"Role and Identity for Europe in Space Security" by Wolfgang Rathgeber and Nina-Louisa Remus

Space and Defense

Space and Defense


This article is reprinted here with permission from the authors. See “Executive Summary” in Wolfgang Rathgeber and Nina- Louisa Remuss, Space Security: A Formative Role and Principled Identity for Europe (European Space Policy Institute Report 16, January 2009).

Modern societies have become heavily dependent on space and its applications. As a consequence, the issue of security in space is increasingly being recognized as critical for humankind. This development is reinforced by events like the Chinese anti-satellite (ASAT) test in January 2007. Various alternatives to support the peaceful uses of space, to promote international cooperation, and to prevent an arms race in outer space are under discussion. These attempts occasionally lack support by space actors that emphasize the right to act freely when national security concerns are at stake. Possible routes forward include legally binding treaties, confidence building measures, and soft law, such as codes of conduct or rules of the road.





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