multimodal Feedback Experiences,"
Journal of Curriculum, Teaching, Learning and Leadership in Education: Vol. 5:
1, Article 2.
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