Volume 1, Issue 1 (2016)
The Place for Dual Enrollment in College to Career Readiness
Phyllis K. Adcock, Kelly M. Gomez Johnson, and Ferial Pearson
The Redirect Behavior Model and the Effects on Pre-service Teachers' Self-Efficacy
Victoria Lentfer and Bridget A. Franks
Exploring the Effectiveness of the Gradual Release of Responsibility on Graduate Teacher Education Candidates' Self-Efficacy with iPads
Wendy Loewenstein
Surviving Publish or Perish: The Junior Faculty Approach to Scholarly Writing and Publishing
Jude Matyo-Cepero and Stathene Varvisotis
Renewing Teaching Practices: Differentiated Instruction in the College Classroom
Wendy McCarty, Sherry R. Crow, Grace A. Mims, Dennis E. Potthoff, and Jennifer S. Harvey
Reflection, Growth, and Mentoring of Beginning Science and Mathematics Teachers
Sheryl McGlamery and Saundra Shillingstad
Engineering Education in Nebraska Schools
Derrick A. Nero
Use of Student Perceptions to Measure Voice Disorders Course Impact on Learning
Amy Wilson Teten, Shari L. DeVeney, and Mary J. Friehe
Fathers Speak: The Lived Experiences of Fathers of Adolescents with Autism Regarding Transition Planning for their Children
Stathene Varvisotis
The Impact of Collaboration on Clinical Practice in Teacher Education: A Pilot Study
Christina L. Wilcoxen