Content Posted in 2015
12-month Enrollment 2007-08, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
12-month Enrollment 2008-09, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
12-month Enrollment 2009-10, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
12-month Enrollment 2010-11, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
12-month Enrollment 2011-12, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
12-month Enrollment 2012-13, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
12-month Enrollment 2013-14, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
2000 Nebraska Population Reports, Center for Public Affairs Research (CPAR)
2003 Service Statistics: Highlights of Campus Compact’s Annual Membership Survey, Campus Compact
2004 Nebraska Population Report, David J. Drozd and Jerry Deichert
2004 Service Statistics: The Engaged Campus - Highlights and Trends of Campus Compact’s Annual Membership Survey, Campus Compact
2005 Nebraska Population Report, David J. Drozd and Jerry Deichert
2005 Service Statistics: Highlights and Trends of Campus Compact’s Annual Membership Survey, Campus Compact
2006 Nebraska Population Report, David J. Drozd and Jerry Deichert
2006 Service Statistics: Highlights and Trends of Campus Compact’s Annual Membership Survey, Campus Compact
2007 Nebraska Population Report, David J. Drozd and Jerry Deichert
2007 Service Statistics: Highlights and Trends of Campus Compact’s Annual Membership Survey, Campus Compact
2008 Nebraska Population Report, David J. Drozd and Jerry Deichert
2010 Nebraska Population Reports, David J. Drozd and Jerry Deichert
20 Exemplary Service-Learning Projects, Chicago Public Schools Service-Learning Initiative
Abnormal Breathing Strenghtens Locomotor Respiratory Coupling, Casey Caniglia
Abundant Beautification: An Effective Service-Learning Project for Students With Emotional or Behavioral Disorders, Laura M. Frey
Academic Libraries 2014-15, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
A Case Study of Community Action Service Learning on Young, Gifted Adolescents and Their Community, Alice Wickersham Terry
Accommodating Employees Experiencing Work-Life Conflict: An Examination of Supervisors’ Decision Making Processes, Christine Quick
Achievement, Engagement, and Behavior Outcomes of At-Risk Youth Following Participation in a Required Ninth-Grade Academic Support Study Center Program, Jeffrey P. Wagner
ACL deficiency affects stride-to-stride variability as measured using nonlinear methodology, Constantina O. Moraiti, Nicholas Stergiou, Stavros Ristanis, and Anastasios D. Georgoulis
A Comparative Investigation of Service-learning Models in Maryland: Student Outcomes in Relationship to Employability Skills, Ruth Brodsky
A comparison of baseline lower extremity muscle function differences in patients with PAD and healthy controls, Bryon Applequist
A Comparison of Interventions for Children with Cerebral Palsy to Improve Sitting Postural Control: A Clinical Trial, Regina T. Harbourne, Sandra L. Willett, Anastasia Kyvelidou, Joan E. Deffeyes, and Nicholas Stergiou
A comparison of the revised Stanford-Binet scale and the Terman-McNemar test of mental ability with respect to the prediction of scholastic achievement, Sanford L. McDonald
A comparison study of the WISC-III and WISC-R with a special education population, Henry P. Green
A Computational Framework to Identify Novel Applications for Existing Drugs, Colleen Hochfelder
A conceptual framework for the institutionalization of youth service programs in primary and secondary education, Andrew Furco
A Conceptual Model for Gait Maintenance in Patients with Diabetes, Chun-Kai Huang
A Concern About... Connecting School-to-Work and Service Learning, Council of Chief State School Officers
A Consideration of the Relationship Between Memory As Measured by the Stanford-Binet and Reading Achievement as Measured by the California Reading Achievement Test at the Fifth Grade Level, Alfred Owen Fonkalsrud
A Cost Study of Gaps in Substance Abuse Treatment Services in Nebraska, R. K. Piper and Jerry Deichert
Across the Sea, Kristian Petersen
Action Learning in Minnesota, Dan Conrad and Diane Hedin
Action Research in the Service of Learning, Warren Everett
Adaptation and Prosthesis Effects on Stride-to-Stride Fluctuations in Amputee Gait, Shane R. Wurdeman, Sara A. Myers, Adam L. Jacobsen, and Nicholas Stergiou
Addressing School Board and Administrative Concerns About Service-Learning, Carolyn S. Anderson and Judith T. Witmer
A Descriptive Study of the Listening Skills of Chief Probation Officers for the State of Nebraska, Patricia A. Crosby
A Design Science Based Evaluation Framework for Patterns, Stacie Clarke Petter, Deepak Khazanchi, and John D. Murphy
A Developmental Perspective on Community Service in Adolescence, Miranda Yates and James Youniss
A Different Kind of Web: New Connections Between Archives and Our Users, Kate Theimer and Amy Schindler
Administering Maturity: The Emergence of Youth Service As a Rite of Passage to Adult Citizenship, Timothy Dolan
Admissions 2014-15, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Adults as Allies, Barry Checkoway
Advantageous, Jodi McDavid
After the Summit: Building Community Networks for America’s Youth, Sabrina Burke
Agency and Community College Leadership Development: Social Science Internships, John Stuart Erwin
A genome scan for quantitative trait loci affecting male reproductive traits in a White Duroc × Chinese Erhualian resource population, Dongren Ren, J. Ren, Y. Y. Xing, Y. M. Guo, Y. B. Wu, G. C. Yang, and H. R. Mao
A Graph Isomorphism-based Distributed Algorithm for Modular Robot Configuration Formation, Ayan Dutta
A History of the Glacier Creek Preserve, Abbie Harlow
A Hybrid Approach to Indoor Sensor Area Localization and Coverage, Mengmeng Gai
A Kinder, Gentler Student Body, Linda Jacobson
A Lack of Civic Commitment?, Pablo Eisenberg
Aloft, William L. Blizek
A longitudinal study of the relations between sex, intelligence, reading grade achievement, and rate of reading growth from grades four through eight, Janice M. Ebert
Along the Red Road: Tribally Controlled Colleges and Student Development, Ann Marie Machamer
Alternative Education Programs: Program and Student Characteristics, Regina M. Foley and Lang-Sze Pang
Alternative Spring Break and Social Responsibility is There a Relationship?, Judith Angela Biggs Garbuio
A Mandate For Liberty: Requiring Education-Based Community Service, Benjamin R. Barber
A meta-analysis of service learning research in middle and high schools, Amy E. White
A meta-analysis on Experience Based Career Education, Ronald B. Bucknam and Sheara G. Brand
A Model for Energy and Well-being; Implications for Human Performance, Derek McBride
Amounts of nonverbal behavior in students labeled behaviorally impaired and comparison students, Christine Rudolph
Amputation effects on the underlying complexity within transtibial amputee ankle motion, Shane R. Wurdeman, Sara A. Myers, and Nicholas Stergiou
Analysis of spectral resolution effects for mapping invasive tamarisk across aerial and satellite imagery, Christina Lee
Analysis of the Nebraska Intake Risk Assessment Instrument, Sarah Moore and Anne M. Hobbs
Analysis of Urban and Rural Data for Various Nebraska Geographies: 2000, David J. Drozd
Analysis of Urban and Rural Data for Various Nebraska Geographies: 2010, David J. Drozd
An American Mosaic: Service Learning Stories, Carol Lester and Gail Robinson
An analysis of existential psychology, Arthur Erwin Wolfgarth
An artificial neural network that utilizes hip joint actuations to control bifurcations and chaos in a passive dynamic bipedal walking model, Max J. Kurz and Nicholas Stergiou
An Assessment of Elementary School Service-Learning Teaching Methods: Using Service-Learning Goals, Clifford Akujobi and Robert Simmons
An attempt to identify moderators of complex task performance during and after crowding, Robert Harry Robinson
An Empirical Investigation of Virtual World Projects and Metaverse Technology Capabilities, Dawn Owens, Alanah Davis, Deepak Khazanchi, and Ilze Zigurs
An Empirical Study of Online Word of Mouth as a Predictor for Multi-product Category e-Commerce Sales, Alanah Davis and Deepak Khazanchi
An Evil Threat to Marriage, Children and the Future: Queer Theory, "The Passion of the Christ," and Evangelical Political Rhetoric, Richard Wolff
An experimental examination of racial distance attitude change in young delinquent girls, Jane Anne Beem
An experimental investigation on the theoretical development of conditioned inhibition, Daniel B. Felker
An experimental study of the impact of clinical psychodiagnosis, diagnostic concept and dogmatism on the perception of psychopathology., Jane Ellen Stilwell Smith
Animal Tracks Habitat Action Pack, Rhonda Lucas Donald, Marsha A. Lakes Matyas, Sara Bradley, Cheryl Dixon, Elenor Hodges, Jennifer Kier, Margaret Tunstall, and Charles Wilkinson
Animal Tracks Northern Forest Action Pack, Elizabeth Soper, Marsha A. Lakes Matyas, Sara Bradley, Cheryl Dixon, Elenor Hodges, Jennifer Kier, Margaret Tunstall, and Charles Wilkinson
Animal Tracks Urban Communities Action Pack, Sara Bradley, Cathy McFarlane Nolan, Cheryl Dixon, Elenor Hodges, and Charles Wilkinson
Animal Tracks Water Action Pack, Karen Romano Young and Charles Wilkinson
Animal Tracks Wetlands Action Pack, Maria Hagedorn, Marsha A. Lakes Matyas, Sara Bradley, Cheryl Dixon, Elenor Hodges, Jennifer Kier, Margaret Tunstall, and Charles Wilkinson
An improved surrogate method for detecting the presence of chaos in gait, David J. Miller, Nicholas Stergiou, and Max J. Kurz
An interim proposal for the reconstruction and restoration of the Char Chatta Bazaar, Arline Lederman Friedman
An Inventory of Urban-Related Courses in the University of Nebraska System, Center for Public Affairs Research (CPAR)
An investigative study of the listening skills of managers, professional technical and clerical employees at Central States Health & Life Co. of Omaha, Kathryn Ann Gillaspie
Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction results in alterations in gait variability, Constantina O. Moraiti, Nicholas Stergiou, Haris S. Vasiliadis, Eustathios Motsis, and Anastasios D. Georgoulis
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction With a Quadrupled Hamstring Autograft Does Not Restore Tibial Rotation, Anastasios D. Georgoulis, Stavros Ristanis, Vasilis Chouliaras, Constantina O. Moraiti, and Nicholas Stergiou
An unstable shoe with a rocker bottom redistributes external work, Shane R. Wurdeman, Jenna M. Yentes, Neil B. Huben, and Nicholas Stergiou
Anxiety and Body Image in Tattooed and Nontattooed Military Prisoners, Terry L. Habeger
A Path Less Traveled: Rethinking Spirituality in the Films of Alejandro Jodorowsky, Adam Breckenridge
A PDA Intervention to Sustain Smoking Cessation in Clients With Socioeconomic Vulnerability, Lynne Buchanan and Deepak Khazanchi
A Pedagogy for Citizenship: Service Learning and Democratic Education, Meta Mendel-Reyes
Applying Theory to Community Service: A Boyeristic Model, Lyle Flint
A Proposal for Mandatory Citizen Education and Community Service, Benjamin R. Barber
A Proposal for the Michigan K-12 Service-Learning Center, The Michigan Partnership for New Education
Architectural Designs, H. D. Frankfurt
A Remote Markerless Human Gait Tracking for E-Healthcare Based on Content-Aware Wireless Multimedia Communications, Haiyan Luo, Song Ci, Dalei Wu, Nicholas Stergiou, and Ka-Chun Siu
Arthur Paul Afghanistan Collection, Criss Library
Articles Funded by the University of Nebraska at Omaha Open Access Fund, Criss Library
Artificio Conceal, William L. Blizek
A Social Model for Health Promotion for an Aging Population: Initial Evidence on the Experience Corps Model, Linda P. Fried, Michelle C. Carlson, Marc Freedman, Kevin D. Frick, Thomas A. Glass, Joel Hill, Sylvia McGill, George W. Rebok, Teresa Seeman, James Tielsch, Barbara A. Wasik, and Scott Zeger
Aspects of the relationship context as an additional strategy of self-continuity: The roles of family and peers in emerging adults, Annesha Mitra
Assessing Youth Early in the Juvenile Justice System, Anne M. Hobbs, Timbre Wulf-Ludden, and Jenna Strawhun
Assessment of Intercity Bus Services in Nebraska, Center for Public Affairs Research (CPAR)
Assisted Reproduction Versus Spontaneous Conception: A Comparison of the Developmental Outcomes in Twins, Lisa Kelly-Vance, Kristine S. Anthis, and Howard Needelman
Associations of Civic Attitudes in Service Learning, Christina M. Roemer
Associative, Semantic, 'Thematic, and Syntactic Factors in the Memory Representations of Sentences, Tracy L. Brown
A study of aptitude test scores of entering students at the University of Omaha for the years 1946 through 1951, Richard W. Schuett
A Study of Community College Student Attitudes Related to Service Learning, Dana Lee Haines
A study of the effect of chronological age on reading performance in the first, second and third grades, Gale L. Fuller
A Study of the Effects of Participation in the Helper Model of Service Learning in Early Adolescence, Center for Advanced Study in Education (CASE)
A Study of the Impact of Educational Reform on At-Risk Students in Texas, Texas Education Agency
A study of the relationship between clerical productivity and certain items of personnel information, Dale E. Garden
A study of the relationship between self-evaluations, test results and the opinions of experts, Arthur L. Belknap
A study of the relationship between visual reversal tendency and reading failure, Claramary Smith
A Study of the Teen Girl's Reactions to National Service, Seventeen
A Systematic Method for Discovering Effective Patterns of Virtual Project Management, Deepak Khazanchi and Ilze Zigurs
A Systematic, Reliable Approach to Play Assessment in Preschoolers, Lisa Kelly-Vance and Bridget O. Ryalls
At A Glance: What We Know about The Effects of Service-Learning on College Students, Faculty, Institutions and Communities, 1993- 2000: Third Edition, Janet Eyler, Dwight E. Giles Jr., Christine M. Stenson, and Charlene J. Gray
A template for the exploration of chaotic locomotive patterns, Max J. Kurz, Nicholas Stergiou, Jack Heidel, and E. Terry Foster
A test of the "contiguity" and "generalized imitation" theories of social modeling processes, Gerald R. Adams
A test of the effects of reinforcement and cognitive conflict on moral judgment, James D. Doornink
A text book of the Balochi language : consisting of miscellaneous stories, legends, poems and Balochi-English vocabulary, Mansel Longworth Dames
A Theory of Ethical Concerns and Considerations in Crowdsourcing, David Kocsis
Atlanta Service-Learning Conference Report, Southern Regional Education Board
A Tool for Accurate and Informative Behavioral Health Workforce Analysis, Andrea Bradley
Attitude-behavior relationships: A comparison of the Fishbein-Ajzen and Bentler-Speckart models, Arlene J. Fredericks
Attitudes of Returning Peace Corps Volunteers Concerning Impact of Peace Corps Interlude on Subsequent Academic Work, Mary Abrams and Terrence Cullinan
Attractor divergence as a metric for assessing walking balance, Max J. Kurz, Katerina Markopoulou, and Nicholas Stergiou
Auditory and Visual Cues for Topic Maintenance with Persons Who Exhibit Dementia of Alzheimer’s Type, Amy Wilson Teten, Paul A. Dagenais, and Mary J. Friehe
Augmenting Online Learning with Real-Time Conferencing: Experiences from an International Course, Bjørn Erik Munkvold, Ilze Zigurs, and Deepak Khazanchi
Auxiliary Appendixes for Juvenile Justice Program Collaboration, Center for Public Affairs Research (CPAR)
A variation of Sternberg's paradigm, Robert J. Smillie
Avatars, People, and Virtual Worlds: Foundations for Research in Metaverses, Alanah Davis, John D. Murphy, Dawn Owens, Deepak Khazanchi, and Ilze Zigurs
Awarding Credit for Service: A Study Conducted for the Corporation for National Service, Robert D. Shumer
Away from the top: Exploring strategic leadership in an emergent strategic initiative process, A. Erin Bass and Ivana Milosevec
A Way With Words: A Unique Approach to Literacy and Career Development, Allyson D. Brathwaite
Barbara A. Holland Collection for Service Learning and Community Engagement (SLCE), Criss Library
Becoming People Who Find Solutions, Eli J. Segal
Behavioral observation versus behavioral expectation rating scales: Development and psychometric properties, Calvin C. Hoffman
Behavioral, social, and hormonal outcomes of dogs rescued from canine commercial breeding establishments, Alicia Buttner
Being in Another World: Transcultural Student Experiences Using Service Learning With Families Who Are Homeless, Roberta J. Hunt and Paula Swiggum
Best Practices in Service-Learning at Christian Private Liberal Arts Colleges and Universities, Regan Harwell Schaffer
Beyond the Confines of Tolerance in Rachid Buchareb’s London River: Theological Discussion and Educational Approach to an Open Ended film, Panayiotis A. Thoma PTH
Bibliography and Annotated Bibliography of Research: The Effects of Service-Learning Participation on Students Who Serve, Marilyn W. Smith
Big Data: How Correlation Networks can be used to Predict and Analyze Safety Problems, Alexander Fuchsberger
Biomechanics Research Building, Criss Library
Birds of Neptune, Kristian Petersen
Borders Up in Smoke: Marijuana Enforcement in Nebraska After Colorado’s Legalization of Medicinal Marijuana, Jared M. Ellison and Ryan E. Spohn
Breakaway, Fall 1971, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Breakaway, Spring 1972, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Breaking the Criminogenic Code: A Frame Analysis of Neo-Nazi and Violent Jihadi Propaganda, William Travis Morris
Building Character, Trust, and Leadership: Service Learning Offers Positive Pathways to Adulthood, Kathy Checkley
Building Community: A Tool Kit for Youth & Adults in Charting Assets and Creating Change, Innovation Center and National 4-H Council
Building the Meat Packing Industry in South Omaha, 1883-1898, Gina Lorna DiDonato
“‘Calming These Nerves’: The Politics of Gender and Disability in Fibromyalgia Rhetoric”, Caitlin Ray
Can Russia invade India?, H. B. Hanna
Can the Results of Biodiversity-Ecosystem Productivity Studies Be Translated to Bioenergy Production?, Timothy L. Dickson and Katherine L. Gross
Capital and the Ecological Crisis of the Twenty-First Century: Capitalism’s Impact on Nature in Marx and Engels’s Theory and Today, Clare Maakestad
Cardiac Changes During an Attention-Demanding Task in Mentally Retarded Adults, James M. Granfield
Case Studies in Sustainability Management - The Oikos Collection Vol. 3, Jordi Vives Gabriel, A. Erin Bass, and R. J. Morris
Censored Voices, Jodi McDavid
Census Data for Nebraska Unicameral Senate Districts for Post 2000 boundaries, David J. Drozd
Center for Service-Learning Faculty Packet, Brevard Community College
Central Park East Secondary School (CPESS) At a Glance, David Smith
Cerebral Hemispheric Mechanisms in the Retrieval of Ambiguous Word Meanings, Roland Curt Burgess
Cerebral Lateralization and Cognitive Function, C. Mark Borgstrom
Chad Meyer's Japanese study project, Chad Meyers
Challenging College Students' Assumptions about Community Service Tutoring, Jodi L. Borstein
Change as a Scholarly Act: Higher Education Research Transfer to Practice, Judith Ramaley
Changes in peer conformity across age on normative and informational tasks, Susan C. Wright
Changing attitudes by means of classical conditioning, Larry R. Smeltzer
Character, Civic Renewal and Service Learning for Democratic Citizenship in Higher Education, John Annette
Characterizing the neurotranscriptomic states in alternative stress coping styles, Ryan Y. Wong, Melissa S. Lamm, and John Godwin
Childrearing Correlates of the Repression-Sensitization Dimension, Nancy W. Perry
Children's Attitudes Toward Play: An Investigation of Their Context Specificity and Relationship to Organized Sport Experiences, Donald L. Greer and Michael J. Stewart
Children’s looking preference for biological motion may be related to an affinity for mathematical chaos, Joshua L. Haworth, Anastasia Kyvelidou, Wayne Fisher, and Nicholas Stergiou
Christmas, Again, William L. Blizek
Chuck Norris vs. Communism, Jodi McDavid
CIS Middle School Community Service Handbook 1998-99, CIS Middle School
Citizenship and Young People's Role in Public Life, Melissa Bass
Citizenship, Community Service, and University--Based Community Schools, Marie K. Bogle and Ira Harkavy
Citizenship Service Learning: Becoming Citizens by Assisting Immigrants, Robert Koulish
Civic Declaration, American Civic Forum
Civic Engagement and American Democracy, Richard Erdmann
Classroom Management and the Librarian, Heidi Blackburn and Lauren Hays
Climatic Change and Variation: A Primer for Teachers, William A. Dando and Christina E. Dando
Climbing a ladder to heaven. Gnostic vision of the world in Jacob's Ladder (1990), Fryderyk Kwiatkowski
Closing the Achievement Gap: Using the Environment as an Integrating Context for Learning, Gerald A. Lieberman and Linda L. Hoody
Coexpression Network Analysis of miRNA-142 Overexpression in Neuronal Cells, Ishwor Thapa, Howard S. Fox, and Dhundy Raj Bastola
Cognitive differentiation and information processing, Monica Brien
Cognitive differentiation and trait anxiety as a function of conceptual level, George T. Brennan
Collaborative success and community culture: Cross-sectoral partnerships addressing homelessness in Omaha and Portland, Patrick T. McNamara
College credit for community service: A "win-win" situation, Janet Patterson Fleischauer and John F. Fleischauer
Colorado’s legalization of medicinal marijuana: The effects on Nebraska’s law enforcement and local jail system, Jared M. Ellison and Ryan E. Spohn
Combining service and learning: A comparison study of the relationship between a classroom sponsored service learning initiative and the moral, civic and intellectual lives of college students, Timothy Patrick Leary
Communal Participatory Action Research as a Strategy for Improving Universities and the Social Sciences: Penn's Work With the West Philadelphia Improvement Corps as a Case Study, Lee Benson, Ira Harkavy, and John Puckett
Communication Apprehension in Bilingual College Students: A Variation of Speaking the Same?, Casey Riesberg
Communication stereotypes of Caucasian college students, Danna Voorhes Swartz
Community Action Problem Solving Teacher Guide, Earth Force
Community-Based Learning: A Study of a Model Dropout Prevention Program, Robert D. Shumer
Community-Based Learning: Engaging Students for Success and Citizenship, Atelia Melaville, Amy C. Berg, and Martin J. Blank
Community-Based Learning Projects for the "Real World", Chris Davis
Community Colleges Broadening Horizons through Service Learning, 2003-2006, Gail Robinson
Community Colleges: School Community Relationships, David Deckelbaum
Community-Engaged Scholarship in ffigher Education: An Expanding Experience, Judith A. Ramaley
Community Leaders' Perceptions of University and College Efforts to Encourage Civic Engagement, Richard A. Brisbin Jr. and Susan Hunter
Community Partner Guide to Service-Learning & Volunteerism, California State University - Northridge
Community Partner Orientation for Service Learning Courses, Service Learning Institute
Community Partners as Educational Collaborators, California State University
Community Perspectives in Higher Education Service Leaming and Volunteerism, Andrea Vernon
Community Service and Political Identity Development in Adolescence, Miranda Yates and James Youniss
Community Service in Arizona Schools: "A State-of-the-State" Report, Linda Sadler and Judith A. Vandegrift
Community Service Leadership Conference, Bill Sigismond and Gary Thompson
Community ServiceLearning and the Vocational Teacher, Robert D. Shumer
Community Service-Learning in Teacher Education: A Report on Innovative Programs in New England, Beth Wohlleb and Robert Maloy
Community Service Learning Packet, Martin Kimeldorf
Community Service Learning: Tenth Anniversary Edition, California State University
Community Service: Mandatory or Voluntary?, Diane Loup
Community Service Promotes, Marlow Ediger
Community Service & Service Learning Initiatives in Independent Schools, Deborah Genzer
Community Service to the Elderly A Service-Learning Model: Guidelines for Replication, James M. McCrea and Sherry G. Cottom
Community Service Work-Study Program (CSWSP) Student Handbook, Center for Service and Learning at Oberlin College
Community Service Work-Study Program (CSWSP) Student Handbook - For Student Employees 2005-2006, Center for Service and Learning at Oberlin College
Community Voices: A California Campus Compact Study on Partnerships (Executive Summary), Marie Sandy
Community Voices: A California Campus Compact Study on Partnerships (Final Report), Marie Sandy
Comparison of cortisol samples in the first two weeks of life in preterm infants, Tiffany A. Moore, Kendra K. Schmid, and Jeffrey French
Comparison of Two Word Learning Techniques and the Effect of Neighborhood Density for Late Talkers, Shari L. DeVeney, Cynthia J. Cress, and Robert Reid
Compensatory mechanisms in anterior cruciate ligament deficiency, Anastasios Papadonikolakis, Lance Cooper, Nicholas Stergiou, Anastasios D. Georgoulis, and Panayotis N. Coucacos
Completions 2000-01, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Completions 2001-02, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Completions 2002-03, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Completions 2003-04, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Completions 2004-05, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Completions 2006-2007, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Completions 2007-08, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Completions 2008-09, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Completions 2009-10, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Completions 2010-11, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Completions 2011-12, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Completions 2012-13, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Completions 2013-14, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Completions 2014-2015, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Complexity of Postural Control in Infants: Linear and Nonlinear Features Revealed by Principal Component Analysis, Regina T. Harbourne, Joan E. Deffeyes, Anastasia Kyvelidou, and Nicholas Stergiou
Components of Population Change, Nebraska Counties, 1990-2000, Jerry Deichert
Concept instruction effects in complex problem solving, Charles Jay Gadway
Conceptual systems theory and cognitive complexity, Thomas T. Colyer
Concurrent validity of the pain locus of control scale and its relationship to treatment outcome variables, Linda Kay Schaefer
Conferences and Campus Events, Criss Library
Connecting School to Work & Service Learning: Building a Competent, Caring Workforce for the 21st Century, Quest International
Conserved Molecular Underpinnings and Characterization of a Role for Caveolin-1 in the Tumor Microenvironment of Mature T-Cell Lymphomas, Tyler A. Herek, Timothy D. Shew, Heather N. Spurgin, and Christine E. Cutucache
Constructing identity in place : Celia Thaxter and the Isles of Shoals, Deborah B. Derrick
Construction of an instrument to assess the service learning model: Establishing concurrent validity and internal reliability, Christopher Anthony Payne
Construct validity and development of local norms in the assessment of ADHD., Rose Ternes Hunter
Conversation Piece: National Service, is it for Us?, Carl A. Bade
Corporation for National and Community Service: Strategic Plan 2006-2010, Corporation for National and Community Service
Correlational study of attachment and self-reported levels of urges to self-harm and frequency of self-harming behaviors in dialectical behavioral therapy clients, Nealy Anne Vicker
Cost/Benefit Analysis of the Douglas County Drug Court, Cassia Spohn and R. K. Piper
Crafting multicultural science education with preservice teachers through service-learning, Angela Calabrese Barton
Creating a Culture of Assessment: 2012 Annual Member Survey, Campus Compact
Creating and Managing Partnerships for Service-Learning Integration: A Guide for Service-Leaming Coordinators, Jim Pitofsky
Creating Cultural Capital: Cultural Entrepreneurship in Theory, Pedagogy and Practice, Olaf Kuhlke, Annick Schramme, René Kooyman, A. Erin Bass, Ivana Milosevec, and Dale Eesley
Criss Chronicles, Volume 5, Issue 1, Criss Library
Criss Chronicles, Volume 6, Issue 1, Criss Library
CSL Facts 2003/2004: Facts on Community Service Learning in the California State University, California State University
CUA Newsletters Vol. 1, No.1 - Vol.1, No.8, Center for Public Affairs Research (CPAR)
Cultural aspects of preschool education: Ojibwa, Odawa and Potawatomi Indian children's ''ways of knowing and communicating'' in early intervention and Head Start programs, Lois M. Bissell Jircitano
Dedication Embassy of the United States of America, Kabul, Afghanistan, United States Embassy, Afghanistan
Deepening the roots of civic engagement: 2011 Annual Membership Survey - Executive Summary, Campus Compact
Defining Excellence for School-Linked Services, Esther Wattenberg and Yvonne Pearson
Delineating the wildland urban interface using publicly available geospatial data, Mary Rozmajzl
Democracy's Next Generation, Donna Fowler
Democratic Service Learning, Lew Allen and Kathy Thompson
De novo assembly of the common marmoset transcriptome from NextGen mRNA sequences, Mnirnal D. Maudhoo, Dongren Ren, Julien S. Gradnigo, Robert M. Gibbs, Austin C. Lubker, Etsuko N. Moriyama, Jeffrey French, and Robert B. Norgren
Der skandinavische Horrorfilm. Kultur- und ästhetikgeschichtliche Perspektiven (The Scandinavian Horror Film. Cultural historical and Aesthetical Historical Perspectives), Christiane Königstedt
Describing Service-Learning: A Delphi Study, Robert D. Shumer
Design, Assessment, and In Vivo Evaluation of a Computational Model Illustrating the Role of CAV1 in CD4+ T Lymphocytes, Brittany Conroy
Design, assessment, and in vivo evaluation of a computational model illustrating the role of CAV1 in CD4+ T-lymphocytes, Brittany D. Conroy, Tyler A. Herek, Timothy D. Shew, Matthew Latner, Joshua J. Larson, Laura Allen, Paul H. Davis, Tomáš Helikar, and Christine E. Cutucache
Designing Computer-based Writing Tools for Community Action, David Fleming
Designing Meaningful Projects That Meet Community Needs, Johnny Irizarry
Destination Democracy, Kids Voting
Detection of Mycoplasma in Human Cell Cultures Using Homology and PCR, Caleb Cave
Determination of the Dissimilarity of a Highly Conserved Gene in a Hive of The European Honeybee (Apis mellifera), Brandon Hulsebusch
Developing and Implementing Service-Learning in Aging, Donald E. Gelfand and James P. Firman
Developing Civically Rich Culminating Projects, Project Service Leadership
Developing Indicators and Measures of Civic Outcomes for Elementary School Students, Bernadette Chi, JoAnn Jastrzab, and Alan Melchior
Developmental changes in level of achievement as a function of magnitude and direction of cue validity, James M. Spencer
Developmental Outcomes of Service Learning Pedagogics, Josh P. Armstrong
Development and Sustainability of ePortfolios in Counselor Education: An Applied Retrospective, Ann Luther and Paul E. Barnes
Dewey's Theory of Experience: Implications for Service-Learning, Dwight E. Giles
Differences Among Community Service Volunteers, Extracurricular Volunteers, and Nonvolunteers on the College Campus, R. Thomas Fitch
Differences in Emotional Labor Across Cultures: A Comparison of Chinese and U.S. Service Workers, Joseph A. Allen, James M. Diefendorff, and Yufeng Ma
Differential Effects of Praise Types, Ronald M. Kennedy
Diffusion of shame: Experiences of sex offender family support networks, Danielle Bailey
Discontinuities and Best Practices in Virtual Research Collaboration, Vipin Arora, Deepak Khazanchi, Bjørn Erik Munkvold, Dawn Owens, Karen Stendal, Alvin Tarrell, Adeola Wale-Kolade, Sofi Westin, and Ilze Zigurs
Discovering Citizenship Through Community Development, Institute for Global Education and Service Learning
Diversion in Nebraska: FY 2012/2013, Amy Hoffman and Anne M. Hobbs
Documentary as Exorcism: Resisting the Bewitchment of Colonial Christianity, Michael Broyles
Does Footwear Affect Ankle Coordination Strategies?, Max J. Kurz and Nicholas Stergiou
Does Mutual Knowledge Affect Virtual Team Performance? Theoretical Analysis and Anecdotal Evidence, Alanah Davis and Deepak Khazanchi
Do Faculty Connect School to Work? Evidence From Community Colleges, Dominic J, Brewer and Maryann Jacobi Gray
Dogmatism and inequality: Effects on affect and performance, S. Alan Rosenkrantz
Doing Good While Doing Well: Service Learning Internships, Louise Rehling
Doing Theology in the City, Paul Fitzgerald
Doing Well by Doing Good: A Study of the Effects of a Service-Learning Experience on Student Success, Judith S. Berson and William F. Younkin
Don't wait for them to come to you: Partnering with student support services, Katie Bishop, Connie Sorensen-Birk, and Derek Boeckner
Don Verdean, William L. Blizek
“Dosage” Decisions for Early Intervention Services, Miriam E. Kuhn and Christine A. Marvin
Dynamic System Analysis of HIV infection in CD4+ T-cells, Andrew Pulfer
Early Childhood/Child Welfare Priority, Nancy Edick, Samantha K. Ammons, Melissa Cast-Brede, Ann Coyne, Karen Falconer Al-Hindi, Shari Hofschire, Lisa Kelly-Vance, Jay Killion, Sajda Qureshi, Bridget O. Ryalls, Peter Simi, and Peter Wolcott
E-Collaboration in Modern Organizations: Initiating and Managing Distributed Projects, Ned Knock, Ilze Zigurs, and Deepak Khazanchi
Economic Cataracts: A Chronicle of Efforts to Remove the Obstacles of Urban Community Engagement and Economic Inclusion, Preston Love Jr.
Educating a Committe Citizenry, Faith Gabelnick
Educating Citizens Building Communities: Annual Membership Survey Results - Executive Summary, Campus Compact
Educational Leaders Encouraging the Intellectual and Professional Capacity of Others: A Social Justice Agenda, Elizabeth Murakami-Ramalho, Anita Pankake, Jeanne L. Surface, Peter J. Smith, Kay Anne Keiser, and Karen L. Hayes
Educational Policy Through Service Learning: Preparation for Citizenship and Civic Participation, Susan G. Forman and Louise C. Wilkinson
Educational Programs: Innovative Practices for Archives and Special Collections, Kate Theimer, Amy Schindler, and Jennie Davy
Education for Citizenship, Service Learning and Political Science, John Annette
Education for Democratic Citizenship, Rosemary C. Salamone
Educationg Citizens, Building Communities: Annual Membership Survey Results - Executive Summary, Campus Compact
Education: How Can Schools and Communities Work Together To Meet the Challenge? A Guide for Involving Community Members in Public Dialogue and Problem-Solving, Matthew Leighninger and Mark Niedergang
Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program: Evaluation Report, Ryan E. Spohn, Sommer L. Fousek, Mike Behm, and Lisa Stamm
Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Grant, Nebraska Strategic Plan, 2012-2015, Ryan E. Spohn, Melissa Gray, Mike Behm, and Lisa Stamm
Effectiveness of Reconstruction of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament With Quadrupled Hamstrings and Bone-Patellar Tendon-Bone Autografts: An In Vivo Study Comparing Tibial Internal-External Rotation, Vasileios Chouliaras, Stavros Ristanis, Constantina Moraiti Moraiti, Nicholas Stergiou, and Anastasios D. Georgoulis
Effectiveness of three differential reinforcement techniques as a function of past reinforcement history and present schedule of reinforcement, La Rue Chappell
Effect of a Career, Academic, Personal and Social Growth High School Transition Program Option on 9th-Grade Students' Achievement, Behavior, and Engagement, Tiffanie A. Gauchat
Effect of degree of cue separation and stimulus encoding method on cue sample size and learning rate, Robert Jason Weiss
Effect of femoral tunnel placement for reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament on tibial rotation, Stavros Ristanis, Nicholas Stergiou, Eleftheria Siarava, Aikaterini Ntoulia, Grigoris Mitsionis, and Anastasios D. Georgoulis
Effect of normalization and phase angle calculations on continuous relative phase, Max J. Kurza and Nicholas Stergiou
Effects of 3D video gaming on Visual Spatial awareness, Chelsea Ross
Effects of a chronic increase in plasma corticosterone on the brooding behavior of the prairie skink, Plestiodon septentrionalis , Alexander James Anton
Effects of a selected motor skill task on the development of stereopsis, William M. Rentschler
Effects of evaluation on creative production, Dalia E. Katilius-Braun
Effects of participatory learning programs in middle and high school civic education, Simon Kim, B. Sue Parks, and Marvin Beckerman
Effects of process vs. outcome accountability, responsibility, and indentifiability on solution quality, Megan Potter
Effects of proportion of positive instances and degree of restriction on the induction of a principle, Dennis C. Dervin
Effects of serial position of relevant cue in the rehearsal order and method of encoding on attention in a single cue concept identification task, Barbara M. Bethel
Efficient Simultaneous Motion and Task Planning Using Task Reachability Graphs, Brad Woosley
Elder Mentors: Elder Mentors and At-Risk Youth, Marc Freedman
Elder Mentors: Giving Schools a Hand, Marc Freedman and Natalie Jaffe
Electromechanical delay of the knee extensor muscles is not altered after harvesting the patellar tendon as a graft for ACL reconstruction: implications for sports performance, Anastasios D. Georgoulis, Stavros Ristanis, Anastasios Papadonikolakis, Elias Tsepis, and U. Moebius
Electromechanical Delay of the Knee Flexor Muscles After Harvesting the Hamstrings for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction, Stavros Ristanis, Elias Tsepis, Dimitrios Giotis, Franceska Zampeli, Nicholas Stergiou, and Anastasios D. Georgoulis
Electromyographic response is altered during robotic surgical training with augmented feedback, Timothy N. Judkins, D. Oleynikov, and Nicholas Stergiou
Electronic Commerce Application Development: A Comparison of User and IT Professional Perspectives, Douglas Havelka and Deepak Khazanchi
Electronic Medical Records: Barriers to Adoption and Diffusion, Halbana Tarmizi, Deepak Khazanchi, and Cherie Noteboom
Eleven Principles of Effective Character Education, Tom Lickona, Eric Schaps, and Catherine Lewis
Embracing Civic Responsibility, Judith Ramaley
Employer and Training Needs: Report 1 Ophthalmic Technology, Joan V. Holley
Empowering Students Through Community Action, Natasha Diane Yanez
Encyclopedia of E-Collaboration, Ned Knock, Ilze Zigurs, Deepak Khazanchi, and Azamat Mametjanov
Encyclopedia of World Climatology, John E. Oliver and Christina E. Dando
Energy Demands of Reproduction in Burying Beetles, Alicia Reyes
Engaged and Engaging Science: A Component of a Good Liberal Education, Judith A. Ramaley and Rosemary R. Haggett
Engagement Differences for 2-year-olds Identified as Late Talker, Brianna E. Hendrickson and Shari L. DeVeney
Engagement Differences for 2-Year-Olds Identified as Late Talkers, Brianna Hendrickson
Engaging Students in Community Issues, Kara A. McCraw and Susan S. Taylor
English Language Arts and Service Topic Bibliography, Robin Vue-Benson and Robert D. Shumer
Enhanced Robotic Surgical Training Using Augmented Visual Feedback, Timothy N. Judkins, D. Oleynikov, and Nicholas Stergiou
Enhancing Fundamental Robot-Assisted Surgical Proficiency by Using a Portable Virtual Simulator, Jung Hung Chien, I. H. Suh, Shi-Huyn Park, Mukul Mukherjee, D. Oleynikov, and Ka-Chun Siu
Enhancing student development in service-learning with performance-based assessment rubrics, Paula M. Vaughn
Enhancing the Learning Environment: Learning the Language of Experiential Education, M. Clark
Enterprise Risk Management: Identifying Risks in B2B E-Commerce Relationships, Vicky Arnold, Clark Hampton, Deepak Khazanchi, and Steve G. Sutton
Entertainment, Rubina Ramji
Environmental Education: A Community /University Approach, Tom P. Abeles
Environmental persuasion and Roman Catholic Church interior design after Vatican Council II, 1963-present: A case study of Notre Dame Chapel, Omaha, Nebraska, James M. Gaughan
Epididymal Functions and its Influence on Sperm Maturation, L. Li, L. Zhou, Dongren Ren, Y. Y. Xing, and C. Chen
Establishing Partnerships, Dare Mighty Things
Ethical Considerations for Virtual Worlds, Alanah Mitchell and Deepak Khazanchi
Eucharistic Imagery in Film: Two Patterns of Usage, Caesar A. Montevecchio
Evaluating Service-Learning Programs, Andrew Furco
Evaluating the Achievement Outcomes of 5th-Grade Students Following Their Enrollment in Federally-Funded, Inquiry- Based Classrooms to Determine Program Sustainability, Daniel L. Frazier
Evaluation System for Experiential Education Programs: Evaluation Guide, Andrew Furco
Everyday Democracy: A Study of Two Teachers' Perspectives on Social Education, Elaine Metherall Brenneman
Every Student A Citizen: Creating the Democratic Self, Educational Commission of the States
Evidence-Based Practice in Juvenile Justice: Nebraska White Paper, Richard L. Wiener, Anne M. Hobbs, and Ryan E. Spohn
Examining the Effects of Nebraska's Good Time Laws - Final Report, Benjamin M. Steiner and Calli M. Cain
Examining the Effects of Nebraska's Good Time Laws - Research Brief, Benjamin M. Steiner and Calli M. Cain
Excellence in Service-Learning Practice, National Service-Learning Partnership
Excessive Tibial Rotation During High-Demand Activities Is Not Restored by Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction, Stavros Ristanis, Nicholas Stergiou, Kostas Patras, Haris S. Vasiliadis, Giannis Giakas, and Anastasios D. Georgoulis
Executive Summary - The Philadelphia Freedom Schools Junior Leader Project, Shelley H. Billig
Expanding and Sustaining Partnerships, Judith A. Ramaley
Expanding the Notion of Relevance in IS Research: A Proposal and Some Recommendations, Deepak Khazanchi and Bjørn Erik Munkvold
Expedient airfield runway repair using folded fiberglass mat, Christopher Y. Tuan and William C. Dass
Experiential Education and Civic Learning, Robert H. McKenzie
Experiential Education - EX 196, Eileen M. Lewandowski
Experiential-Learning Activities in Undergraduate Developmental Psychology, Andrea D. Clements
Facilitator's Manual: Curriculum to Establish an Intergenerational Oral History Program, Institute for Global Education & Service Learning
Factors Affecting Functional Reach Scores in Youth with Typical Development, Kathleen G. Volkman, Nicholas Stergiou, Wayne A. Stuberg, Regina T. Harbourne, Daniel Blanke, and Julie Stoner
Factors That Influence Male Millennials to Become Professional Librarians, Heidi Blackburn
Faculty Guide to Service-Learning, David B. Johnson
Fairy Tale Friends, Mary Chamberlain
Fall Enrollment (2006-07), UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Fall Enrollment (2007-08), UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Fall Enrollment (2008-09), UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Fall Enrollment (2009-10), UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Fall Enrollment (2010-11), UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Fall Enrollment (2011-12), UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Fall Enrollment (2012-13), UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Fall Enrollment (2013-14), UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Families, Crime and Criminal Justice: Charting the Linkages, Greer Litton Fox, Michael L. Benson, and Ryan E. Spohn
Family Permanence Versus the Best Interests of the Child, Robert Henley Woody
Favorability as a function of exposure, race, and initial affective rating, Kenneth W. Nikels
Favorability as influenced by frequency of exposure to black and white college seniors, Michael R. Baum
Feeding the Poor: The Portrayal of Destitute Children in the Fundraising Campaigns of NGOs in India, Abhishek Bhati
Female Pervert, Kristian Petersen
Finance 2006-07, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Finance 2007-08, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Finance 2008-09, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Finance 2009-10, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Finance 2010-11, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Finance 2011-12, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Finance 2012-13, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Finance 2013-14, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Fire Protection in Rural Nebraska: A Focus on Volunteer-Based Organizations, Robert F. Blair, David J. Drozd, and Jerry Deichert
Five Voices, One Place Educational Resource, Katie Bishop
Flipping, Collaborating, Assessing: Adopting New Modes of Library Instruction, Katie Bishop
Florida Learn & Serve 1995-96: What Were the Outcomes?, Joe Follman and Kate Muldoon
Folklore in Archives: The Norman Studer Papers and the University at Albany Experience, Amy Schindler
Follow-up Evaluation 2 Years After ACL Reconstruction With Bone–Patellar Tendon–Bone Graft Shows That Excessive Tibial Rotation Persists, Stavros Ristanis, Nicholas Stergiou, Kostas Patras, Elias Tsepis, Constantina O. Moraiti, and Anastasios D. Georgoulis
Food and Famine in the 21st Century, William A. Dando and Christina E. Dando
Forced resettlement and attitude change: A study of cognitive dissonance, Vincent Joel Webb
Fostering Civic Responsibility, Constitutional Rights Foundation
Fostering Intergenerational Relatiollships for At-Risk Youth, Marc Freedman
Foundation Resource Guide: A Compilation of Major Foundations That Sponsor Activities Relevant to College-Community Partnerships, Office of University Partnerships
From Profiles to Patterns: A New View of Task-Technology Fit, Ilze Zigurs and Deepak Khazanchi
From Stealthy to Burgeoning: Student Curators in the Earl Gregg Swem Library, Amy Schindler
Further correspondence respecting Central Asia, Great Britain, Foreign Office
Gait mechanics in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Jenna M. Yentes, Kendra K. Schmid, Daniel Blanke, Debra J. Romberger, Stephen I. Rennard, and Nicholas Stergiou
Galerkin Methods for Stochastic Differential Equations, Bryan Johnson
Gaze and posture coordinate differently with the complexity of visual stimulus motion, Joshua L. Haworth, Srikant Vallabhajosula, and Nicholas Stergiou
Gender Evolution: Observing dynamic gender within China Miéville's Perdido Street Station, Chynna Jedlicka
Gender Stereotypes Male Librarians Face Today, Heidi Blackburn
Generalized Self-Efficacy as a Moderator on Burnout and Outcomes for Working College Students, Albert Blanco
Genetic Diversity in Oxytocin Ligands and Receptors in New World Monkeys, Dongren Ren, Guoqing Lu, Hideaki Moriyama, Aaryn C. Mustoe, Emily B. Harrison, and Jeffrey French
Genome-wide identification of QTL for age at puberty in gilts using a large intercross F2 population between White Duroc and Erhualian, Guangcheng Yang, Jun Ren, Shijun Li, Huirong Mao, Yuanmei Guo, Zhengzhi Zou, Dongren Ren, Junwu Ma, and Lusheng Huang
Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies, Volume 33, Hayden Lorimer, Charles W.J. Withers, and Christina E. Dando
Geographic Background Report No. 1: Omaha's Agricultural Core Region, Harold J. Retallick and Charles R. Gildersleeve
Georeferenced data employed in the spatial analysis of neighborhood diversity and creative class share in Chicago, Bradley Bereitschaft
George Santayana: A critical anomaly, Carol Ann Erickson
Germ-line chimerism and paternal care in marmosets (Callithrix kuhlii), C. N. Ross, Jeffrey French, and G. Ortí
Give Water a Hand: Leader Guidbook, Give Water a Hand
Gods of the City? Reflecting on City Building Games as an Early Introduction to Urban Systems, Bradley Bereitschaft
Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief, William L. Blizek
GOT MATH? Implementation Guide, Margo Shea and Christopher Nye
Graduation Rates 200 (2009-10), UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Graduation Rates 200 (2010-11), UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Graduation Rates 200 (2011-12), UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Graduation Rates 200 (2012-13), UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Graduation Rates 200 (2013-14), UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Graduation Rates 200 (2014-15), UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Graduation Rates 2006-07, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Graduation Rates 2007-08, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Graduation Rates 2008-09, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Graduation Rates 2009-10, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Graduation Rates 2010-11, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Graduation Rates 2011-12, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Graduation Rates 2012-13, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Graduation Rates 2013-14, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Graduation Rates 2014-15, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Grappling, Theodore R. Sizer and Nancy Faust Sizer
Guidance and Learn and Serve Program Partnerships: A View Towards Integration for Classroom Delivery, Bob Bhaerman and Harry Drier
Guidelines for Evaluating Patterns in the IS Domain, Deepak Khazanchi, John D. Murphy, and Stacie Clarke Petter
Handbook of Research on Information Security and Assurance, Jatinder N.D. Gupta, Sushil K. Sharma, Andrew P. Martin, and Deepak Khazanchi
Handbook of Research on Technology Project Management, Planning and Operations, Terry T. Kidd, Dawn M. Owens, and Deepak Khazanchi
Haptic perception of the Mueller-Lyer illusion by the blind, James G. Patterson
Health Professions Schools in Service to the Nation, Sherril B. Gelmon and Barbara A. Holland
Health Professions Schools in Service to the Nation, Sherril B. Gelmon, Barbara A. Holland, and Anu F. Shinnamon
Health Professions Schools in Service to the Nation: Evaluation Report, Sherril B. Gelmon, Barbara A. Holland, and Anu F. Shinnamon
Hellions, Jodi McDavid
Helping The Community: An Untapped Resource for Troubled Children, Alec J. Allen and Martin L. Mitchell
Heroes of the Chitral siege, Alice F. Jackson,
Higher Education and Civic Responsibility, Alexander W. Astin
Higher Education: Civic Mission & Civic Effects, Carnegie Foundation
Highlights from Service-Learning in California's Teacher Education Programs: A White Paper, Andrew Furco and Mary Sue Ammon
Hip Actuations Can be Used to Control Bifurcations and Chaos in a Passive Dynamic Walking Model, Max J. Kurz and Nicholas Stergiou
Hispanic/Latino Changes in Nebraska's Population: 1980 to 2010, David J. Drozd
Hispanic Population by County for Select States: 2000 and 2010, David J. Drozd
Hormonal Assessment of Sexual Maturation in Four Captive Lowland Gorilla Males, Anna Bellisari and Jeffrey French
How Disruptive Is Information Technology Really?, Judith A. Ramaley
How does the fictional TV marriage influence a young adult's own perceptions about marriage?, Gina A. Svedsen
How fun are your meetings? Investigating the relationship between humor patterns in team interactions and team performance, Nale Lehmann-Willenbrock and Joseph A. Allen
How Service Learning Affects Students, Alexander W. Astin, Lori J. Vogelgesang, Elaine K. Ikeda, and Jennifer A. Yee
How Service-Learning Can Enhance the Pedagogy and Culture ofEngineering Programs at Institutions of Higher Education: A Review of the Literature, Jessica L. Paquin
How Service Works. Summary of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation's "Service Works": A Retrospective Evaluation of Higher Education Service Programs, Cynthis Koch, Mark Lelle, Robert Long, and Michael Van Buren
How we judge others: The attribution of responsibility, Brad B. Richardson
H.R. 2335, June 8 1993, Committee on Education and Labor Bill, U.S. House of Representatives
Human Resources 2007-08, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Human Resources 2008-09, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Human Resources 2009-10, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Human Resources 2010-11, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Human Resources 2011-12, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Human Resources 2012-13, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Human Resources 2013-14, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
“I Ain’t So Sure but What the Lord Done Put These Folks in Our Path for a Reason”: Latter-day Saints Building Communities Through Dancing in John Ford’s Wagon Master, Ian Dwayne Pettigrew
I am Michael, William L. Blizek
Identification of Septin Regulators in Candida albicans, Carissa Brugman
Identifying the tautomeric form of a deoxyguanosine-estrogen quinone intermediate, Douglas E. Stack
If All Youth Served: Empowering Youth to Build Community Through Service, Lenore M. Parker
Imagining a Functional Partnership Between Leadership Development and Service-Learning Programs, Lisa McGettigan Chambers
Imitation in adult-sibling dyads, Albert F. Hodapp
IMMEDIATO v. RYE NECK SCH. DIST., United States District Court Southern District of New York
Impact of Resistance Training on Balance and Gait in Multiple Sclerosis, Mary Filipi, M. Patricia Leuschen, Jessie M. Huisinga, Lorene Schmaderer, Jeanna Vogel, Daryl Kucera, and Nicholas Stergiou
Impacts and Effects of Service-Learning on High School Students, Bryan Richard Rossi
Implementing a Matrix Based Key Exchange for Wireless Sensor Networks, Dalton Ellis
Implementing Handheld Computers as Tools for First-Grade Writers, Wilma Kuhlman, Kathy Everts Danielson, Elizabeth J. Campbell, and Neal Topp
Implementing Service Learning in Higher Education, Robert G. Bringle and Julie A. Hatcher
Improving Student Learning Outcomes with Service Learning, Mary Prentice and Gail Robinson
Increasing Basic Writers' Thinking About and Understanding of Literacy Through Literacy-based Service-learning, Suzanne Dena Gates
Increasing Compliance Using Operant Motivation and Direct Skills Instruction, Andrew Prine
Increasing Service-Learning's Impact on Middle School Students, Peter C. Scales
Individual Differences that Predict Interactions in Mixed-Initiative Teams: A Big Five Approach, Bianca Zongrone
Infants Born Preterm Exhibit Different Patterns of Center-of-Pressure Movement Than Infants Born at Full Term, Stacey C. Dusing, Anastasia Kyvelidou, Vicki S. Mercer, and Nicholas Stergiou
Inferences at encoding vs. retrieval: Clarifying the issues based on a developmental perspective, Mark A. Casteel
Influence of Feedback Specificity and Simultaneous Goals on Task Performance, David W. Furst
Information Availability and Security Policy, Andrew P. Martin and Deepak Khazanchi
Information search and creativity: The role of need for cognition and personal involvement, Jody J. Illies
Information Technology (IT) Investment Decisions Under Asymmetric Information: A Modified Rational Expectation Model, Jinlan Ni and Deepak Khazanchi
Information Technology’s Influence on Productivity, Jason Smith
Institutional Characteristics 2006-07, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Institutional Characteristics 2007-08, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Institutional Characteristics 2008-09, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Institutional Characteristics 2009-10, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Institutional Characteristics 2010-11, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Institutional Characteristics 2011-12, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Institutional Characteristics 2012-13, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Institutional Characteristics 2013-14, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Institutional Characteristics 2014-15, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Integrating Service and Academic Study: Service-Learning and Faculty Motivation in Michigan Higher Education, Christine M. Hammond
Integrating Service into a Multicultural Writing Curriculum, Robert Franco
Integration of service, education, and research in local official public health agencies, Larry W. Chambers, John Hoey, Jane Underwood, and Namrata Bains
Intensional Logic and Topology, Andrew Scott Buchanan
Interactive effects between group and single-subject response patterns, Janet S. Dufek, Barry T. Bates, Nicholas Stergiou, and C. Roger James
Intergenerational, Community-Based Learning and Science Education, James J. Gallagher and Kathleen Hogan
Intergenerational Programs: A Manual for Success, Ramona Frischman
Intergenerational Service-Learning, Illinois Intergenerational Initiative
I ntergenerational Service Programs: Meeting Shared Needs of Young and Old, Debra L. Cherry, Frank R. Benest, Barbara Gates, and Joanne White
Intergenerational Studies in Higher Education: An Initial Survey (1999), Sally Newman and Anita Johnson
Interlude Programs in U.S. Undergraduate Education, Terrance Cullinan
Internships: Academic Learning Outcomes, Regina Grantz and Marilyn Thomas
In the Service of Citizenship: A Study of Student Involvement in Community Service, Robert A. Rhoads
In the Simplest Terms, In the Most Convenient Definitions: 2.0 Tools for Education and Outreach, Amy Schindler
Investigating Intra-Species Genetic Variation in the Glucocorticoid Receptor Gene of Marmoset Monkeys, Benjamin Hochfelder
Investigation of the molecular target of an early lead anti-Toxoplasma compound, Abigail Judge
Involving Older Volunteers, in Public Schools, Kristen J. Amundson
Iranian Women, Iranian Cinema: Negotiating with Ideology and Tradition, Najmeh Moradiyan Rizi
Is Healthcare Cost the Key Determinant of Life Expectancy?, Barsa Agarwal
Is Information Systems a science? An inquiry into the nature of the information systems discipline, Deepak Khazanchi and Bjørn Erik Munkvold
Is My Instructor Misbehaving? College Student Perceptions of Instructor Attire, Tattoos, and Body Piercings, Alice Fanari
Is Service-Learning Really Better Than Community Service? A Study of High School Service Program Outcomes, Andrew Furco
Is Slumdog Millionaire a Retelling of the Ramayana?, William L. Blizek and Michele M. Desmarais
Issues Involved in Faculty Implementation of Community Service-Learning in Teacher Education, Rahima C. Wade, Eric Vanden Berk, and Stephanie K. Siddens
Is There a Relationship Between Fatigue Questionnaires and Gait Mechanics in Persons With Multiple Sclerosis?, Jessie M. Huisinga, Mary Filipi, Kendra K. Schmid, and Nicholas Stergiou
Jeremy Bentham and the development of English utilitarianism, James William Gepson
Joint Moments and Powers in Healthy Young Adults During Stair Negotiation, Mira M. Momcilovic
Journalism in the Community Classroom A Curriculum Model for Cultural Journalism in Oklahoma, Linda C. Howard
Journeys of Reconciliation: Institutions Studying Their Relationships to Slavery, Amy Schindler
Justice-Learning: Service-Learning as Justice-Oriented Education, Dan W. Butin
Kabul Time (August 17, 1968, vol. 7, no. 125), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Time (August 18, 1968, vol. 7, no. 126), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Time (August 19, 1968, vol. 7, no. 127), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Time (August 20, 1968, vol. 7, no. 128), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Time (August 21, 1968, vol. 7, no. 120), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Time (August 22, 1968, vol. 7, no. 121), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Time (August 26, 1968, vol. 7, no. 122), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Time (August 27, 1968, vol. 7, no. 131), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Time (August 28, 1968, vol. 7, no. 132), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Time (August 29, 1968, vol. 7, no. 133), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (April 10, 1969, vol. 8, no. 18), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (April 1, 1969, vol. 8, no. 10), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (April 12, 1969, vol. 8, no. 19), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (April 13, 1969, vol. 8, no. 20), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (April 14, 1969, vol. 8, no. 21), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (April 15, 1969, vol. 8, no. 22), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (April 16, 1969, vol. 8, no. 23), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (April 17, 1969, vol. 8, no. 24), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (April 19, 1969, vol. 8, no. 25), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (April 20, 1969, vol. 8, no. 26), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (April 21, 1969, vol. 8, no. 27), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (April 2, 1969, vol. 8, no. 11), Bahktar Nee\ws Agency
Kabul Times (April 22, 1969, vol. 8, no. 27), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (April 23, 1969, vol. 8, no. 27), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (April 24, 1969, vol. 8, no. 28), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (April 26, 1969, vol. 8, no. 29), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (April 27, 1969, vol. 8, no. 30), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (April 28, 1969, vol. 8, no. 31), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (April 29, 1969, vol. 8, no. 32), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (April 30, 1969, vol. 8, no. 33), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (April 3, 1969, vol. 8, no. 12), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (April 5, 1969, vol. 8, no. 13), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (April 6, 1969, vol. 8, no. 14), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (April 7, 1969, vol. 8, no. 15), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (April 8, 1969, vol. 8, no. 15), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (April 9, 1969, vol. 8, no. 17), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (August 10, 1968, vol. 7, no. 119), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (August 11, 1968, vol. 7, no. 120), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (August 1, 1968, vol. 7, no. 112), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (August 12, 1968, vol. 7, no. 121), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (August 13, 1968, vol. 7, no. 122), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (August 14, 1968, vol. 7, no. 124), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (August 15, 1968, vol. 7, no. 124), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (August 3, 1968, vol. 7, no. 113), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (August 4, 1968, vol. 7, no. 114), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (August 5, 1968, vol. 7, no. 115), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (August 6, 1968, vol. 7, no. 116), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (August 7, 1968, vol. 7, no. 117), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (August 8, 1968, vol. 7, no. 118), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (December 10, 1968, vol. 7, no. 217), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (December 11, 1968, vol. 7, no. 218), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (December 1, 1968, vol. 7, no. 209), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (December 12, 1968, vol. 7, no. 219), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (December 14, 1968, vol. 7, no. 220), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (December 15, 1968, vol. 7, no. 221), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (December 16, 1968, vol. 7, no. 222), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (December 17, 1968, vol. 7, no. 223), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (December 18, 1968, vol. 7, no. 224), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (December 19, 1968, vol. 7, no. 225), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (December 2, 1968, vol. 7, no. 210), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (December 23, 1968, vol. 7, no. 226), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (December 24, 1968, vol. 7, no. 227), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (December 25, 1968, vol. 7, no. 228), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (December 26, 1968, vol. 7, no. 229), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (December 28, 1968, vol. 7, no. 230), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (December 29, 1968, vol. 7, no. 231), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (December 30, 1968, vol. 7, no. 232), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (December 3, 1968, vol. 7, no. 211), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (December 4, 1968, vol. 7, no. 212), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (December 5, 1968, vol. 7, no. 213), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (December 7, 1968, vol. 7, no. 214), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (December 8, 1968, vol. 7, no. 215), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (December 9, 1968, vol. 7, no. 216), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (February 10, 1969, vol. 7, no. 267), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (February 11, 1969, vol. 7, no. 268), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (February 1, 1969, vol. 7, no. 259), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (February 12, 1969, vol. 7, no. 269), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (February 13, 1969, vol. 7, no. 270), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (February 15, 1969, vol. 7, no. 271), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (February 16, 1969, vol. 7, no. 272), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (February 17, 1969, vol. 7, no. 273), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (February 18, 1969, vol. 7, no. 274), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (February 19, 1969, vol. 7, no. 275), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (February 20, 1969, vol. 7, no. 276), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (February 2, 1969, vol. 7, no. 260), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (February 22, 1969, vol. 7, no. 277), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (February 23, 1969, vol. 7, no. 278), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (February 3, 1969, vol. 7, no. 261), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (February 4, 1969, vol. 7, no. 262), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (February 5, 1969, vol. 7, no. 263), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (February 6, 1969, vol. 7, no. 264), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (February 8, 1969, vol. 7, no. 265), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (February 9, 1969, vol. 7, no. 266), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (January 11, 1969, vol. 7, no. 242), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (January 1, 1969, vol. 7, no. 234), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (January 12, 1969, vol. 7, no. 243), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (January 13, 1969, vol. 7, no. 244), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (January 14, 1969, vol. 7, no. 245), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (January 15, 1969, vol. 7, no. 246), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (January 16, 1969, vol. 7, no. 247), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (January 18, 1969, vol. 7, no. 248), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (January 19, 1969, vol. 7, no. 249), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (January 20, 1969, vol. 7, no. 250), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (January 21, 1969, vol. 7, no. 251), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (January 2, 1969, vol. 7, no. 235), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (January 22, 1969, vol. 7, no. 252), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (January 23, 1969, vol. 7, no. 253), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (January 25, 1969, vol. 7, no. 254), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (January 26, 1969, vol. 7, no. 254), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (January 27, 1969, vol. 7, no. 255), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (January 28, 1969, vol. 7, no. 256), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (January 29, 1969, vol. 7, no. 257), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (January 30, 1969, vol. 7, no. 258), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (January 4, 1969, vol. 7, no. 236), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (January 5, 1969, vol. 7, no. 237), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (January 6, 1969, vol. 7, no. 238), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (January 7, 1969, vol. 7, no. 239), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (January 8, 1969, vol. 7, no. 240), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (January 9, 1969, vol. 7, no. 241), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (July 10, 1968, vol. 7, no. 93), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (July 11, 1968, vol. 7, no. 94), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (July 1, 1968, vol. 7, no. 85), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (July 12, 1968, vol. 7, no. 95), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (July 14, 1968, vol. 7, no. 96), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (July 15, 1968, vol. 7, no. 97), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (July 16, 1968, vol. 7, no. 98), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (July 17, 1968, vol. 7, no. 99), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (July 18, 1968, vol. 7, no. 100), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (July 20, 1968, vol. 7, no. 101), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (July 21, 1968, vol. 7, no. 102), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (July 2, 1968, vol. 7, no. 86), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (July 22, 1968, vol. 7, no. 103), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (July 23, 1968, vol. 7, no. 104), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (July 24, 1968, vol. 7, no. 105), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (July 25, 1968, vol. 7, no. 106), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (July 27, 1968, vol. 7, no. 107), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (July 28, 1968, vol. 7, no. 108), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (July 29, 1968, vol. 7, no. 109), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (July 30, 1968, vol. 7, no. 110), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (July 3, 1968, vol. 7, no. 87), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (July 4, 1968, vol. 7, no. 88), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (July 6, 1968, vol. 7, no. 89), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (July 7, 1968, vol. 7, no. 90), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (July 8, 1968, vol. 7, no. 91), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (July 9, 1968, vol. 7, no. 92), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (June 10, 1968, vol. 7, no. 66), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (June 11, 1968, vol. 7, no. 67), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (June 1, 1968, vol. 7, no. 59), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (June 12, 1968, vol. 7, no. 67), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (June 13, 1968, vol. 7, no. 68), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (June 15, 1968, vol. 7, no. 71), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (June 16, 1968, vol. 7, no. 72), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (June 17, 1968, vol. 7, no. 73), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (June 18, 1968, vol. 7, no. 74), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (June 19, 1968, vol. 7, no. 75), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (June 20, 1968, vol. 7, no. 76), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (June 2, 1968, vol. 7, no. 60), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (June 22, 1968, vol. 7, no. 77), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (June 23, 1968, vol. 7, no. 78), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (June 24, 1968, vol. 7, no. 79), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (June 25, 1968, vol. 7, no. 80), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (June 26, 1968, vol. 7, no. 81), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (June 27, 1968, vol. 7, no. 82), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (June 29, 1968, vol. 7, no. 83), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (June 30, 1968, vol. 7, no. 84), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (June 3, 1968, vol. 7, no. 61), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (June 4, 1968, vol. 7, no. 62), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (June 5, 1968, vol. 7, no. 63), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (June 6, 1968, vol. 7, no. 64), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (June 9, 1968, vol. 7, no. 65), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (March 10, 1969, vol. 7, no. 288), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (March 11, 1969, vol. 7, no. 289), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (March 12, 1969, vol. 7, no. 290), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (March 13, 1969, vol. 7, no. 292), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (March 15, 1969, vol. 7, no. 293), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (March 16, 1969, vol. 7, no. 294), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (March 17, 1969, vol. 7, no. 295), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (March 18, 1969, vol. 7, no. 296), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (March 19, 1969, vol. 7, no. 297), Bakhtar News Agnecy
Kabul Times (March 20, 1969, vol. 7, no. 298), Bakhtar News Agnecy
Kabul Times (March 2, 1969, vol. 7, no. 281), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (March 22, 1969, vol. 8, no. 1), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (March 23, 1969, vol. 8, no. 2), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (March 24, 1969, vol. 8, no. 3), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (March 25, 1969, vol. 8, no. 4), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (March 26, 1969, vol. 8, no. 5), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (March 27, 1969, vol. 8, no. 6), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (March 29, 1969, vol. 8, no. 7), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (March 30, 1969, vol. 8, no. 8), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (March 3, 1969, vol. 7, no. 282), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (March 4, 1969, vol. 7, no. 283), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (March 5, 1969, vol. 7, no. 284), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (March 6, 1969, vol. 7, no. 285), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (March 8, 1969, vol. 7, no. 286), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (March 9, 1969, vol. 7, no. 287), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (November 10, 1968, vol. 7, no. 192), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (November 11, 1968, vol. 7, no. 193), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (November 12, 1968, vol. 7, no. 194), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (November 13, 1968, vol. 7, no. 195), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (November 14, 1968, vol. 7, no. 196), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (November 16, 1968, vol. 7, no. 197), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (November 17, 1968, vol. 7, no. 198), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (November 18, 1968, vol. 7, no. 199), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (November 19, 1968, vol. 7, no. 200), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (November 20, 1968, vol. 7, no. 201), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (November 2, 1968, vol. 7, no. 185), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (November 23, 1968, vol. 7, no. 202), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (November 24, 1968, vol. 7, no. 203), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (November 25, 1968, vol. 7, no. 204), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (November 26, 1968, vol. 7, no. 205), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (November 27, 1968, vol. 7, no. 206), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (November 28, 1968, vol. 7, no. 207), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (November 30, 1968, vol. 7, no. 208), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (November 3, 1968, vol. 7, no. 186), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (November 4, 1968, vol. 7, no. 187), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (November 5, 1968, vol. 7, no. 188), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (November 6, 1968, vol. 7, no. 189), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (November 7, 1968, vol. 7, no. 190), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (November 9, 1968, vol. 7, no. 191), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (October 10, 1968, vol. 7, no. 167), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (October 1, 1968, vol. 7, no. 159), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (October 12, 1968, vol. 7, no. 168), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (October 13, 1968, vol. 7, no. 169), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (October 14, 1968, vol. 7, no. 170), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (October 16, 1968, vol. 7, no. 172), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (October 17, 1968, vol. 7, no. 173), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (October 19, 1968, vol. 7, no. 173), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (October 20, 1968, vol. 7, no. 174), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (October 21, 1968, vol. 7, no. 175), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (October 2, 1968, vol. 7, no. 160), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (October 22, 1968, vol. 7, no. 176), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (October 23, 1968, vol. 7, no. 177), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (October 24, 1968, vol. 7, no. 178), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (October 26, 1968, vol. 7, no. 179), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (October 27, 1968, vol. 7, no. 180), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (October 28, 1968, vol. 7, no. 181), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (October 29, 1968, vol. 7, no. 182), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (October 30, 1968, vol. 7, no. 183), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (October 31, 1968, vol. 7, no. 184), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (October 5, 1968, vol. 7, no. 162), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (October 6, 1968, vol. 7, no. 163), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (October 7, 1968, vol. 7, no. 164), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (October 8, 1968, vol. 7, no. 165), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (September 10, 1968, vol. 7, no. 141), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (September 11, 1968, vol. 7, no. 142), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (September 1, 1968, vol. 7, no. 134), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (September 12, 1968, vol. 7, no. 143), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (September 14, 1968, vol. 7, no. 144), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (September 15, 1968, vol. 7, no. 145), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (September 16, 1968, vol. 7, no. 146), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (September 17, 1968, vol. 7, no. 147), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (September 18, 1968, vol. 7, no. 148), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (September 19, 1968, vol. 7, no. 149), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (September 21, 1968, vol. 7, no. 150), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (September 2, 1968, vol. 7, no. 135), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (September 22, 1968, vol. 7, no. 151), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (September 23, 1968, vol. 7, no. 152), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (September 24, 1968, vol. 7, no. 153), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (September 25, 1968, vol. 7, no. 154), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (September 26, 1968, vol. 7, no. 155), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (September 28, 1968, vol. 7, no. 156), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (September 29, 1968, vol. 7, no. 157), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (September 30, 1968, vol. 7, no. 158), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (September 3, 1968, vol. 7, no. 136), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (September 4, 1968, vol. 7, no. 137), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (September 5, 1968, vol. 7, no. 138), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (September 7, 1968, vol. 7, no. 139), Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times (September 8, 1968, vol. 7, no. 140), Bakhtar News Agency
Kaleidoscope Eyes: Geography, Gender, and the Media, Christina E. Dando
Kinetic Characterization of 4-Hydroxyphenylacetate 1-Hydroxylase, Cristian Valquier
Knock Knock, Jodi McDavid
Labile and Stable Nitrogen and Carbon in Mine Soil Reclaimed with Manure-Based Amendments, Ashlee L.D. Dere and Richard C. Stehouwer
Landscape heterogeneity drives contrasting concentration–discharge relationships in shale headwater catchments, E. M. Herndon, Ashlee L.D. Dere, P. L. Sullivan, D. Norris, B. Reynolds, and S. L. Brantley
Landscape, History and the Media: An Introduction, Christina E. Dando
Large-Scale Institutional Change to Implement an Urban University Mission: Portland State University, Judith A. Ramaley
Last Days in the Desert, William L. Blizek
Leadership Reconsidered: Engaging Higher Education in Social Change, Alexander W. Astin and Helen S. Astin
Learn and Serve America Year (3 Progress Report for Period of September 6,2008 - June 30, 2009), Learn and Serve America
Learning New Words Affects Nonword Pronunciation in Children, Maya Khanna, Michael J. Cortese, and Katharine Birchwood
Learning Our Freedom, Ingrid Flory and Debra Henzey
Learning Science beyond the Classroom, Linda Ramey-Gassert
Learning That Matters, Shelley H. Billig
Learning Through Community Service: An Interview With Kate McPherson, Catalyst
Learning to Give: Addendum (2005-2006), Michigan State University
Learning to Give: Final Evaluation Report Overview & Recommendations (2004-2005), Michigan State University
Learning to Serve, Serving to Learn: Grant Portfolio 2008-2009, Evans School
Learning with a Purpose: Academic Service-Learning Curriculum, Dale Rice, Kathy Hurst, and Joanne Caniglia
"Leave School and Learn": Seekonk High School's Independent Study Program, Jay D. Anderson
Legal Issues in Combining Service and Learning, Michael B. Goldstein
Less acting, more doing: How surface acting relates to perceived meeting effectiveness and other employee outcomes, Linda R. Shanock, Joseph A. Allen, Alexandra M. Dunn, Benjamin E. Baran, Cliff W. Scott, and Steven G. Rogelberg
Lessons Learned About Service-Learning: Voices of Experience About Urban Service-Learning in Saint Paul Public Schools, Saint Paul Public Schools
Levels and Conditions of Goal Acceptance, Kim James Kohlhepp
Leviathan, Denis J. Bekkering
Library Education and Development Newsletter, Volume 8, Issue 3, UNO Library Science Education
Library Education and Development Newsletter, Volume 8, Issue 4, UNO Library Science Education
Library Education and Development Newsletter, Volume 9, Issue 1, UNO Library Science Education
Library Education and Development Newsletter, Volume 9, Issue 2, UNO Library Science Education
Life Itself, Daniel Ross Goodman
Linking Community Service, Learning, and Enviromental Analytical Chemistry, Joesph A. Gardella Jr., Tammy M. Milillo, Gaurav Sinha, Gunwah Oh, David C. Manns, and Eleanor Coffey
Linking Learning & Serving: Teaching Core Content through Service Learning, Kentucky Department of Education
Linking Pre-meeting Communication to Meeting Effectiveness, Joseph A. Allen, Nale Lehmann-Willenbrock, and Nicole Landowski
Living in two worlds: Asian-American women and emotion, Kimberly S. Gangwish
Locomotor adaptation to support surface perturbations is characterized by environmental decoupling, Diderik-Jan Eikema
Locomotor Sensory Organization Test: How Sensory Conflict Affects the Temporal Structure of Sway Variability During Gait, Jung Hung Chien, Mukul Mukherjee, Ka-Chun Siu, and Nicholas Stergiou
Long-Term Effects of Volunteerism During the Undergraduate Years, Alexander W. Astin, Linda J. Sax, and Juan Avalos
Looking for Help Long Overdue: Where Has Higher Education Been?, Robert Wood
Louis Grell: The Lost Murals, Christa Pier
Lower extremity injury in female basketball players is related to a large difference in peak eversion torque between barefoot and shod conditions, Jenna M. Yentes, Max J. Kurz, and Nicholas Stergiou
Lower Extremity Kinematics During a Drop Jump in Individuals With Patellar Tendinopathy, Adam B. Rosen, Jupil Ko, Kathy J. Simpson, Seock-Ho Kim, and Cathleen N. Brown
Lululemon’s commitment to the environment: A tangle of seaweed, suppliers, and social responsibility, A. Erin Bass
Magati:some notes on an unknown language of northern Afghanistan, Jadwiga Pstrusinska
Majority of persons in shelters in Nebraska are males over 18 years of age, Melanie Kiper
Make sure it's service learning, not just community service, Leonard T. Burns
Make the School Board Your Ally, Sheldon H. Berman
Making a Case for Collaborative Problem Solving, Christopher T. Gates
Making a difference? Student volunteerism, service learning and higher education in the USA, John Mohan
Making and Breaking the Superhero Quotidian: How All-Star Superman Embodies and Revises the Everyday, Frank Bramlett
Making Change: Promoting Character Education Through Philanthropic Service-Learning Projects, Kathia Monard-Weissman
Making organizational punishment work: The effects of social accounts and punishment severity, Andrew L. Noon
Making the Case for Social and Emotional Learning and Service-Learning, Education Commission of the States
Mama Knows Best: Breastfeeding Knowledge and Duration in a Social Network, Amanda Overgaard
Mandated Service and Moral Learning, Robert K. Fullinwider
Manipulations of the style of locomotion affects both the kinesthetic and visual perception of distance traversed, Brandon Bischoff
Mapping Community Assets Workbook, Diane Dorfman
Mapping quantitative trait loci for feed consumption and feeding behaviors in a White Duroc × Chinese Erhualian resource population, Z. Y. Zhang, J. Ren, Dongren Ren, J. W. Ma, Y. M. Guo, and L. S. Huang
Maryland's Best Practices: An Improvement Guide for School-Based Service-Learning, Maryland Student Service Alliance
Maverick 1973, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Maverick 1974, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Maverick 1974, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Maverick 1975, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Maximizing Civic Learning and Social Responsibility, Arthur Chickering
Md. Service Learning: Classroom Link Weak?, Michelle Galley
Meatpacking workers' perceptions of working conditions, psychological contracts and organizational justice, María Teresa Gastón
Meausing Program Outcomes: A Practical Approach, United Way of America
Mechanical Properties of Vitrified Soils, Christopher Y. Tuan and William C. Dass
Memory for persons, encounters and sex, William Sturgill
Methods to Improve the Reliability of the Functional Reach Test in Children and Adolescents With Typical Development, Kathleen G. Volkman, Nicholas Stergiou, Wayne A. Stuberg, Daniel Blanke, and Julie Stoner
Microglia Levels in Response to Chorda Tympani Transection in Developing Rats, Andrew Riquier
Microsatellite-based Genetic Diversity and Evolutionary Relationships of Six Dog Breeds, J.-H. Ye, Dongren Ren, A.-F. Xie, X.-P. Wu, L. Xu, P.-F. Fu, H.-A. Zhao, and Q.-Y. Yang
Migration into and out of Nebraska based on IRS tax filing data: An analysis of new 2008 data versus historic annual data since 1989, David J. Drozd
Minnesota YouthWorks AmeriCorps Sample Data Collection tools, Minnesota YouthWorks AmeriCorps
Missing Pieces in the Service Learning Puzzle, June R. Chapin
Modeling Learning: The Role of Leaders, Judith A. Ramaley and Barbara A. Holland
Models of Service and Civic Education: An Occasional Paper of the Project on Integrating Service and Academic Study, Keith Morton
Motivating students through project-based service learning, Melanie Bradford
Motor control of the lower extremity musculature in children with cerebral palsy, David J. Arpin, Wayne A. Stuberg, Nick Stergiou, and Max J. Kurz
Movement Variability and the Use of Nonlinear Tools: Principles to Guide Physical Therapist Practice, Regina T. Harbourne and Nicholas Stergiou
Moving Beyond Apathy to Environmental Action, John Fallis
Moving First Life into SecondLife: Real World Opportunities for Virtual Teams and Virtual World Project Management, Dawn Owens, Alanah Davis, John D. Murphy, Deepak Khazanchi, and Ilze Zigurs
Moving Mountains: Institutional Culture and Transformational Change, Judith A. Ramaley
Multiple sclerosis affects the frequency content in the vertical ground reaction forces during walking, Shane R. Wurdeman, Jessie M. Huisinga, Mary Filipi, and Nicholas Stergiou
Mutual Knowledge and its Impact on Virtual Team Performance, Alanah Davis and Deepak Khazanchi
My Guild, My Team: Applying the Technology Capabilities of Massively Multiplayer Online Games to Virtual Project Teams, Dawn Owens and Deepak Khazanchi
Myth or Reality? Crowdsourcing as a Complex Problem Solving Model: Evidence from Software Developed by the Crowd and Experts, Abhishek Tripathi
National and Community Service in a Transforming Society, James A. Joseph
National Service and Religious Values, L. William Yolton and Edward L. Long Jr.
National Service: A Resource for Faith-Based and Community Groups, Corporation for National and Community Service
National Youth Service: A Democratic Institution for the 21st Century, National Service Secretariat
National Youth Service: The Proposed Legislation, Robert H. Atwell
Native American Perceptions of Community and Social Problems Affecting Health and Well-being, R. K. Piper
Native American Science Outreach Network Resource Guide, Native American Science Outreach Network
Natural Change (Births - Deaths) in Nebraska Counties by Decade: 1950s to Present, David J. Drozd
Nebraska Births Report: A look at births, fertility rates, and natural change, David J. Drozd and Jerry Deichert
Nebraska Center for Justice Reseach: 2015 Annual Report, Ryan E. Spohn and Jared M. Ellison
Nebraska Coalition of Juvenile Justice Strength-Based Assessment, Ryan E. Spohn
Nebraska Folklore: Pamphlet 19, Reminiscences of Dad Streeter, Nebraska Department of Public Instruction, Federal Writers' Project of the Works Progress Administration for the State of Nebraska, and Nebraska Writers' Project
Nebraska Folklore: Pamphlet 3, Children's Singing Games, Federal Writers' Project
Nebraska Health Insurance Coverage: A profile of the characterstics of the insured and uninsured, David J. Drozd and Jerry Deichert
Nebraska Historical Population Report, David J. Drozd and Jerry Deichert
Nebraska Legislative Planning Committee 2014 Report Policy Briefs, Center for Public Affairs Research (CPAR)
Nebraska Natural Change by Race/Ethnicity: 2005 to 2010, David J. Drozd
Nebraska Population Projections: State, County, Region, and Town: 1975-2020, Vernon Renshaw, John P. Zipay, and Duane Hackmann
Nebraska Ranked Ninth in National Child Well-Being Report, Melanie Kiper
Nebraska ranks high for persons living alone, especially among the elderly in rural areas, David J. Drozd
Nebraska’s Community Airports: A Study of Organizational, Financial, and Management Practices: Summary report, Jerry Deichert, David J. Drozd, Robert F. Blair, and Aleksandra Tepedelenova
Nebraska Sex Offender Registry Study: Interim Report, Ryan E. Spohn
Neighborhood diversity and the creative class in Chicago, Bradley Bereitschaft and Rex G. Cammack
NEMO News, Volume 11, Issue 2, UNO Library Science Education
NEMO News, Volume 11, Issue 3, UNO Library Science Education
New Efforts to Engage Youth in Legislative Advocacy, Wendy Schaetzel Lesko
Next Steps: A School District's Guide to the Essential Elements of Service-Learning, Maryland Student Service Alliance and Maryland State Department of Education
Noah, Danny Pegg
Nonlinear analysis of the development of sitting postural control, Regina T. Harbourne and Nicholas Stergiou
Non-overweight and overweight children’s physical activity during school recess, Nicola D. Ridgers, Pedro F. Saint-Maurice, Gregory J. Welk, Mohammed Siahpush, and Jennifer L. Huberty
Number and Projection of the Number of the Elderly Population in Nebraska Counties, 1980 to 2020, Center for Public Affairs Research (CPAR)
nurturing future leaders via service-learning, John T. Boal
Nutrient Leaching and Soil Retention in Mined Land Reclaimed with Stabilized Manure, Ashlee L.D. Dere, Richard C. Stehouwer, Emad Aboukila, and Kristen E. McDonald
Objective evaluation of expert and novice performance during robotic surgical training tasks, Timothy N. Judkins, D. Oleynikov, and Nicholas Stergiou
Observations and ratings of preschool children’s social behavior: Issues of representativeness and validity, Brian McKevitt and Stephen N. Elliott
Off the Playground of Civil Society: Freeing Democracy's Powers for the 21st Century, Harry C. Boyte
Omaha Again Among Best Large Metros for Median Income Relative to the Cost of Goods and Services, David J. Drozd
Omaha Conditions Survey: 2004, David J. Drozd and Gary L. Anderson
Omaha Profile of Change, Center for Public Affairs Research (CPAR)
On Civil Education: Beginning A Dialogue, Laura Martino and Erik W. Robelen
Opportunistic Competition and Collaboration in Two-Robot Teams, Claire O'Connell
Optical Flow with Roll Oscillations Affects Postural Control During Human Locomotion, Allison Hoover
Organizational Context and Young Adult Education in an Urban Service Corps, Robert A. Pence
Organizational Identification: A Context-Specific Mitigating Resource of Work–Family Conflict, Joseph A. Allen, John Crowe, Benjamin A. Baran, and Cliff Scott
Original investigation correlated joint fluctuations can influence the selection of steady state gait patterns in the elderly, Max J. Kurz and Nicholas Stergiou
Orthographically Mediated Inhibition Effects: Evidence of Activational Feedback During Visual Word Recognition, Jason F. Reimer
Outline of Legislation: National and Community Service Trust Act, Corporation for National Service
Outreach: Innovative Practices for Archives and Special Collections, Kate Theimer and Amy Schindler
Pac-Man and Paradoxical Motivation: A Re-examination of the Effects of Regulatory Focus and Feedback Type on Motivation, Clayton Juarez
Participate or Else!: The Effect of Participation in Decision-Making in Meetings on Employee Engagement, Michael Yoerger, John Crowe, and Joseph A. Allen
Partisan, Rubina Ramji
Partnership With a Graduate Nursing Program: Voices of the Community, Deborah Essex Forbes Lindell
Partners: The Shared Service Experience, Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America
Patients with peripheral arterial disease exhibit reduced joint powers compared to velocity-matched controls, Shane R. Wurdeman, Panagiotis Koutakis, Sara A. Myers, Jason Johanning, Iraklis Pipinos, and Nicholas Stergiou
Patterns of effective management of virtual projects: An exploratory study, Deepak Khazanchi and Ilze Zigurs
Paul Tillich and the Possibility of Revelation through Film, Kutter Callaway
Pedagogical effects of service-learning in a human exceptionality course: A comparison of two approaches, John Clinton Mayhew Jr.
Pedestrian exposure to near-roadway PM2.5 in mixed-use urban corridors: A case study of Omaha, Nebraska, Bradley Bereitschaft
Perceived Effects of a Correctional Health Education Service-Learning Program, John Amtmann
Peripheral arterial disease affects ground reaction forces during walking, Melissa Scott-Pandorf, Nicholas Stergiou, Jason Johanning, Leon Robinson, Thomas G. Lynch, and Iraklis Pipinos
Peripheral Arterial Disease Affects the Frequency Response of Ground Reaction Forces During Walking, Denise McGrath, Timothy N. Judkins, Iraklis Pipinos, and Jason Johanning
Personal Identity and Angelic Touch in Wim Wenders' Wings of Desire, Chris Venner
Personal space as a function of repression-sensitization, sensation-seeking and the stigmatized characteristics of a target person, Howard M. Johnson
"Person-to-Person": A Community Service Guide for Youth Groups Visiting Senior Residences, Susan Chandler
Phi Delta Kappan - Special Section on Youth Service, Joe Nathan and James Kielsmeier
Phonology of the Bakhtiari, Badakhshani, and Madaglashti dialects of modern Persian, D.L.R. Lorimer (major)
Physiological demands of competitive basketball, Kenji Narazaki, Kris E. Berg, Nicholas Stergiou, and Bing Chen
Plantar tactile perturbations enhance transfer of split-belt locomotor adaptation, Mukul Mukherjee, Diderik Jan Anthony Eikema, Jung Hung Chien, Sara A. Myers, Melissa Scott-Pandorf, Jacob J. Bloomberg, and Nicholas Stergiou
Policy Briefs: Nebraska Legislative Planning Committee 2013 Report, Center for Public Affairs Research (CPAR)
Postural control strategy during standing is altered in patients with multiple sclerosis, Jessie M. Huisinga, Jenna M. Yentes, Mary Filipi, and Nicholas Stergiou
Preliminary Review of Research in Service Learning, James Krug and Richard J. Kraft
Preparing Students for Lives of Responsible Citizenship: A Higher Education Civic Blueprint for the State of New Jersey, Andrew P. Frederick
Preparing the Way for Reform in Higher Education: Drawing Upon the Resources of the Community-at-Large, Judith A. Ramaley
Presidents’ Declaration on the Civic Responsibility of Higher Education and Campus Assessment of Civic Responsibility, Thomas Ehrlich
Princess, Rubina Ramji
Priviledged Servants: Community Service in Private High Schools, Ellen Clarissa Reynolds
Proactive Citizenship and Service Learning at Anoka High School, William Mittlefehldt
Proceedings from the Service Learning Summit - September 9-10, 1995, Dale A. Blythe and Candyce Kroenke
Promoting Family Literacy: An Opportunity for Suburban University-Inner City Agency Resource Exchange, Judith Primavera, June Gellis Malone, Anne K. O'Donnell, and Kathleen R. McGuigan
Promoting Intergenerational Strategies: The Role of the Corporation for National Service, Harris Wofford
"Promoting Peace and Preventing Violence" Lions-Quest Skills for Action, Rich Cairn
Promoting Youth Development: Strengthening the Role of Youth Service and Community Organizations, Karen J. Pittman
Prophet's Prey, Rubina Ramji and Jodi McDavid
Proxemic Behavior of the Nonhandicapped Toward the Visually Impaired, Carol J. Olsen
Psychophysiological and Personality Correlates of Repression and Sensitization, John Patrick Kline
Psychosocial and cognitive function in children with nephrotic syndrome: association with disease and treatment variables, Panagiota Manti, George Giannakopoulos, Elena Giouroukou, Helen Georgaki-Angelaki, Constantinos J. Stefanidis, Andromahi Mitsioni, Nikolaos Stergiou, Constantinos Mihas, George P. Chrousos, Maria Alexandra Magiakou, and Gerasimos Kolaitis
Psychosocial development through service-learning enhanced spiritual consciousness in workcamp experience, Timothy W. Kidd
Public Law 103-82 [H.R. 2010] September 21, 1993 National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993, Corporation for National Service
Public Scholarship: Making Sense of an Emerging Synthesis, Judith A. Ramaley
Pushing the Boundaries of Education: The Implications of a Youth Development Approach to Education Policies, Structures and Collabnrations, Karen J. Pittman and Michele Cahill
Quantifying Free and Total Glycerine in Biodiesel, Byron Korf
Ranking of Black and Black Child Poverty Rates in the Most Populous 100 Metro Areas: 2010, David J. Drozd
Read and Lead: Fostering Literacy through Cross-Age Tutoring (Facilitator's Manual To Implement a National Literacy Corps), Institute for Global Education and Service Learning
Reading the Community: Helping Students Learn the Process, Judith A. Ramaley
Reading, Writing and Service Learning, National Helpers Network, Inc.
Reciprocity: A Major Paradigm Shift, John A. Calhoun
Reclaiming a Needed Resource: Minnesota's Youth, Minnesota Task Force on Youth Service and Work
Recognition and attractiveness as a function of sex and race, Evelyn Elizabeth Hamilton Schroder
Recruiting Male Volunteers: A Guide Based on Exploratory Research, Stephanie T. Blackman
Reinventing citizenship as public work, Harry C. Boyte
Relationship between life change events and communication apprehension, Elaine Bylund
Relationships within and between the 1960 Stanford-Binet L-M and the Goodenough intelligence test with intellectually sub-average children, Frederick M. Rudie
Religious Influences on Work–Family Trade-Offs, Samantha K. Ammons
Renewing the Civic Mission of the American Research University, Barry Checkoway
Research Paper Youth Service, Douglas H. Stubbe
Rethinking an Established Information Literacy Program: How Leveraging Assessment Data Can Improve Teaching and Promote Change, Katie Bishop and Eleanor Johnson
Review of Can Education Change Society? by M.W. Apple, Connie Schaffer
Review of Disputed Territories: Land, Culture and Identity in Settler Societies, edited by D. Trigger and G. Griffiths, Christina E. Dando
Review of Griffith Taylor – visionary environmentalist explorer by Carolyn Strange and Alison Bashford, Christina E. Dando
Review of Research and Evaluation on Service Learning in Public and Higher Education, Richard J. Kraft and James Krug
Revisiting Weber's charismatic leadership: Learning from the past and looking to the future, Ivana Milosevec and A. Erin Bass
Rey auditory-verbal learning test norms for preadolescents, Donna Homer
Riding the Wheel: Selling American Women Mobility and Geographic Knowledge, Christina E. Dando
Robotic Surgery and Training: Electromyographic correlates of robotic laparoscopic training, Timothy N. Judkins, D. Oleynikov, N. Karazaki, and Nicholas Stergiou
Robotic surgery training and performance, Kenji Narazaki, D. Oleynikov, and Nicholas Stergiou
Roles for Higher Education: A Resource Guide, National and Community Service
Roots of Service, Theodore H. Erickson
Scholarly Engagement: A Study on Applied Research to Help Homeless Shelter Volunteers, Austin Bundy
School-Community Partnerships in Rural Schools: Leadership, Renewal, and a Sense of Place, Patricia A. Bauch
School Resource Officer and Patrol Officer Perceptions of Roles and Job Satisfaction, Trisha Rhodes
School-to-Work and Service-Learning, The National School-To-Work Learning and Information Center
Searching for the Meaning of Youth Civic Engagement: Notes from the Field, Molly W. Andolina, Krista Jenkins, Scott Keester, and Cliff Zukin
Seeking More High-Quality Undergraduate Degrees: Conditions for More Effectively Working with Policy Makers, Judith A. Ramaley
Seizing the Moment: Creating a Changed Society and University through Outreach, Judith A. Ramaley
Selected Changes in Urban High School Students After Participation in Community Based Learning and Service Activities, Kathleen Parks Luchs
Selected Characteristics for Census Tracts in Douglas and Sarpy Counties, Nebraska, and Pottawattamie County, Iowa, from the 2008-2012 American Community Survey, Melanie Kiper and Jerry Deichert
Selected Characteristics for Nebraska Counties from the 2008-2012 American Community Survey, Center for Public Affairs Research (CPAR)
Selected Characteristics for Nebraska Legislative Districts from the 2008-2012 American Community Survey, Center for Public Affairs Research (CPAR)
Selected Characteristics from the 2006-2010 American Community Survey for Nebraska Counties, Center for Public Affairs Research (CPAR)
Self Service: Self-Concept Enhancement in High School Students in a Service Learning Program, Sarah Foster
Semantic information in the long-term memory traces of nouns, John K. Adams
Senior Center in Seattle Applauds Service-Learning, Nola L. Freeman
Seniors for Schools Program Survey 1997-98 (Teachers), Seniors for Schools
Sense of Place in Virtual World Learning Environments: A Conceptual Exploration, Vipin Arora and Deepak Khazanchi
Septin regulation in Candida albicans, Bina Ranjit
Service as a Bridge to Higher Education: Developing Service Learning in Developmental Studies, Elizabeth Bryer and Carol Gish
Service as Learning: One School's Story, Deborah L. Bright
Service Experience and the Moral Development of College Students, Margaret Gorman, Joesph Duffy, and Margaret Heffernan
Service Helix: A Grounded Theory of College Student Development and Outcomes Through Involvement in Community Service, Mary Kay Schneider
Service in a Cultural Immersion Setting: Student Teachers Evaluate "A Sense of Community", Susan E. Johnstad
Service-Learning, 1902, Julia Garbus
Service-Learning Advances School Improvement: A Position Paper from the International Service Learning Initiative, Barbara Gomez
Service-Learning: An Administrator's Tool for Improving Schools and Connecting with the Community, Sheldon Berman, Sheila Bailey, Randall Collins, Dale Kinsley, and Elizabeth Holman
Service-Learning: An Annotated Bibliography Linking Public Service with the Curriculum, Janet Luce, Jennifer Anderson, Janet Permaul, Robert Shumer, Timothy Stanton, and Sally Migliore
Service Learning: A National Strategy, Susan M. Andersen
Service Learning and Assessment: A Field Guide for Teachers, Susan Bonthron and Rick Gordon
Service-Learning and Community Service in K-12 Public Schools, Bernie Green, Rebecca Skinner, and Chris Chapman
Service-Learning and School Curriculum, Amy YIP Ah-may
Service-Learning and School-to-Work Linkages, Bob Bhaerman
Service-Learning and School-to-Work: Making the Connections, Andrew Furco
Service Learning and Urban Schools: A Method for Developing Attitudes Reflective of Social Responsibility, Julianne Price
Service-Learning: An Education Strategy for Preventing School Violence, Carol Kinsley
Service Learning: A New Approach in Higher Education, Barbara W. Carpenter and Jacqulin S. Jacobs
Service-Learning as an Integrated Experience in K-5 Education: An Introduction to Resources and Information., Lisa J. LaPlante and Carol Kinsley
Service,Learning as an Integrated Experience in Middle School Education: An Introduction to Resources and Information, Dawn Wegter
Service-learning as "Citizenship" Education: The Promise and the Puzzles, Bernadette Sun Chi
Service Learning: A Vision for Change and Youth Empowerment, Martha J. R. Johnson
Service-learning: Comparison of Hospitality Programs in Two- and Four-Year Institutions, Verna M. Ward
Service Learning: Connecting Citizenship with the Classroom, Mary Ellen Brandell and Shelly Hinck
Service-Learning Designation: a faculty handbook, Deanna Anderson, Marlene Bacon, Josh Gold, Marianne McKnight, and Gail Jessen
Service Learning: Discovering Effective Communication Strategies by Emphasizing the Community's Perspective, Elizabeth Oppe
Service-Learning Guide Book: Designed for Curriculum-Based Service-Learning, Steven W. Dieleman
Service Learning in Alternative Education Settings, Susan Meyers
Service Learning in an FCS Core Curriculum: A Community-Campus Collaboration, Carol Friesen, Sue H. Whitaker, and Kay Piotrowicz
Service Learning in Civic Education: A Concept With Long, Sturdy Roots, Mary A. Hepburn
Service-Learning in Community-Based Organizations: A Practical Guide to Starting and Sustaining High-Quality Programs, Eugene C. Roehlkepartain
Service-Learning in Engineering: A Resource Guidebook, William Oakes
Service Learning in Preschool: An Intergenerational Project Involving Five-Y ear-Olds, Fifth Graders, and Senior Citizens, Nancy K. Freeman and Sherry King
Service-Learning in the United States: Status of Institutionalization, Ann Rautio
Service-Learning Leadership Development for Youths, Joy Des Marais and Farid Farzanehkia
Service Learning: Making the Camp Connection, Joel S. Garavaglia-Maiorano and Joel Pile
Service Learning Models Connecting Computer Science to the Community, Carol Traynor and Maria McKenna
Service Learning Project Matrices, Providence College's SLATE Project
Service Learning Projects 1995-1997, Learn and Serve America
Service-Learning Reflections: Update of Service-Learning in Pennsylvania, Carl I. Fertman, Irving H. Buchen, Joanne Long, and Louis J. White
Service Learning Requirements in the High School, Elizabeth Anne Skelton
Service Learning Standards: Draft Interim Content and Performance Standards, California Department of Education
Service Learning: Strategies for Developing Character, Catherine Berger Kaye
Service: Meeting Youth's Need To Be Needed, James C. Kielsmeier and Rich Willits
Service Statistics 2008: Highlights and Trends from Campus Compact’s Annual Membership Survey, Campus Compact
Service Strategies and Programs to Help Incarcerated Youth: A Training Program for Volunteers, Teresita Bolivar
Service to Children through Teaching, School of Education
Servicios para Ciudadanos Mayuores, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Serving in One's Own Community: Taking a Second Look at Our Assumptions about Community Service Education, Marie Kennedy and Molly Mead
Shared Consequences: Recent Experiences with Outreach and Community-Based Learning, Judith A. Ramaley
Sharing Your National Service Story: A Guide to Working With the Media, Corporation for National and Community Service
Shumer's Self-Assessment for Service Learning, Robert D. Shumer, Pat Duttweiler, Andrew Furco, Madeleine S. Hengel, and Gwen Willems
Silver Screen Buddha: Buddhism in Asian and Western Film, Ronald S. Green
Sins of Omission, Allison Domon
Sister Wife, William L. Blizek
Situational Determinants of a Crying Response: Their Interrelations with Cognitive Structure and Level of Sex-Role Identification, Richard Paul Votta
Sixth Graders Assist Seniors with Letter Writing and Physical Therapy, Mary Hunter
Slamdance 2015, Kristian Petersen
Social Interactions of Secondary-Aged Students with Severe Handicaps: Implications for Facilitating the Transition from School to Work, Janis Chadsey-Rusch
So Close and So Small: Six Promising Approaches to Civic Education, Equity, and Social Justice, Debbie Abilock
Solving Puzzles and Problems, Daniel Harris
Spanning set defines variability in locomotive patterns, Max J. Kurz, Nicholas Stergiou, and Daniel Blanke
Sparking a Renewed Jewish Commitment to Service, Sara Paasche-Orlow and Maggi G. Gaines
Stability of WISC-R Scores between Triennial Evaluations of Learning Disabled Students, Norman J. Wozny
State Fertility Rates for Women Aged 15‐50 and by Race: 2006‐2010 timeframe, David J. Drozd
State of Juvenile Justice Report: 2014, Anne M. Hobbs and Sommer Fousek
State of Service Report: Executive Summary, Minnesota Office on Volunteer Services
State Rankings for the Percentage Change in Various Age Groups: 2000 to 2010, David J. Drozd
Stations of the Cross (Kreuzweg), Chad W.D Bolton
Statistics Related to Youth Service, Points of Light Foundation
Stepping over obstacles of different heights and varied shoe traction alter the kinetic strategies of the leading limb, Jeremy J. Houser, Leslie M. Decker, and Nicholas Stergiou
Still Alice, Frederick Ruf
Stockholm, Pennsylvania, William L. Blizek
Stone Soup Community Development: Sustainability and AmeriCorp*VISTA Projects, Amy Bonn
Strategic Directions for Service-Learning Research: A Presidential Perspective, Judith Ramaley
Strategies for Becoming a Nation of Service, ServiceNation
Strength Profiles Following Supervised Treadmill Exercise Treatment in Peripheral Arterial Disease, Alli Kalina
Stride-to-stride variability is altered during backward walking in anterior cruciate ligament deficient patients, Franceska Zampeli, Constantina Moraiti Moraiti, Sofia Xergia, Vasilios Tsiaras, Nicholas Stergiou, and Anastasios D. Georgoulis
Structural Analysis of Coxsackievirus B3 by In-line Probing, Amy Hester
Student Development Outcomes in Service Learning for Teacher Education, Hilda A. Sramek
Student Experiences with Service-Learning in Sport Management, Gregg Bennett
Student Financial Aid 2006-07, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Student Financial Aid 2007-08, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Student Financial Aid 2008-09, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Student Financial Aid 2009-10, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Student Financial Aid 2010-11, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Student Financial Aid 2011-12, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Student Financial Aid 2012-13, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Student Financial Aid 2013-14, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Student Financial Aid 2014-15, UNO Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Student Involvement in Community Service: Institutional Commitment and the Campus Compact, Alexander W. Astin
Student Participation in Community Service Activity, National Center for Education
Student Perceptions of Aging and Disability as Influenced by Service Learning, David Greene
Student Perceptions of Service-Learning in the Community College, Ruben Michael Flores
Students as Resources to the Aging Network, James P. Firman, Donlad E. Gelfand, and Catherine Ventura
Students help in the naturalization of elders, Nina Gibson
Students Teaching Students: A Model for Service and Study, Pater W. Dillon and Robyn Van Riper
Successful transition to elementary school and the implementation of facilitative practices specified in the Reggio-Emilia philosophy, Barry H. Schneider, Mara Manetti, Laura Frattini, Nadia Rania, Jonathan Bruce Santo, Robert J. Coplan, and Eli Cwinn
Summary of National and Community Service Trust Act, Serve America
Summer Service Learning — What Distinguishes Students Who Choose to Participate from Those Who Do Not? Part One: Religion, Parents, and Social Awareness, Mary Beckman and Thomas A. Trozzolo
Sundance Film Festival 2015, Rubina Ramji
Support for K-12 Service-Learning Practice: A Brief Review of the Research, Shelley Billig
Supporting the Scientific Thinking and Inquiry of Toddlers and Preschoolers through Play, Maria Hamlin and Deborah Basler Wisneski
Survey of Nebraska Women's Employment Participation, Attitudes, and Needs, Murray Frost
Symmetry versus asymmetry in paired-associate learning: A test of the dual coding theory, Jerry Manheimer
Synergistic Ideation through Pairing Participants in Facilitated Group Support Systems Sessions, John D. Murphy and Deepak Khazanchi
Tables Summarizing Births and Fertility Rates by Race and Ethnicity of the Mother in the U.S. and Nebraska: 1989 to 2013, David J. Drozd
Tackling Society's Problems In English Class, Jim Burke
Tāj al-Tavārīkh:Savāniḥ-i ʻUmrī-yi Ala-Hazrat Amīr ʻAbd al-Raḥmān Khān, vol. 1, Muhammad Jafar
Taking the ead: A Preliminary Proposal for a K-12 Service-Learning Leadership Organization, Academy for Educational Development
Tangerine, William L. Blizek
Task experience, assigned goals, and performance norms as determinants of goal choice and performance, Jon Shanahan
Taxonomic classification of an endemic Bermudian fern, using molecular and morphological data, Dilys Houser
Teacher Education Curricula, National Service-Learning Clearinghouse
Teaching Character Education Through Service-Learning, Mike Brugh
Teaching Courage: Service Learning at Pathway School, Michelle D. Ioele and Anne L. Dolan
Teaching Empowerment, Helen Fox
Teaching ethics through community service, Judith A. Boss
Teaching the Presidential Elections: A Social Studies/Service Learning Teaching Unit for the Middle Grades, Lisa M. Greco
Teaching Twenty-First Century Citizenship: Social Psychological Foundations, Allan R. Brandhorst
Teaming Up at UCLA: A Report to the Campus Outreach Opportunity League, Robert D. Shumer and Parvin Kassaie
Technology as a Mirror, Judith A. Ramaley
Teen Toolkit: Prepare Today - Lead Tomorrow, Camp Fire USA
Temporal Structure of Support Surface Translations Drive the Temporal Structure of Postural Control During Standing, Troy J. Rand, Sara A. Myers, Anastasia Kyvelidou, and Mukul Mukherjee
Temporal structure of variability reveals similar control mechanisms during lateral stepping and forward walking, Shane R. Wurdeman and Nicholas Stergiou
Thanatos-Eros, Being-Non Being: Psychoanalytic - Existential Connection, Ryan D. Miller
The 2005 Benson Residents Survey, David J. Drozd, Jerry Deichert, and Robert F. Blair
The 414s, Rubina Ramji
The aging human neuromuscular system expresses less certainty for selecting joint kinematics during gait, Max J. Kurz and Nicholas Stergiou
The Alumni Gateway, University of Omaha Alumni Association
The Amina Profile, Rubina Ramji
The Ashgate Research Companion to Media Geography, Paul C. Adams, Jim Craine, Jason Dittmer, Christina E. Dando, and Ron Davidson
The availability of inferences in children and young adults, Gerilyn A. Katz
The Banneker History Project: Historic Investigation of a Once Segregated School, Marilynne Boyle-Baise and Paul Binford
The Binding Associations of the Mannose 6-Phosphate/Insulin-Like Growth Factor 2 Receptor, Brittney Tweedy
The Binding of Abraham: Inverting the Akedah in Fail-Safe and WarGames, Hunter B. Dukes
The Bridging Role of the Community Service Director on the Engaged Campus, JoAnn Campbell
The Changing Role of Higher Education: Learning to Deal with Wicked Problems, Judith A. Ramaley
The Civic Mission of the University, Benjamin R. Barber
The Classroom Researcher's Research Agenda, American Association for Higher Education
The Community Is Their Textbook: Maryland's Experiment with Mandatory Service for Students, Suzanne Goldsmith
The constitutionality of public school community service programs, Marie Bittner
The Contribution of Religion to Volunteer Work, John Wilson and Thomas Janoski
The contribution of the knee to the amount of gait variability, Andrew Arnold
The current training practices and perceived training needs of paraprofessionals in special education programs in Nebraska, Enid Ann Schonewise
The Douglas County Drug Court: Characteristics of Participants, Case Outcomes and Recidivism, Cassia Spohn and R. K. Piper
The effectiveness of information feedback on the conformity behavior of children, John Jay Wicks
The Effectiveness Of I-Pad Technology To Enhance Reading Fluency, Christine Harris
The effectiveness of two classes of verbal reinforcement on the performance of second-, fifth-, and eighth-grade children, Douglas D. Settles
The effectiveness of various omission training procedures as a function of reinforcement history, Mary Patricia Brockman
The Effect of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction on Stride-to-Stride Variability, Constantina O. Moraiti, Nicholas Stergiou, Stavros Ristanis, Haris S. Vasiliadis, Kostas Patras, Cassandra Lee, and Anastasios D. Georgoulis
The effect of anterior cruciate ligament recontruction on lower extremity relative phase dynamics during walking and running, Max J. Kurz, Nicholas Stergiou, Ugo H. Buzzi, and Anastasios D. Georgoulis
The Effect of a Required Character Education and Class-Wide Peer Tutoring Program on 5th-Grade Students’ Reading and Writing Performance, Anthony P. Dancer
The Effect of a School-Year-Long In-Service Leadership Development Grow-Your-Own Program on New and Veteran Assistant Principals’ Perceived Leadership Effectiveness, LuAnn M. Richardson
The Effect of a Short Duration, High Intensity Exercise Intervention on Gait Biomechanics in Patients With COPD: Findings From a Pilot Study, Jenna M. Yentes, Daniel Blanke, Stephen I. Rennard, and Nicholas Stergiou
The Effect of a Zoo-Based Experiential Academic Science Program on High School Students' Math and Science Achievement and Perceptions of School Climate, Elizabeth A. Mulkerrin
The effect of community service work on the moral development of college ethics students., Judith A. Boss
The Effect of Feedback on Low-Goal Task Performance, Jeffrey David Klawsky
The Effect of Improved School Climate Over Time on Fifth-Grade Students’ Achievement Assessment Scores and Teacher Administered Grade Scores, Dawn M. Marten
The Effect of Inquiry-Based, Hands-On Math Instruction Utilized in Combination with Web-Based, Computer-Assisted Math Instruction on 4th-Grade Students' Outcomes, Jason D. Plourde
The Effect of Music on Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Surgical Performance, Ka-Chun Siu, I. H. Suh, Mukul Mukherjee, D. Oleynikov, and Nicholas Stergiou
The Effect of Participation in School-Sponsored Community Service Programs on Student Attitudes Toward Social Responsibility, Helen Marie Marks
The effect of response mode and affective state on multiattribute decision-making, Robert Jason Weiss
The effects of a community involvement program on adolescent student's citizenship attitudes, Stuart Harold Stockhaus
The effects of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction on tibial rotation during pivoting after descending stairs, Stavros Ristanis, Giannis Giakas, Christos D. Papageorgiou, Constantina O. Moraiti, Nicholas Stergiou, and Anastasios D. Georgoulis
The effects of a plyometric training program on the latency time of the quadriceps femoris and gastrocnemius short-latency responses, D. H. Potach, Dimitrios Kastavelis, Gregory M. Karst, R. W. Latin, and Nicholas Stergiou
The Effects of Choice and Ego-Involvement on Confidence Judgments, Jonathan H. Chow
The effects of expertise and information relevance on information search strategy., Jason Lebsack
The Effects of Facial Attractiveness on Judicial Recommendations Made by Middle-Aged Mid-Western Females, Angela Boyd
The effects of feedback referent and content upon self-determination, rated task interest, and intrinsic motivation, Kerry L. Sheehan
The effects of gender of observers and victims on perceptions of fairness in unjust situations., Laura Leah Josoff
The Effects of Locus of Control and Method of Goal Setting on Task Motivation, Paula Coburn
The Effects of "Mandatory Volunteerism" on Intentions to Volunteer, Arthur A. Stukas, Mark Snyder, and E. Gil Clary
The Effects of Pairing Participants in Facilitated Group Support Systems Sessions, John D. Murphy and Deepak Khazanchi
The effects of physostigmine sulfate on inferential learning in the rat, Stephen Frederic Johnsen
The Effects of Service Activities on Adolescent Alienation, Raymond L. Calabrese and Harry Schumer
The Effects of Service Learning on middle and high school students with emotional disturbance, Arthur E. Brandt
The effects of the achievement gap on students formally identified as gifted. Does giftedness prevail?, Dwayne T. Chism
The effects of values-clarification strategies on school attitudes in seventh grade English, James C. Gaffney
The Effects of Visual Feedback and Level of Aggression on the Application of Noxious Stimuli, Gary W. Rawson
The electrophysiological correlates of learning in the developing kitten, A. Derick Dalhouse
The Evolution of Character Education: From Hellfire and Brimstone to Constructivism, Arati Singh
The experience of counseling the terminally ill and the best counseling practices, Helen Jackson Bleicher
The experimental study of the relation between the Alpha rhythm of the electroencephalogram and intelligence, David Gordon Shacter
The Gateway 1915, University of Omaha
The Gateway 1916, University of Omaha
The Gateway 1917, University of Omaha
The Gateway 1918, University of Omaha
The Gateway 1919, University of Omaha
The Gateway 1920, University of Omaha
The Gateway 1921, University of Omaha
The Gateway 1922, University of Omaha
The Gateway 1923, University of Omaha
The Gateway 1924, University of Omaha
The Gateway 1925, University of Omaha
The Gateway 1926, University of Omaha
The Gateway 1927, University of Omaha
The Gateway (April-May 1921), University of Omaha
The Global Geek: Language Training for IT Students’ Study Abroad in Austria and Germany, Gwyneth E. Cliver and Deepak Khazanchi
The Great American Bake Sale: A Program of Share Our Strength, Cathryn Berger Kaye
The Hallow, Rubina Ramji
The Ideal Characteristics of Foxfire Type Projects as Perceived by Teacher Advisors, Robert Dennis England
The impact of a college community service laboratory on students' personal, social, and cognitive outcomes, Dwight Giles Jr. and Janet Eyler
The Impact of an International Baccalaureate Primary Years Curriculum on Intermediate Grade Girls’ and Boys’ Perceptions of their Learned Global Citizenship Attributes, Suzanne R. Melliger
The impact of assigned, conflicting goals on task performance, Daniel P. Whitenak
The Impact of a Virescent-like Mutation on Carbon and Nitrogen Metabolism in Glechoma hederacea, Collin LeFrois
The impact of environmental noise on robot-assisted laparoscopic surgical performance, Ka-Chun Siu, I. H. Suh, Mukul Mukherjee, D. Oleynikov, and Nicholas Stergiou
The Impact of Experiential Education on Adolescent Development, Daniel Conrad and Diane Hedin
The Impact of High-Speed Internet Connectivity at Home on Eighth-Grade Student Achievement, Kent J. Kingston
The Impact of Parental Military Status on the Achievement, Attendance, and Attitudes of Fourth Grade Students, Melba Hooker
The Impact of Service-Learning on Participants in Community-Based Organizations, Kay S. Bailey
The Impact of Service Learning on Perceptions of Self-Efficacy, Monalisa McCurry Mullins
"The Impact of Sustained Dialogue on International Students' Experiences", Benjamin Gadzinski
The Impact of Traditional and Alternative University Teacher Preparation Program Options on Secondary Teacher Candidates’ Knowledge, Skills, Dispositions, and Employment, Rebecca B. Schnabel
The Impact of Two Middle School Grade Level Start Points, 5th-Grade and 7th-Grade, on Adolescents' 8th-Grade Achievement, Behavior, and High School Preparedness, Elizabeth W. Standish
The Impact of Volunteer Experience on Adolescent Social Development: Evidence of Program Effects, Stephen F. Hamilton and L. Mickey Fenzel
The Impacts of Service Learning on Youth, Schools and Communities: Research on K-12 School-Based Service Learning, 1990 to 1999, Shelley H. Billig
The influence of auditory-motor coupling on fractal dynamics in human gait, Nathaniel Hunt, Denise McGrath, and Nicholas Stergiou
The influence of exercise self-efficacy and social support on exercise for Air Force personnel, Jerry Wilson
The Influence of Online Word of Mouth on Product Sales in Retail E-commerce: An Empirical Investigation, Alanah Davis and Deepak Khazanchi
The Influence of Small Airports and Air Transportation on Local Economic Development: A Study of Nebraska, Robert F. Blair, Jerry Deichert, and David J. Drozd
The Influence of Transactive Memory on Mutual Knowledge in Virtual Teams: A Theoretical Proposal, Alanah Davis and Deepak Khazanchi
The Influence of Valence of Additional Information and Affective State on Regret and Subsequent Decision Making Behavior, Rhonda A. Stutzman
The Institutionalization of Service-Learning as a Pedagogical Tool for Campus Engagement at Public Versus Private Higher Education Institutions, Gwenda R. Greene
The Ivory Tower Opens Up: Documenting Controversy, Amy Schindler
The Lancaster County Juvenile Reentry Project, Anne M. Hobbs, Ryan E. Spohn, Jenna Strawhun, Timbre Wulf-Ludden, Johanna Peterson, and Sommer Fousek
The Lancaster County Juvenile Reentry Project - Follow-up Report, Anne M. Hobbs and Sommer Fousek
The Legitimacy of Experiential Learning in Research Universities, Angela E. Schmiede
The Life of John Nicholson:Soldier and Administrator, Lionel J. Trotter, Captian
The manifest anxiety-defensiveness scale, induction of threat to self-esteem, and the resolution of dissonance, Dennis F. Gardner
The Meaning and Value of Service in the Scholarly Work of Education Faculty at Mississippi Public Four-Year Institutions, Thomas Joseph Schnaubelt
The Missing Link: Democratic Citizenship in Service Learning A Case Study of Undergraduate Course Offerings at a Large Urban University, Michael S. Bittner
The moderating effects of evaluation apprehension and group goals on social loafing, Thomas Rauzi
The Movie Mogul, Moses and Muslims: Islamic Elements in Cecil B. DeMille’s The Ten Commandments (1956), Michael D. Calabria OFM
The Nature and Structure of Impediments to EDI Adoption and Integration: A Survey of Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Deepak Khazanchi
The New Student Politics Curriculum Guide, Keith Morton, Sandra Enos, and Sarah E. Long
The Next Literacy: Educating Young Americans for Work and Citizenship, David Fleming
The Nightmare, Jodi McDavid
The Non-Place between Sacred and Profane: Utopian Gestures in the Apparatus of Semiocapitalism in Laurent Cantet’s L'emploi du temps, Tamas Nagypal
The Omahan 1928, University of Omaha
The Omahan 1929, University of Omaha
The Paradox of Knowledge Creation in a High-Reliability Organization: A Case Study, Ivana Milosevec, A. Erin Bass, and Gwendolyn M. Combs
The perceptual weighting of speech-related acoustic cues for 3 & 1/2-year-old children differs from that of adults: Results using natural and synthetic stimuli, Carol J. Manning
The Philadelphia Story: A Guide to Service-Learning System Building, Kenny Holdsman and David Tuchmann
The Picture Tells the Story: Photographic Depictions of Female Offenders in Front-Page Newspaper Stories, Danielle Slakoff
The Potential Additional Supply of Labor Available to the Omaha SMSA: Summary, Lawrence A. Danton
The predictive value of MMPI personality style in obesity therapy, Jeffrey J. Harvey
The progressive matrices (1938) with chronic brain disorder and chronic schizophrenic subjects, Ellis L. Schultz
The Progress of Education Reform 1999-2001: Youth Violence, Suzanne Weiss
The Prudential Spirit of Community Youth Survey: A Survey of High School Students on Community Involvement, Wirthlin Group
The psychological viewpoints of William Hertzog Thompson and his contributions., Gloria Kurtz Sinnett
The racial attitudes of black children as a function of skin color of teacher, Anna Marie D'Aguillo
The relationship between attitudes toward women and the motive to avoid success, Rebecca A. Fahrlander
The relationship between the Wechsler-Bellevue subtests and academic achievement using institutionalized retardates, Fred Richard Seybold
The relationship of locus of reinforcement to change in initial perception of communicator credibility and type of decision generated, Stephen Allan Brown
The Relationship of Verbal Abilities to Cognitive Complexity, Margaret R. Mullins
The relationships between biodata and personality: How different is different?, Lindsay A. Bousman
The relationships between self-concept, intelligence, socio-economic status and school achievement among Spanish-American children in Omaha, Alvaro Miguel Valenzuela
The Role of Cognitive Differentiation in Conceptual Systems Theory, Mary Flume
The Role of Parenting in the Prediction of Criminal Involvement: Findings From a Nationally Representative Sample of Youth and a Sample of Adopted Youth, Kevin M. Beaver, Joesph A. Schwartz, Eric J. Connolly, Mohammed Said Al-Ghamdi, and Ahmed Nezar Kobeisy
The Role of Poor Sleep Quality in Producing Incivility at Work Among Working College Students, Adam Thurley
The Roles of Youth in Society: A Reconceptualization, Ruthann Kurth-Schai
The Service Sojourn: Conceptualizing the College Student Volunteer Experience, Brian C. Schmidt
The Sickness unto death: Søren Kierkegaard's categories of despair, Michael A. Harsh
The Situational Interview as a Measure of Intelligence, Deborah F. Goodman
The Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Program and Rural Development: A Description of Awards Granted in Nebraska during Fiscal Years 1993-2004, Jerry Deichert, Robert F. Blair, David J. Drozd, and Nathan George
The spanning set indicates that variability during the stance period of running is affected by footwear, Max J. Kurz and Nicholas Stergiou
The Stanford Prison Experiment, Rubina Ramji
The Status of Service-Learning in the United States: Some Facts and Figures, Robert D. Shumer and Charles C. Cook
The suitability of the Goodenough draw a man test for use in the Chagga schools of Tanganyika, Allan J. Gottneid
The test-retest performance of 427 institutionalized mentally retarded individuals on the 1937 revision of the Stanford-Binet intelligence scale, David C. Ihrig
The Theoretical Roots of Service-Learning in John Dewey: Toward a Theory of Service-Learning, Dwight E. Giles Jr. and Janet Eyler
The Third Way, Richard M. Freeland
The Time is Right: A Report of the Youth ServiceAmerica and Brown University Youth Service Leadership Conference, Youth Service America
The Tipping Point to Terrorism: Involvement in Right-Wing Terrorist Groups in the United States, Anne M. Stacey Reeser
The Transformative Power of Civic Education, Libby Ethridge
The Transformative Power of Education, Johnetta B. Cole
The use of a diagnostic spelling test in the analysis of spelling problems, Geraldine L. Whitted
The use of goal setting by a mentally retarded woman to increase productivity and reduce errors in a competitive job training site, Rita J. Yasson
The Use of Grand Assessments in K-12 Service-Learning Research, Andrew Furco
The Use of Play Assessment to Evaluate the Cognitive Skills of Two-and Three-Year-Old Children, Lisa Kelly-Vance, Bridget O. Ryalls, and Katrina Gill Glover
The Use of Service-Learning in Emergency Management, Federal Emergency Management Agency
The Use of Service Learning to Promote Understanding of Gang-Related Issues Faced by Adolescents, Patrice Paul, Kathy Sexton-Radek, Janina Adickas, and Bridget Fousek
The Value of Work: A Case for Promoting Christian Service Opportunities to College Students, Glenn Bryan
The Visit, Rubina Ramji
The Voices of Preservice Teachers on the Meaning and Value of Their Service-Learning, Kevin J. Swick and Michael Rowls
The Youth in Service to Elders (YISTE) Program: A Case Study, Sally Newman, Heather Newman, Roland Onawola, and Caroline Thompson
Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: Documenting Environmental Activism in New York State, Brian Keough and Amy Schindler
Three-dimensional kinematics of the tibiofemoral joint in ACL-deficient and reconstructed patients shows increased tibial rotation, Anastasios D. Georgoulis, Stavros Ristanis, Constantina O. Moraiti, Argyris Mitsou, Manfred Bernard, and Nicholas Stergiou
Thriving in the 21st Century by Tackling Wicked Problems, Judith A. Ramaley
Thriving under pressure: An exploration of research productivity in business Ph.D. programs, Ivana Milosevec, Ted A. Paterson, and A. Erin Bass
Tibial Rotation is Not Restored after ACL Reconstruction with a Hamstring Graft, Anastasios D. Georgoulis, Stavros Ristanis, Vasileios Chouliaras, Constantina O. Moraiti, and Nicholas Stergiou
Tig, Jodi McDavid
Tip Sheets: Risk Management in School-Based Service-Learning, Lisa Gray
Tired Moonlight, Kristian Petersen
Tomahawk 1936, Municipal University of Omaha
Tomahawk 1937, Municipal University of Omaha
Tomahawk 1938, Municipal University of Omaha
Tomahawk 1939, Municipal University of Omaha
Tomahawk 1940, Municipal University of Omaha
Tomahawk 1941, Municipal University of Omaha
Tomahawk 1942, Municipal University of Omaha
Tomahawk 1943, Municipal University of Omaha
Tomahawk 1944, Municipal University of Omaha
Tomahawk 1945, Municipal University of Omaha
Tomahawk 1946, Municipal University of Omaha
Tomahawk 1947, Municipal University of Omaha
Tomahawk 1949, Municipal University of Omaha
Tomahawk 1950, Municipal University of Omaha
Tomahawk 1951, Municipal University of Omaha
Tomahawk 1952, Municipal University of Omaha
Tomahawk 1953, Municipal University of Omaha
Tomahawk 1954, Municipal University of Omaha
Tomahawk 1955, Municipal University of Omaha
Tomahawk 1956, Municipal University of Omaha
Tomahawk 1958, Municipal University of Omaha
Tomahawk 1959, Municipal University of Omaha
Tomahawk 1960, Municipal University of Omaha
Tomahawk 1961, Municipal University of Omaha
Tomahawk 1962, Municipal University of Omaha
Tomahawk 1963, Municipal University of Omaha
Tomahawk 1964, Municipal University of Omaha
Tomahawk 1965, Municipal University of Omaha
Tomahawk 1966, Municipal University of Omaha
Tomahawk 1967, Municipal University of Omaha
Tomahawk 1968, Municipal University of Omaha
Tomahawk 1969, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Tomahawk 1970, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Tomahawk 1971, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Tomahawk Summer 1971, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Tomahawk, Summer 1971, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Tomahawk Winter 1970-1971, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Touch avoidance and eating disorders: A relational study, Christine L. North
Toward an Expanded Conceptualization of Transformative Learning: A Case Study of International Service-Learning in Nicaragua, Richard C. Kiely
Toward an Ideal Relational Ethic: Re-thinking university-community engagement, Steve Garlick and Victoria J. Palmer
Toward Cognitive Development through Field Studie, Barbara A. Hursh and Lenore Borzak
Training Student Organizers Curriculum (Revised Edition), Michael Zamm, Robert Ortner, and Beverly DeAngelis
Trait Anxiety as a Moderator of Problem Structuring Effects on Solution Generation, Judith A. Wightman
Transcending Disciplines, Reinforcing Curricula: Why Faculty Teach With Service Learning, Rudy M. Garcia and Gail Robinson
Transforming Service Learning: An Argument for the Radical Inclusion of Young People, Dana R. Fusco
Transtibial Amputee Joint Motion has Increased Attractor Divergence During Walking Compared to Non-Amputee Gait, Shane R. Wurdeman, Sara A. Myers, and Nicholas Stergiou
Trends in Adult Justice, Jared M. Ellison and Ryan E. Spohn
Trends in Young Adult Male Incarceration Admissions in Nebraska, Jonathan R. Brauer
Twenty counties in Nebraska have uninsured rate over 20 percen, Melanie Kiper
Two Studies of the Impact of Performance Feedback on Community Service Learning Among College Students, Mahesh Subramony
Umrika, Rubina Ramji
Undecided/Undeclared: Working with "Deciding" Students, Robert M. McDaniels, Jennifer K. Carter, Cynthia K. Carter, Karin I. Candrl, and Anna M. Wieberg
Understanding the Special Education Teacher as a General Education Teacher, Camilla Redford
Undoing the Claim of Objectivity: Contradictions at the Heart of Bergtji van der Haak, Saudi Solutions (2005), Anisa Saeed Mohammed Nasser
United We Serve: A Call To Universal Jewish Service, Maggi G. Gaines and Sara Paasche-Orlow
Universities as Citizens Summer Planning Institute, Universities as Citizens Summer Planning Institute
UNO Faculty Books and Monographs, Criss Library
Use children's books to link the cultures of the world, Mary J. Lickteig and Kathy Everts Danielson
Using CSL with Special Education and Reading Resource Students, Barbara Carter Ellis
Using Hypermedia and Multimedia to Promote Project-Based Learning of At-Risk High School Students, Tracy Carr and Asha K. Jitendra
Using Law-Related Education as an Intervention with "High-Risk" Youth, Drake Buzzell
Using storybooks to acquaint children with the continent of Africa, Mary J. Lickteig and Kathy Everts Danielson
Using Three Dimensional Motion Capture Technology to Describe and Assess Piano Technique: A Case Study, Brenda Wristen, Nicholas Stergiou, and Sharon Evans
Validated robotic laparoscopic surgical training in a virtual-reality environment, Dimitrios Kastavelis, Ka-Chun Siu, B. Brown-Clerk, Irene H. Lee, Yong Kwon Lee, D. Oleynikov, and Nicholas Stergiou
Validity of Wearable Activity Monitors for Estimation of Resting Energy Expenditure in Adults, Alyssa Keill
Validity & Sentiment In Digital Marketing, Braden Rapp
Variability in word learning: Phonological sensitivity and phonological memory, Marnie E. Arkenberg
Variability of Gait is Dependent on Direction of Progression: Implications for Active Control, Shane R. Wurdeman and Neil B. Huben
Velocity at Lactate Threshold and Running Economy Must Also be Considered Along With Maximal Oxygen Uptake When Testing Elite Soccer Players During Preseason, Giorgos Ziogas, Kostas Patras, Nicholas Stergiou, and Anastasios D. Georgoulis
Violence, Youth and A Way Out, John A. Calhoun
Virtual PhD courses – A new mode of PhD Education?, Bjørn Erik Munkvold, Ilze Zigurs, and Deepak Khazanchi
Virtual Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Jerzy Kisielnicki Kisielnicki, Ilze Zigurs, Deepak Khazanchi, and Azamat Mametjanov
Vocational Education 5100 - Experiential Learning and Youth Development, Robert D. Shumer
Voluntary Action on the College Campus - From Theory to Practice, Debra Floerchinger
Volunteer for Change: A Guide to Environmental Community Service, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Wage Theft in Nebraska, Abbie Kretz
"We Are Legion": Primal Dreams and Screams in the Satanic Screen, Carrol L. Fry Dr
What Do Students Learn from Service-Learning and How Do We Know It?, Scott A. Chadwick
What Do We Know About the Impact of Field Based Programs on Students?, Janet Eyler and Dwight Giles Jr.
What Kind of Citizen? The Politics of Assessing Democratic Values, Joel Westheimer, Joesph Kahne, and Bethany Rogers
What We Know About Engendering Civic Identity, James Youniss, Jeffrey A. McLEllan, and Miranda Yates
Whither EDI? An Analysis of Emerging Trends in Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Use in Kentucky Small- to Medium-Sized Enterprises, Deepak Khazanchi
Why Are We Here? What Are We Doing? Interdisciplinary Social Studies for the 21st Century, Ann L. Rappaport
Why the Environment Needs National Service, Brian R. Trelstad
Wingspread Declaration on Renewing the Civic Mission of the American Research University, Harry C. Boyte and Elizabeth Hollander
WISC-III profile patterns of learning disabled children, Russell Goetting
Woman in Gold, Helene Meyers
Women's History Through Quilting, Tricia J. Lea
Workforce 2000: Reshaping for School-Work-Career Transitions, Terry Pickeral, Dawn Wegter, Ellen Winiarczyk, Debbie Driver, Liz Newport, Eve Alitzer, Kellie Bond, Jill Painter-Holmes, and Linda Burgess
Working at Learning, Education Week
Writing Toward Democracy: Service-Learning and Composition, Glenn C. Hutchinson Jr.
YAC Tracks: A step-by-step Guide for organizing Community Youth Action Coalitions, Kansas Office for Community Service and Points of Light Foundation
You are your body/You are not your body, Dereck Daschke
Youth Civic Development: Implications of Research for Social Policy and Programs, Constance A. Flanagan and Nakesha Faison
Youth Development/Youth Service Status Report, Minnesota Children
Youth Entering Service to America, Yes to America
Youth Helping America - Building Active Citizens: The Role of Social Institutions in Teen Volunteering, Corporation for National and Community Service
Youth Helping America - Educating for Active Citizenship: Service-Learning, School-Based Service and Youth Civic Engagement, Kimberly Spring, Nathan Dietz, and Robert Grimm Jr.
Youth Policy Conference: A Summary, Ron Jenkins
Youth Policy: The monthly report on national youth programs and issues (October/November 1990), Youth Policy Institute
Youths and Communities: Toward Comprehensive Strategies for Youth Development, William H. Barton, Marie Watkins, and Roger Jarjoura
Youth Service: From Youth As Problems to Youth as Resources, Bonnie Benard
Youth Service-Learning and Community Service Among 6th- through 12th-Grade Students in the United States: 1996 and 1999, Brian Kleiner and Chris Chapman
Youth Socialization Via National Service, Donald J. Eberly
You’ve Gotta Keep the Faith: Making Sense of Disaster in Post 9/11 Apocalyptic Cinema, Matthew Leggatt
Z for Zachariah, William L. Blizek