UNO Public Administration Faculty Publications | School of Public Administration | University of Nebraska at Omaha

Publications by the School of Public Administration faculty members are collected here.


Submissions from 2022


Uncertainty and unrest: A collaborative pedagogical response to pandemics, protests, and policy, Jodi Benenson, Tara Kolar Bryan, Carol Ebdon, Theresa Glanz, James Harrold, Thomas Jamieson, and Njoki Mwarumba


Politics of problem definition: Comparing public support of climate change mitigation policies using machine learning, Junghwa Choi, Wesley Wehde, and Romit Maulik


Whose lives matter? Race, public opinion, and military conflict, Whitney Hua and Thomas Jamieson

Submissions from 2021


Book Review: Researching Internet Governance: Methods, Frameworks, Futures. Laura DeNardis, Derrick Cogburn, Nanette S. Levinson, and Francesca Musiani (eds.). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press., Thomas Jamieson


Race, ethnicity, nativity, and perceptions of health risk during the COVID-19 pandemic in the US, Thomas Jamieson, Dakota Caldwell, Barbara Gomez-Aguinaga, and Cristián Doña-Reveco


Our Issue or Their Issue? Media Coverage and Framing of the Zika Virus Epidemic, Thomas Jamieson and Juve J. Cortés Rivera


Public Preferences for Disaster Federalism: Comparing Public Risk Management Preferences Across Levels of Government and Hazards, Wesley Wehde and Junghwa Choi

Submissions from 2020


The symbolic effect of minority representation and perceptions of the majority: how majority citizens perceive marriage-based immigrant representation in the South Korean government, Junghwa Choi


Trust in Emergency Management Authorities and Individual Emergency Preparedness for Tornadoes, Junghwa Choi


What matters the most? Understanding individual tornado preparedness using machine learning, Junghwa Choi, Scott Robinson, Romit Maulik, and Wesley Wehde


Incorporating Research Design in Public Diplomacy: The Role of Listening to Foreign Publics, Juve J. Cortés and Thomas Jamieson


“Go Hard, Go Early”: Preliminary Lessons From New Zealand’s Response to COVID-19, Thomas Jamieson


Imperial Pandemicide, Douglas A. Van Belle and Thomas Jamieson

Submissions from 2019


Venue Preference and Earthquake Mitigation Policy: Expanding the Micro-Model of Policy Choice, Junghwa Choi and Wesley Wehde


How Development Affects News Media Coverage of Earthquakes: Implications for Disaster Risk Reduction in Observing Communities, Thomas Jamieson and Douglas A. Van Belle


Resilience-Focused Journalism: The Motivations, Tactics, and Impact of the Los Angeles Times Coverage of Earthquake Risk, Thomas Jamieson and Douglas A. Van Belle


The Effects of Certain and Uncertain Incentives on Effort and Knowledge Accuracy, Thomas Jamieson and Nicholas Weller

Submissions from 2018


PILOTs: What Are They and Are They Affected by Institutional and/or Economic Constraints? The Case of Wisconsin Municipalities, Craig S. Maher, Ji Hyung Park, and Bit An

Submissions from 2017


Infrastructure Financing: A Guide for Local Government Managers, Can Chen and John R. Bartle


Surveying the Effects of Limitations on Taxes and Expenditures: What Do/Don’t We Know?, Judith I. Stallmann, Craig S. Maher, Steven C. Deller, and Sungho Park

Submissions from 2016


Scientific eventuality or science fiction: The future of people with different abilities, DeeDee M. Bennett


The future of accessibility in disaster conditions: How wireless technologies will transform the life cycle of emergency management, DeeDee M. Bennett, Brenda D. Phillips, and Elizabeth Davis


Optimizing Accessibility of Wireless Emergency Alerts: 2015 Survey Findings, Salimah LaForce, DeeDee M. Bennett, Maureen Linden, Christina Touzet, and Helena Mitchell

Submissions from 2015


Gaps in Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) Effectiveness, DeeDee M. Bennett


Just Another Communications Tool, DeeDee M. Bennett

Submissions from 2014


Moving Towards Accessible Wireless Emergency Alerts: Sending and Receiving, DeeDee M. Bennett


Dissemination of WEA: Survey of Alert Authorities, DeeDee M. Bennett, Braeden Benson, and Danielle Sharpe


Mobile Apps Catalog, DeeDee M. Bennett, Danielle Sharpe, and Amelia Williams

Network governance and leadership: Lessons learned from the Douglas County Communities Putting Prevention to Work farm to school program, A. Bryce Hoflund, Can Chen, and Carol Ebdon

One HACCP, two approaches: Experiences with and perceptions of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) food safety management systems in the US and the EU, Richard Hyde, A. Bryce Hoflund, and Michelle C. Pautz

Submissions from 2013


FM Radio and RBDS-­‐Based Emergency Alerting: Possibilities and Potholes, DeeDee M. Bennett and Salimah LaForce


A Critical Case Study of Cause-Related Marketing in the U.S., Angela M. Eikenberry


Introduction to the Symposium: Understanding Nonprofits, Volunteerism, and Philanthropy from a Critical Perspective—Part I, Angela M. Eikenberry


Introduction to the Symposium: Understanding Nonprofits, Volunteerism, and Philanthropy Through a Critical Lens - Part II, Angela M. Eikenberry


Multi-level Governance Processes - Citizens & Local Budgeting: Comparing Brazil, China, & the United States, Aimee Franklin, Dale Krane, and Carol Ebdon

Designing a decision-making process for a network administrative organization: A case study of the National Quality Forum’s Consensus Development Process, A. Bryce Hoflund


Exploring the Use of Grounded Theory as a Methodological Approach to Examine the 'Black Box' of Network Leadership In the National Quality Forum, A. Bryce Hoflund

Improving food safety through self-regulation: Exploring the applicability of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system to the spinach and peanut industries, A. Bryce Hoflund and Michelle C. Pautz


Gastrophilanthropy: Utopian Aspiration and Aspirational Consumption as Political Retreat, Patricia Mooney Nickel and Angela M. Eikenberry

Educating and Empowering Youth through Philanthropy: A Case Study of a High School Giving Circle, L. M. Thiele, Angela M. Eikenberry, Jason Metton, and Michele Millard

Submissions from 2012


Social and Technological Innovation in Teaching Public Affairs: Introduction to the Symposium, Thomas A. Bryer and Angela M. Eikenberry


Social Networking, Learning, and Civic Engagement: New Relationships between Professors and Students, Public Administrators and Citizens, Angela M. Eikenberry

Building a network administrative organization’s social base: Lessons from the National Quality Forum, A. Bryce Hoflund


Policy and Organizational Change in the Federal Aviation Administration: The Ontogenesis of a High-Reliability Organization, Patrick D. O'Neil and Dale Krane


Implementing a health care reform through inter-municipal-cooperation: Adapting and implementing the Norwegian Cooperation-reform in three inter-municipal health regions, Daf Olaf Torjesen and A. Bryce Hoflund

Submissions from 2011


Local Government Revenue Structure: Trends and Challenges, John R. Bartle, Kenneth A. Kriz, and Boris Morozov


Introduction: Symposium on China Studies, John R. Bartle, Yonghong Wu, and Zhirong Jerry Zhao


Review of Public Administration in Perspective: Theory and Practice Through Multiple Lenses by David John Farmer, Gary S. Marshall

Submissions from 2010


Are Public Officials Obstacles to Citizen-Centered E-Government? An Examination of Municipal Administrators’ Motivations and Actions, Stephen Kwamena Aikens and Dale Krane


Tea Parties, Whigs, and Compromise: The Historical Roots of U.S. Government-Business Relations, John R. Bartle


Public Administration Theory in the Obama Era, Thomas A. Bryer, Jeffrey C. Callen, Angela M. Eikenberry, Terence M. Garrett, Jeannine M. Love, Chad R. Miller, Bethany Stich, and Craig Wickstrom


“The Practice of Transformational Stewardship,” review of Transforming Public and Nonprofit Organizations, by James Kee and Kathryn Newcomer, Gary S. Marshall


The Practice of Transformational Stewardship, review of Transforming Public and Nonprofit Organizations, by James Kee and Kathryn Newcomer, Gary S. Marshall

Submissions from 2009


Fiscal Crisis in Federal Reserve Districts 9 and 10 “Plains States”, John R. Bartle


Book Review: The Concept of Community: Lessons From the Bronx, Angela M. Eikenberry


Obama's budget offers smart shift, Angela M. Eikenberry


The Hidden Costs of Cause Marketing, Angela M. Eikenberry


You have full text access to this content The Present and (Normative) Future of Public Administration and Implications for ASPA, Angela M. Eikenberry


Snapshot: The Impact of Giving Together, Angela M. Eikenberry, Jessica Bearman, Hao Han, Melissa Brown, and Courtney Jensen


The Impact of Giving Together: Giving Circles’ Influence on Members’ Philanthropic and Civic Behaviors, Knowledge and Attitudes, Angela M. Eikenberry, Jessica Bearman, Hao Han, Melissa Brown, and Courtney Jensen


Improving Quality and Creating Democracy in the Classroom: Student Management Teams, Angela M. Eikenberry, Erin N. Blaszak, Shelby L. Buettner, and Beth A. Morrissette

Submissions from 2008


Introduction: Public Administration at the Margins, Thomas A. Catlaw and Angela M. Eikenberry


Giving circles and fundraising in the new philanthropy environment, Angela M. Eikenberry

Challenges of democratic experimentalism: A case study of the National Quality Forum in health care, A. Bryce Hoflund and Marybeth Farquhar


Can the ‘Courthouse Gang’ Go Modern?: Lessons From The Adoption Of Performance-Based Management By County Governments, Dale Krane

Health care and new governance: The quest for effective regulation, Louise G. Trubek, Joseph V. Rees, A. Bryce Hoflund, Marybeth Farquhar, and Carol Heimer

Submissions from 2007


Giving circles: Self-help/mutual aid, community philanthropy, or both?, Angela M. Eikenberry


Symposium—Theorizing Governance Beyond the State: Introduction, Angela M. Eikenberry


Administrative Failure and the International NGO Response to Hurricane Katrina, Angela M. Eikenberry, Verónica M. Arroyave, and Tracy Cooper


The Middle Tier in American Federalism: State Government Policy Activism During the Bush Presidency, Dale Krane


The Unavoidable Politics of Disaster Recovery, Dale Krane


Commanded to Enjoy: The Waning of Traditional Authority and its Implications for Public Administration, Gary S. Marshall


Responding to “natural” disasters: The ethical implications of the voluntary state, Patricia Mooney Nickel and Angela M. Eikenberry

Submissions from 2006


The Sustainable Development of U.S. Air Transportation: The Promise and Challenge of Institutional Reform, John R. Bartle


Sustainable Highways: Destination or Mirage?, John R. Bartle and Jijesh Devan


The Idea of Sustainable Development in Public Administration, John R. Bartle and Deniz Leunenberger


The State of American Federalism, 2005: Federalism Resurfaces in the Political Debate, John Dinan and Dale Krane


Philanthropy and Governance, Angela M. Eikenberry


Beyond public vs. private: The Transformative Potential of Democratic Feminist Management, Patricia Mooney Nickel and Angela M. Eikenberry


Comment on "Assessing China's 1994 Fiscal Reforms: An Intermediate Report", Meili Niu and John R. Bartle


A Guide to Housing Rehabilitation Programs for the Omaha Metropolitan Area, Jarrod Reece; Silas Clarke; Gail Braun; Norita Collar; Heather L. Bloom; Russell Smith; School of Public Administration, University of Nebraska at Omaha; and Offices of the Mayor, City of Omaha

Submissions from 2005


Fundraising or promoting philanthropy? A qualitative study of the Massachusetts Catalogue for Philanthropy, Angela M. Eikenberry


Toward Participatory and Transparent Governance: Report on the Sixth Global Forum on Reinventing Government:, Pan Suk Kim, John Halligan, Namshin Cho, Cheol H. Oh, and Angela M. Eikenberry


The State of American Federalism, 2004: Is Federalism Still a Core Value?, Dale Krane and Heidi Koenig

Submissions from 2004


The Marketization of the Nonprofit Sector: Civil Society at Risk?, Angela M. Eikenberry and Jodie Drapal Kluver


The State of American Federalism, 2003-2004: Polarized Politics and Federalist Principles, Dale Krane


Devolution, Fiscal Federalism, and Changing Patterns of Municipal Revenues: The Mismatch between Theory and Reality, Dale Krane, Carol Ebdon, and John R. Bartle


In Modernism's Wake: Public Administration and Policy in the 21st Century, Gary S. Marshall

Submissions from 2003


Beyond the Property Tax: Local Government Revenue Diversification, John R. Bartle, Carol Ebdon, and Dale Krane


A Review of State Procurement and Contracting, John R. Bartle and Ronnie LaCourse Korosec


The State of American Federalism, 2002–2003: Division Replaces Unity, Dale Krane

Submissions from 2002


The State of American Federalism, 2001–2002: Resilience in Response to Crisis, Dale Krane

Submissions from 2001


Disorderly Progress on the Frontiers of Policy Evaluation, Dale Krane

Submissions from 1999


“Anti-Matter and Public Administration, “ review of Papers on the Art of Anti-Administration, edited by David J. Farmer, Gary S. Marshall


Echoes of the “Misfounding” of Public Administration: The Voices of Generation X, Gary S. Marshall and Christine M. Reed

Submissions from 1998


Interorganizational Cooperation and the Implementation of Welfare Reform: Community Service Employment in Welfare Work Programs, Edward T. Jennings Jr. and Dale Krane


In Search of Commensurability: Writings in Public Management in an Era of Governmental Reform, Gary S. Marshall


Hospital Based Technology Assessment: Essential Questions and An Operational Model, Mary Ellen Uphoff and Dale Krane

Submissions from 1997


Theory and Generation X, Gary S. Marshall


Public Administration and the Public Interest: Re-Presenting a Lost Concept, Gary S. Marshall and Enamu Choudhury