The current socio-political landscape and proliferation of hate speak is fueling a growing sense of urgency to redress educational inequities and reclaim education. In this reflective article, we discuss our experiences as teacher educators in the rural Midwest who incorporate critical approaches to language and literacy into our repertories of practice. We aim to advance the conversation beyond the notion of social justice in theory to what social justice can look like in praxis. We argue for social justice education grounded in a funds of knowledge approach to untether social justice from overly broad or narrow representations and to locate equity and justice at the core of responsive pedagogy.
Recommended Citation
Bacon, Heidi R. and Byfield, Lavern
"Theorizing Social Justice: Funds of Knowledge as Praxis,"
Journal of Curriculum, Teaching, Learning and Leadership in Education: Vol. 3:
1, Article 3.
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Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education Commons, Curriculum and Instruction Commons