
Space and Defense

Space and Defense


Senior Leader Voice

…I always thought, many times as I look back, if life would have been different if I’d gone to the Air Force Academy because one of the big advantages you guys are about to experience as you go into the world, into the United States Air Force, is that you will have a support structure built in from the day you come into the service. You will have this group of people that you had a common experience with for your four years. As you go through that structure you will have that common bond that will pull you together. It’s an amazing thing. I didn’t have that.

On 23 April 2019, Gen Hyten, commander of USSTRATCOM, visited the Air Force Academy to give the annual Ira C. Eaker lecture on National Defense Policy. Before soon to be graduates and officers, Gen Hyten discussed how several Air Force career fields, particularly those involving missiles and space, contribute to successful deterrence in the 21st century. -Editor





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