UNO Latino/Latin American Studies Faculty Publications | Latino/Latin American Studies (OLLAS) | University of Nebraska at Omaha

Publications by the Latino/Latin American Studies Program faculty members are collected here.


Submissions from 2024


Latinx RESPECTs: Using Theatre to Prevent Dating Violence, Heidi Adams Rueda, Patricia Newman, and Kathleen McGee

Submissions from 2023


School (socie)ties: individual and school level differences in the association between ethnic/racial victimization and academic functioning, Josafa M. da Cunha and Jonathan Santo


How Chile's Welcome Turned Sour, Cristián Doña-Reveco


Using OER in Tenure Narratives: Conversations with Tenure Experts, Stephen Craig Finlay and Isabel Soto-Luna


Mexican American Adolescents’ Conversations About Goals: The Centrality of Financial Aspiration to Career and Educational Pursuit, Heidi Adams Rueda, Qihao Zhan, Lela Rankin, and Deaven Greenberg

Submissions from 2022


“¡Estos inmigrantes!” Un análisis de la memoria colectiva de la inmigración europea en la prensa chilena, 1850-1920, Gonzalo Martínez Alarcón and Cristián Doña-Reveco


Welcoming immigrants to Nebraska is both moral and pragmatic, Laura E. Alexander and Cristián Doña-Reveco


For Hemispheric Unity, a Change in U.S. Foreign Policy is Needed, Brett J. Kyle and Andrew G. Reiter


Why have military courts become such as popular tool of repression?, Brett J. Kyle and Andrew G. Reiter


Mexican Middle Schoolers’ Questions on Sexuality and Dating Relationships: A Descriptive Qualitative Analysis, Deaven Rodriguez, Heidi Adams Rueda, Steven Hoffman, and Bethany Gutierrez


Barriers to the delivery of teen dating violence programs in urban school and after-school settings serving Mexican-heritage youth, Heidi Adams Rueda, Lela Rankin Williams, and Abigail Vera


Job search during COVID: A new librarian navigating a new normal, Isabel Soto-Luna

Submissions from 2021


Economic Stress Among Low Income Latino Adolescent Fathers: An Application of the Vulnerability-Stress-Adaptation Model, Diana Cedeño, Autumn M. Bermea, Heidi Adams Rueda, and Michelle L. Toews


Virtual Communities of Anglo and Spanish Migrants in Chile. A Multiple Case Study, Cristián Doña-Reveco and Yanko Pavicevic


Race, ethnicity, nativity, and perceptions of health risk during the COVID-19 pandemic in the US, Thomas Jamieson, Dakota Caldwell, Barbara Gomez-Aguinaga, and Cristián Doña-Reveco


Cariño Pedagogy: A Framework of Corazón, Ferial Pearson, Sandra Rodriguez-Arroyo, and Gabriel Gutiérrez


Inmigración y derecho al voto Una investigación exploratoria en Santiago de Chile (Immigration and the Right to Vote An Exploratory Study in Santiago, Chile), José Joaquín Pérez, Matías Corbeaux, and Cristián Doña-Reveco


Experiencias Migrantes: Una Aproximación a la Relación entre la Calificación de los Migrantes, su Región de Origen y la Estructura Social en Chile, Luis Acuña Urzúa, Braulio Cabrera Toledo, and Cristián Doña-Reveco

Submissions from 2020


Trust, Ethnicity, and Political Approval in 21st Century South Africa, Alecia Anderson and Jonathan Bruce Santo


Staff Perspectives Regarding the Influence of Trauma on the Intimate Partnering Experiences of Adolescent Mothers in Residential Foster Care, Autumn M. Bermea, Heidi Adams Rueda, and Kwynn M. Gonzalez-Pons


Memories of Exile and Temporary Return: Chilean Exiles Remember Chile, Cristián Doña-Reveco


Health-Related Quality of Life and Health Literacy among Mexican American and Black American Youth in a Southern Border State, Steven Hoffman, Heidi Adams Rueda, and Lauren Beasley


An Assessment of Mental Wellbeing and Health-Related Quality of Life Among Youth Living in Central Mexico, Steven Hoffman, Heidi Adams Rueda, and Stefan Chase


Urban American Indian Community Health Beliefs Associated with Addressing Cancer in the Northern Plains Region, Regina Idoate, Mark A. Gilbert, Keyonna King, Lisa Spellman, Bobbie McWilliams, Brittany Strong, Liliana Bronner, Mohammed Siahpush, Athena Ramos, Martina Clarke, Tzeyu Michaud, Maurice Godfrey, and Joyce Solheim


Learning from the History of Language Oppression: Educators as Agents of Language Justice, Sandra Rodriguez-Arroyo and Ferial Pearson


Witnessing Intimate Partner Violence Across Contexts: Mental Health, Delinquency, and Dating Violence Outcomes Among Mexican Heritage Youth, Lela Rankin Williams and Heidi Adams Rueda

Submissions from 2019


Chapter 3: Migration Governance in South America: Regional Approaches verse National Laws, Victoria Finn, Cristián Doña-Reveco, and Mayra Feddersen


Youth Perspectives of Healthcare in Central Mexico: An Application of Massey’s Critical Health Literacy Framework, Steven Hoffman, Heidi Adams Rueda, and Lauren Beasley


A New Dawn for Latin American Militaries: Across the region, militarization is on the rise, posing a major threat to democracy and justice. What can be done?, Brett J. Kyle and Andrew G. Reiter


Cognitive processes that indirectly affect olfactory dysfunction in Parkinson's disease, Attakias T. Mertens, Jonathan B. Santo, Katerina Markopoulou, and Bruce A. Chase


Technology and Dating Among Pregnant and Parenting Youth in Residential Foster Care: A Mixed Qualitative Approach Comparing Staff and Adolescent Perspectives, Heidi Adams Rueda, Megan Lindsay Brown, and Jennifer M. Geiger


Proving their love: Violence and gender norms in descriptions of relationships among rural Mexican adolescents, Heidi Adams Rueda, Steven Hoffman, and Kaitlin Grytza

Submissions from 2018


The paradoxes of informalizing street trade in the Latin American city, Lissette Aliaga-Linares


Repeatability and reliability of exploratory behavior in proactive and reactive zebrafsh, Danio rerio, Matthew R. Baker, Alexander C. Goodman, Jonathan B. Santo, and Ryan Y. Wong


Resiliency and Adolescent Motherhood in the Context of Residential Foster Care, Autumn M. Bermea, Brad Forenxa, Heidi Adams Rueda, and Michelle L. Toews


Evidence for Hope: Making Human Rights Work in the 21st Century, Brett J. Kyle


Militarization Redux: Across the Region, Latin America's Militaries are Regaining Power through the Court System, Brett J. Kyle and Andrew G. Reiter


From State Policy to School Practices: Accessibility and Implementation of Teen Dating Violence Awareness Education, Heidi Adams Rueda and Peter R. Fawson


Does Gottman’s Marital Communication Conceptualization Inform Teen Dating Violence? Communication Skill Deficits Analyzed Across Three Samples of Diverse Adolescents, Heidi Adams Rueda, Monica Yndo, Lela Rankin Williams, and Ryan C. Shorey


Teenage Dating Violence: Perceptions of Need, Priority, and Prevention Responsibility among Schools in Predominantly Mexican Heritage Communities, Lela Rankin Williams and Heidi Adams Rueda

Submissions from 2017


Queerness and Dating Violence Among Adolescent Mothers in Foster Care, Autumn M. Bermea, Heidi Adams Rueda, and Michelle L. Toews


Mexican Working-Class Literature, or The Work of Literature in Mexico, Eugenio Di Stefano


Confirmatory factor analysis of the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale among youth in Mexico, Steven Hoffman, Heidi Adams Rueda, and Matthew C. Lambert


Graduating MSW students’ recommended interventions for teen dating violence: A descriptive analysis, Heidi Adams Rueda, Alicia Hawley, Beverly M. Black, and Bernadette Ombayo

Submissions from 2016


Latinos and the Economic Downturn in Nebraska: Demographic and Socioeconomc Trends 2005-2013/2014, Lissette Aliaga-Linares


Work–family conflict among Black, White, and Hispanic men and women, Samantha K. Ammons, Eric C. Dahlin, Penny Edgell, and Jonathan Santo


Socio-Emotional Development in Latin America: Family and Peer relations, Ellyn Bass, Lina María Saldarriaga, and Jonathan Santo


Classroom Context and the Relations Between Social Withdrawal and Peer Victimization, Ellyn Bass, Jonathan Santo, Josafa M. da Cunha, and Cara Neufeld


Del mediterráneo a Santiago, pasando por París y otras partes: un comentario sobre refugio y migración internacional, Cristián Doña-Reveco


Reporting on Art in the City: Newspaper coverage of public art in Philadelphia, New Orleans, San Francisco, and Chicago, 2001 – 2010, Cristián Doña-Reveco and Toby A. Ten Eyck


Prenatal androgen exposure and parental care interact to influence timing of reproductive maturation in marmosets, Michelle C. Huffman, Jonathan Santo, and Jeffrey French


Social Workers’ Roles in Supporting the Sexual and Relational Health of Children with Disabilities, Heidi Adams Rueda, Sharon J. Bolin, Kristen Faye Linton, Lela Rankin Williams, and Eva Pesta


International and Comparative Peer Research: Challenges in comparing apples to oranges, Jonathan Santo


Mother–Child Attachment and Social Withdrawal In Urban Chinese Children, Jonathan Santo and Bin-Bin Chen


Correlates of Early Adolescent Friend Choice Order in a Colombian Sample: Interactions between Friend, Individual, and Contextual Prosocial Behavior and Aggressio, Jonathan Santo, Lina María Saldarriaga, Ana María Velásquez, Felicia Meyer, and William M. Bukowski


Mental Health Disparities Within the LGBT Population: A Comparison Between Transgender and Nontransgender Individuals, Dejun Su, Jay A. Irwin, Christopher Fisher, Athena Ramos, Megan Kelley, Diana Ariss Rogel Mendoza, and Jason D. Coleman


Exhaust All Measures: Ethical Issues in Pediatric End-of-Life Care, Kara J. Thielman, Cara L. Wallace, Andrea N. Cimino, and Heidi Adams Rueda


Peer Rejection as a Social Regulation Mechanism of Group Norms: The Case of Aggression Across Se, Ana María Velásquez, Kate Mills Drury, Lina María Saldarriaga, Jonathan Santo, Luz Stella-Lopez, and William M. Bukowski


Ethics at the End of Life: A Teaching Tool, Cara L. Wallace, Kara J. Thielman, Andrea N. Cimino, and Heidi Adams Rueda


Mexican American adolescent couples' vulnerability for observed negativity and physical violence: Pregnancy and acculturation mismatch, Lela Rankin Williams and Heidi Adams Rueda

Submissions from 2015


Socio-Emotional Development in Latin America: Development of children and adolescents in adverse circumstances, Ellyn Bass, Jonathan Santo, and Lina María Saldarriaga


Evidence for a synchronization of hormonal states between humans and dogs during competition, Alicia Buttner, Breanna Thompson, Rosemary Strasser, and Jonathan Santo


The relationships between shyness and unsociability and peer difficulties: The moderating role of insecure attachment, Bin-Bin Chen and Jonathan Santo


Latinos Throughout the City: A Snapshot of Socio-Demographic Differences in Omaha, Nebraska, Jasney Cogua-Lopez, Lissette Aliaga-Linares, and Lourdes Gouveia


Is reading-aloud performance in megastudies systematically influenced by the list context?, Michael J. Cortese, Sarah Hacker, Jocelyn Schock, and Jonathan Santo


Overrating Bruins, Underrating Badgers: Media, Bias, and College Basketball, Daniel Hawkins, Andrew M. Linder, Ryan Larson, and Jonathan Santo


Reproductive and Sexual Healthcare Needs Among Adults with Disabilities as Perceived by Social Workers, Kristen Faye Linton, Heidi Adams Rueda, Lela Rankin Williams, Alex Sandoval, and Sharon J. Bolin


Help-seeking and help-offering for teen dating violence among acculturating Mexican American adolescents, Heidi Adams Rueda, Lela Rankin Williams, and Julie L. Nagoshi


Does Blocking Words by Difficulty in a Reading Aloud Megastudy Improve the Predictive Power of Standard Variables on Performance Measures?, Jonathan Santo


On Bringing the Pain and Pleasure of Peer Reviews into Developmental Courses, Jonathan Santo


Think globally, collaborate locally, Jonathan Santo


Friendship Security, But Not Friendship Intimacy, Moderates the Stability of Anxiety During Preadolescence, Megan A. Wood, William M. Bukowski, and Jonathan Santo

Submissions from 2014


A Demographic Portrait of the Mexican-Origin Population in Nebraska, Lissette Aliaga-Linares


Latino Businesses in Nebraska: A Preliminary Look, Lissette Aliaga-Linares


Negocios Latinos en Nebraska: Una visión preliminar - Resumen Ejecutivo, Lissette Aliaga-Linares


QUICK FACTS about South Omaha, Lissette Aliaga-Linares


Un Retrato Demográfico de la Población de Origen Mexicano en Nebraska, Lissette Aliaga-Linares


Migration Policy and Development in Chile, Cristián Doña-Reveco and Brendan Mullan


Experiences with Pregnancy of Adolescents with Disabilities from the Perspectives of the School Social Workers Who Serve Them, Kristen Faye Linton and Heidi Adams Rueda


“She Posted It on Facebook”: Mexican American Adolescents’ Experiences With Technology and Romantic Relationship Conflict, Heidi Adams Rueda, Megan Lindsay, and Lela Rankin Williams


School Social Workers' Needs in Supporting Adolescents with Disabilities toward Dating and Sexual Health: A Qualitative Study, Heidi Adams Rueda, Kristen Faye Linton, and Lela Rankin Williams


Mexican American and European American Adolescents' Dating Experiences across the Ecosystem: Implications for Healthy Relationships within an Ecodevelopmental Framework, Heidi Adams Rueda, Julie L. Nagoshi, and Lela Rankin Williams


“It’s not just you two”: A grounded theory of peer-influenced jealousy as a pathway to dating violence among acculturating Mexican American adolescents., Heidi Adams Rueda and Lela Rankin Williams


Socio-emotional Development in Latin America: Promoting Positive Socio-emotional Development, Lina María Saldarriaga, Jonathan Santo, and Josafá Da Cunha


Trust, Cheating, and Dating Violence in Mexican American Adolescent Romantic Relationships, Lela Rankin Williams, Heidi Adams Rueda, and Julie L. Nagoshi

Submissions from 2013


Investigating the Portrait Values Questionnaire at two transitions in adulthood: Retirement and University, Andrew Burr, Jonathan Santo, and Dolores Pushkar


Supervisors behaving badly: Witnessing Ethical Dilemmas and What to Do About It, Andrea N. Cimino, John Rorke, and Heidi Adams Rueda


Multi-level Governance Processes - Citizens & Local Budgeting: Comparing Brazil, China, & the United States, Aimee Franklin, Dale Krane, and Carol Ebdon


Militarized Justice in New Democracies: Explaining the Process of Military Court Reform in Latin America, Brett J. Kyle and Andrew G. Reiter


The Never Ending Story of Language Policies in Puerto Rico, Sandra Rodriguez-Arroyo


The Never Ending Story of Language Policy in Puerto Rico, Sandra Rodriguez-Arroyo


Bringing Latino Images and Voices to the Mainstream Classroom, Sandra Rodriguez-Arroyo and Kathy Everts Danielson


Factors Underlying Contextual Variations in the Structure of the Self: Differences Related to SES, Gender, Culture, and “Majority/Nonmajority” Status During Early Adolescence, Jonathan Santo, William M. Bukowski, Luz Stella-Lopez, Gina Carmago, Shari B. Mayman, and Ryan E. Adams


Successful transition to elementary school and the implementation of facilitative practices specified in the Reggio-Emilia philosophy, Barry H. Schneider, Mara Manetti, Laura Frattini, Nadia Rania, Jonathan Bruce Santo, Robert J. Coplan, and Eli Cwinn


Friends with benefits or “friends” with deficits? The meaning and contexts of uncommitted sexual relationships among Mexican American and European American adolescents, Lela Rankin Williams and Heidi Adams Rueda


Parties, Drugs, and High School Hookups: Socioemotional Challenges for European and Mexican American Adolescents, Lela Rankin Williams and Heidi Adams Rueda

Submissions from 2012


Recent issues in Latino labor and migration around the globe: Interdisciplinary approaches, Juan F. Casas and Jonathan Bruce Santo


The Unintended Consequences of Exile: The Brazilian and Chilean Cases in Comparative Perspective, 1964 – 1990, Cristián Doña-Reveco


The Chilean State and the search for a new migration policy, Cristián Doña-Reveco and Amanda Levinson


Salivary cortisol and interpersonal functioning: An event-contingent recording study in the offspring of parents with bipolar disorder, Mark A. Ellenbogen, Anne-Marie Linnen, Jonathan Bruce Santo, Marije aan het Rot, Sheilagh Hodgins, and Simon N. Young