Theses, Dissertations, and Creative Activity from students in the Department of Psychology.
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Theses/Dissertations from 1996
Relationship between life change events and communication apprehension, Elaine Bylund
WISC-III profile patterns of learning disabled children, Russell Goetting
The Effects of Divorce and Conflict On Academic Achievement, Michael John Hall
Interparental Conflict, Family Environment and Perceived Interpersonal Conflicts Among Late Adolescents, Harry Durell Johnson
Did the Revolution Start Without Us? An Examination of Inclusive School Psychology Practice in Iowa and Nebraska, Sharon K. Knudsen
Managing the group polarization of attitudes toward new policies: A procedural justice perspective, Carol E. McKnight
Seasonal Assessment of Oral Reading Rate Obtained by Rural Elementary Students, Teresa R. Oswald
Orthographically Mediated Inhibition Effects: Evidence of Activational Feedback During Visual Word Recognition, Jason F. Reimer
Affect During Conflicts Between Adolescents and Their Best Friends, Other Friends and Acquaintances, Mary J. Spenceri
Effect of degree of cue separation and stimulus encoding method on cue sample size and learning rate, Robert Jason Weiss
The effect of response mode and affective state on multiattribute decision-making, Robert Jason Weiss
A Group Achievement Test as a Predictor of Support Services Beyond the Classroom, Deborah D. White
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
Training and Practices of School Psychologists, Jennifer Davenport
Effects of gender and perceived identifiability on whistle-blowing behavior, John Johanson
Cognitive Differentiation And Verbal Ability: A Test Of Two Judgmental Models, Kristine K. Siedis
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
The Situational Interview as a Measure of Intelligence, Deborah F. Goodman
Perceived fairness of organizational drug testing policies: An examination of voice and consistency, Cheryl L. Hendrickson
Using subgoals as a Mechanism for altering perceptions of situational control, mastery, and task-related stress, James E. Kieffer
Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Nova Training Model, Melody Moore-Richardson
Black Children, White Bias, Victoria J. Porter
A comparison of the ways that teachers, parents and preschool children classify toys into gender categories, Linda Schneider
Task experience, assigned goals, and performance norms as determinants of goal choice and performance, Jon Shanahan
The Influence of Valence of Additional Information and Affective State on Regret and Subsequent Decision Making Behavior, Rhonda A. Stutzman
Procedural Justice and Voice: Do Individual Differences Moderate the Voice Effect?, Mark N. Van Osdel
Inhibition and Sentence Processing in Children with Learning Disabilities, Sherry Wilson
Theses/Dissertations from 1993
Problem-Solving Versus Traditional Approaches to Assessment and Intervention, Julie K. Hass
The effects of gender of observers and victims on perceptions of fairness in unjust situations., Laura Leah Josoff
The perceptual weighting of speech-related acoustic cues for 3 & 1/2-year-old children differs from that of adults: Results using natural and synthetic stimuli, Carol J. Manning
Acceptability of Refusal Skills Training Modalities: A Comparison of Adolescents' vs. Professionals' Perceptions, Mary M. Poler
The effects of child-directed speech vs adult-directed speech on attention and categorization in prelinguistic infants, Jean M. Schumacher
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
Framing Effects in Riskless Decisions: Discounting of Temporally Delayed Outcomes, Adam B. Butler
Coaching Behaviors in Youth Sports, Mary Elizabeth Davis
Expectancy Effects As Moderated By Expecter Need For Achievement and Target Self-Consciousness, Paula Ethington Felchner
The Effects of Teacher Attitudes Toward Prereferral Interventions as a Function of Consulting Source, Denise Barsdorf Greenberg
A comparison study of the WISC-III and WISC-R with a special education population, Henry P. Green
Variables affecting teacher attitudes concerning regular classroom placement of children with disabilities., Kristine A. Kelly
A psychological study of "Waiting for Godot" using Jungian and Laingian representations, Frank Xavier Kosmicki
The Moderating Effects of Moral Development and Dogmatism upon an Interviewer's Saliency of Applicant Gender and Information Level during Preliminary Employment Decisions, Konney Jay Larwood
The Role of Cognitive Distractibility in Special Education Diagnosis, Mavis A. Nigro
Refining personality disorder assessment procedures: The relationship between MCMI-II and SCID-II, Robert J. Pass
Reading Rate and Reading Comprehension: A Comparison of Identified and Non-Identified Readers, Debra L. Schwiesow
Stability of WISC-R Scores between Triennial Evaluations of Learning Disabled Students, Norman J. Wozny
Theses/Dissertations from 1991
Modifying Curriculum and Instruction for Students At-Risk for School Failure: A Program Evaluation, Kathleen M. Bird
Otto Rank's Personality Types and the Prisoner's Dilemma Game, Jeffrey L. Charvat
Organizational Commitment: A Multiple Commitment Concept, Randy L. Fulton
The Effect of Persuasion, Across Task Difficulties, on Self-efficacy, Performance and Persistence A Thesis, Linda J. Kaiser
Psychophysiological and Personality Correlates of Repression and Sensitization, John Patrick Kline
Touch avoidance and eating disorders: A relational study, Christine L. North
Looking at Barbie: Social comparison processes and body esteem among women, Sally Elizabeth Ware
The Dispositional Approach to Job Satisfaction: Trait or State?, Sharlyn K. Whingham
Theses/Dissertations from 1990
Ethical Dilemmas Confronting School Psychologists, Karol Basel
Sociometric status of preschool children: The role of play behaviors, verbalizations, and physical attractiveness., Kathleen Marie Bird
The Birthdate Effect and Socioeconomic Status in Elementary School, Christine Ellenberg Borgelt
The Effects of Locus of Control and Method of Goal Setting on Task Motivation, Paula Coburn
Language Development and Day-Care Experience, Amy C. Elofson
The relationship between typical and maximum performance across levels of job complexity, Ken Jordan
Sentence Priminq Effects on the Processinq of Ambiguous Words., Merilee A. Krueger
Myers-Briggs personality types in chronic pain patients, Linda S. McKee-McAlpin
Voice Content: Effects of Perceived Instrumentality and Interactional Fairness, Patrick J. Menke
The Effect of Excuses on Customers' Perceptions of Service Agents rollowing Service Delays, Nicholas Mills
The Development of Trust for Best Friend Versus Other Friend in Childhood and Adolescent Relationship, Eileen Molzen
Teacher Ratings as Predictors of Reading Achievement on Curriculum-Based and a Standardized Oral Reading Test, Harva H. Paul
A Longitudinal Test of a Proposed VIE Theoretic Control Systems Model of Self-Regulated Human Performance, Vernon A. Peterson
Individual Differences in Trust in Friendships of Children and Adolescents with Their Best versus Other Friend, M. Susan Flanagan Snyder
Perceptions of Fairness in the Frustration Effect: An Attributional Analysis, David T. Van Dyke
Theses/Dissertations from 1989
Psychosocial Correlates of Drug Use in Adolescents, Earl H. Faulkner
Influence of Feedback Specificity and Simultaneous Goals on Task Performance, David W. Furst
Effectiveness of Screening Procedures to Determine Delay Versus Regular Kindergarten Entrance, Janet Benton Gaillard
The predictive value of MMPI personality style in obesity therapy, Jeffrey J. Harvey
Construct validity and development of local norms in the assessment of ADHD., Rose Ternes Hunter
Peer Ratings of First-Grade Thumbsuckers, Keith Martin McPherson
Proxemic Behavior of the Nonhandicapped Toward the Visually Impaired, Carol J. Olsen
Courtroom Factors and Jurors' Decision-Making in Cases Involving Child Witnesses, Debra Schwiesow
The effects of feedback referent and content upon self-determination, rated task interest, and intrinsic motivation, Kerry L. Sheehan
Theses/Dissertations from 1988
The effect of gender self-schema on the accuracy of job evaluation ratings, John R. Curtis Jr
Rey auditory-verbal learning test norms for preadolescents, Donna Homer
The moderating effects of evaluation apprehension and group goals on social loafing, Thomas Rauzi
Theses/Dissertations from 1986
Determinants of wage satisfaction, Clare Gertsch
Roberts' Apperception Test for Children: Referred and nonreferred student profiles, Evelyn Harm Headen
The Effect of Feedback on Low-Goal Task Performance, Jeffrey David Klawsky
The effect of reduced assessor inference on the demonstration of convergent and discriminant validity in assessment center ratings, Kevin G. Louiselle
The Effect of Backward Priming on Word Recognition in Single-word and Sentence Contexts., Robert R. Peterson
Use of The Analysis of Variance Model for Investigating Disposition Decisions of Judges and Probation Officers, William E. Reay
Theses/Dissertations from 1985
Getting ready to learn: The correspondence between contingency awareness and level of Piagetian sensorimotor development, Patricia Beilby-Smith
Cerebral Hemispheric Mechanisms in the Retrieval of Ambiguous Word Meanings, Roland Curt Burgess
An attributional analysis of goal setting, acceptance, and performance outcome on supervisor's evaluations, Janet J. Car
Inferences at encoding vs. retrieval: Clarifying the issues based on a developmental perspective, Mark A. Casteel
The effects of various error messages and error types on program debugging time., David L. Dawson
The consensus judgment process in job evaluation: The effect of sex of chairperson, job stereotype, and job level on individual and group ratings, Margaret L. Durr
Levels and Conditions of Goal Acceptance, Kim James Kohlhepp
The Use of Mnemonic Strategies in Reading Comprehension, Karen F. Montgomery
Correlates of life satisfaction in an aged population, Janice Sue Sitzman
Theses/Dissertations from 1984
The influence of supervisor credibility, sex of supervisor, and sex of subject on feedback acceptance, Tracy Innaurato
Acceptability of treatment: The effects of socioeconomic status and intellectual level on teachers' ratings of interventions, Kathryn L. Welch
The impact of assigned, conflicting goals on task performance, Daniel P. Whitenak
Plasma catecholamine and ascorbic acid levels in smokers and nonsmokers as a function of stress, Audrey A. Wickiser
Theses/Dissertations from 1983
Memory for an event in two- and five-years olds, Evelyn Harm Haeden