April 2005
Archetypes on Screen: Odysseus, St. Paul, Christ and the American Cinematic Hero and Anti-Hero
John Fitch III
Castaway and Cast Away: Colonial, Imperial, and Religious Discourses in Daniel Defoe and Robert Zemeckis
Catherine Craft-Fairchild
A Bloodthirsty Salvation: Behind the Popular Polarized Reaction to Gibson's The Passion
Kelly Denton-Borhaug
Searches for the Significant: Robert Zemeckis' Cast Away as a Late Twentieth Century Response to Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe
Catharine Walker Bergström
Film Reviews
Jeffrey Mallinson
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Brannon M. Hancock
The Motorcycle Diaries (Diarios de Motocicleta)
Frederick Ruf
The Terminal
Todd Comer
Sundance Film Festival Review
Report from Sundance 2005: Religion in Independent Film
William L. Blizek, Michele M. Desmarais, and Paul A. Williams