Theses, Dissertations, and Creative Activity from students in the Department of Psychology.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Reducing Employee Burnout: The Mediating Role of Creativity, Salvatore Anthony Leone
Restorative Circles Training Through Video Modules: A Case Design with a Teacher from the Midwest, Diedra A. Reeves
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
DEI support structures: Relationships between organizational diversity, equity, and inclusion policies and employee experience, Laura J. Brooks Dueland
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Meatpacking workers' perceptions of working conditions, psychological contracts and organizational justice, María Teresa Gastón
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Occurrence of Rumination: Effects of Feedback Valence, Self-Disclosure, and Social Anxiety, Chun Han Chen
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Parental Training and Performance Feedback: Implications for Improving Early Literacy Development in Preschool Children, Karie J. Martin
The Relationship between Acculturation and Parental Involvement in Latino Parents., Casie Olsen
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
The Effect of Evaluator's Mood and Type of Accountability on Performance Appraisal Evaluations: A Study of the Affect Infusion Model, Jason E. Gerlt
Student Reading Progress During a Summer Reading Clinic and Beyond, Nicole Jennifer Werth
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Acceptance of technological change: Do age, expertise and self-efficacy matter?, Cheryl Fernandez
Views of School Success Among Spanish-. and English-.speaking Parents, Jessica Gregory-Wells
Adolescents' Perceptions and Interpretations of Parental Control: Differentiated by Domain and Type of Control, Fumiko Kakihara
Cross-Cultural Differences in the Perception of Group Entitativity and Autonomy, Koichi Kurebayashi
A Curriculum-Based Evaluation of Written Expression, Lisa M. McBrien
Attitude accessibility and education: Students' reported attitudes toward peers with disabilities in parochial and public schools., Janet L. Miller
Using an Effort Praise Intervention to Increase Achievement and Persistence in Reading, Karin Leak Mussman
The effect of values, conscientiousness, and self-efficacy on ethical decision-making, Marcy Young
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
The Implementation of Reading Interventions in a Community Setting, Kimberly H. Bell
DIBELS and CBM: Using these Measures to Promote Big Ideas in Beginning Reading in Kindergarten through First-Grade, Eva M. Denton
The Effect of a Dialogic Reading Intervention on the Emergent Literacy Skills of Preschool Students, Alicia M. Domack
Effectiveness of a Continuous Vs. Traditional Learning Calendar and the Impact on Reading for Students Receiving Special Education, Molly B. Dotson
Play assessment: The effects of peer interaction on children's cognitive capabilities., Korrinda Mendez
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
The influence of positive performance appraisal ratings and regulatory focus on motivation to improve or maintain performance, C. Allen Gorman
Emotional intelligence as a moderator of problem based arousal on solution quality and quantity, Anne E. Herman
The Effects of Scripts on Treatment Integrity, Kyle S. Hesser
Organizational Justice, Organizational Citizenship, and Group Performance in an Educational Setting, Charles Peterson
Comparisons of Rural and Urban School Psychologists in Nebraska, Erin Marie Boldt Reiff
The impact of explanations in rejection letters on perceptions of fairness and accountability, Troy A. Romero
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
Small Group Phonemic Awareness Instruction Within a Preschool Program, Kelly R. Branecki
Assessing language using play-based assessment in a familiar versus an unfamiliar context., Colleen Ryan Dupuis
Children's attitudes toward peers with disabilities: The effects of inclusion and contact., Melissa E. Hall
Kids on the block and attitudes, knowledge, and acceptance of children with disabilities., Amanda G. Johnson
Phonemic Awareness and Preschool: Does One-On-One Instruction Improve Reading Readiness?, Jolene J. Johnson
The Clinical Application of the Good Behavior Game in Three Elementary Classrooms, Keri K. Ramaekers
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Differences in Achievement Between Graded and Nongraded Elementary School Students, Amanda M. Arkfeld
The relationships between biodata and personality: How different is different?, Lindsay A. Bousman
Interpersonal forgiveness in elementary school-aged children, Susan M. Goss
Assessing toddlers' problem-solving skills using play assessment: Facilitation versus non-facilitation, Leslie J. McCaslin
Parent's Perceptions of Positive Traits for School Psychologists, Angela Nelson
Fears and the presence of imaginary companions and personified objects in preschool children, Jill R. Ramet
Must Curriculum Based Measurement Reading Probes Be Curriculum Based?, Nicole Riley-Heller
Fear of Victimization in Rural Middle School Students, Benjamin H. Studley
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
Variability in word learning: Phonological sensitivity and phonological memory, Marnie E. Arkenberg
Work family policies and perceptions of fairness: Perspectives on supervisor support and work schedule control, Emily R. Blodgett
The moderating role of trust on the relationship between ingratiatory communication strategies and interactional fairness, Erik Drafsten
Cultural differences in self-appraisal of group task: Usage of group vs. individual feedback, Mamiko Fujita
Comparing Assessment Measures with Spanish and English Speaking Children, Katrina M. Gill-Glover
A field study examining leader-member exchange (LMX): Challenging the universally positive conceptualization of LMX, Thomas Michael Hepperlen
The effects of expertise and information relevance on information search strategy., Jason Lebsack
Making organizational punishment work: The effects of social accounts and punishment severity, Andrew L. Noon
The Single-Sex Classroom and Math Self-Concept in Girls, Gina M. Piraccini
The Efficacy of Classwide Peer Tutoring on Students with Attentional Difficulties, Todd Reznicek
The effects of fair treatment on customer reactions in a service encounter, Tara Rohde
The impact of communication medium and outcome severity on the effectiveness of social accounts, Peter D. Timmerman
Gang Affiliation in Adolescence and Attachment in Infancy, Joan E. Unis
Interpersonal forgiveness in adolescent friendships, Molly A. Wernli
Children's attitudes toward persons with disabilities: A comparison of rural and urban schools., Angela D. Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Viewing the Parent as a Person: An Individuation-Related Phenomenon, Brian Andersen
A Comparison of Social Skills in Graded and Nongraded Elementary Schools, Angela D. Caster
Development of commitment in young children's best friendships, Andrea L. Kelp
Social interaction differences in regular education classes for a secondary student with multiple disabilities., Ramona Sue Routley
An analysis of the perceptions of treatment integrity in the pre-referral intervention process., Amy Lynn Ruane
Effects of Curricular Adaptation on Participation Levels of Students With Severe Disabilities in Inclusive Classes, Sherry L. Stuhr-Huffman
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Incidental memory for spatial information in young children as a function of age and gender, Isabelle D. Cherney
The Effects of Choice and Ego-Involvement on Confidence Judgments, Jonathan H. Chow
Information search and creativity: The role of need for cognition and personal involvement, Jody J. Illies
Stress, Stress Utilization, and Creativity, Lisa M. Kobe
Achievement in Multi-Grade Versus Single-Grade Elementary Classrooms, Rhonda J. McBride
Multiracial social identities and self-esteem: How physical appearance and heritage affect the categorization self and others, Estrella Aurora Ramirez
Positive Violations of Procedural Justice: Effects on Organizational Citizenship Behavior Intentions, Eric Rowlee
Developmental Changes in Verbal and Imaginal Mnemonic Techniques for Serial Recall, Michelle L. Rupiper
The Impact of Mentoring on the Academic Achievement of At-Risk Youth, Lynn A. Thompson
The relationship between cynicism and dispositional attributions: Examining individual differences of police officers, Jennifer L. Weimer
Trait Anxiety as a Moderator of Problem Structuring Effects on Solution Generation, Judith A. Wightman
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
Does a Child's Entrance Age Effect 2nd and 4th Graders CAT Performance?, Christine Ann Janovec-Poehlman
Gender types, self-esteem, and academic achievement in middle school students, Kimberly D. Noll
Multiple Out-Of-Home Placements & Children's Psychosocial Functioning, Brittawni Lee Olson
Effects of process vs. outcome accountability, responsibility, and indentifiability on solution quality, Megan Potter
Circle of Friends and its Impact on Social and Behavioral Change in Disabled and Non-Disabled Students, Shellee L. Reiff
The effectiveness of the Kids on the Block program in increasing children's knowledge of and attitudes toward individuals with disabilities., Jean M. Schumacher
Damaging Evidence: The Effects of Brief versus Extensive Explanations and Need for Cognition on Juror Verdicts, Jodi K. Simon
A Level System as a Reliable Indicator of Behavioral Progress for Students with Severe Behavioral Disorders, Jill Lynn Snodgrass
Temporal integration in 17- and 20-month old infants as assessed by elicited imitation, Rebecca M. Starr
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
Representations of Unattended Stimuli in Learning Disabled Children: Concrete or Abstract, Elizabeth J. Carey
The effect of control strategies on sixth graders' metacognitive awareness, Pamela Haag Clower
Computerized Brainstorming and Decision Making, Virginia Louise Collins
Peer versus adult models: Infants immediate and deferred imitation of familiar and novel events, Robina Enayat Gul
Taking the Response Cost Out of the Good Behavior Game, Diane Fletcher Howard
Social intelligence, problem construction, and leadership: The trait approach revisited, David Michael Koch
Group Achievement Tests as Predictors of Support Services in a Low Socioeconomic and Ethnically Diverse Population, Kristin L. Kruse
Graduate Research Experiences in School Psychology and Future Commitment to Conducting Research in Schools, Bruce P. Lemen
Sounding Out the Reading Debate: The Efficacy of Explicit Phonics Instruction Within a Whole Language Reading Curriculum, Ellen M. Loper
Relationship History and Friendship Development in Adolescence, Jay L. Ringle
A test of the self-regulatory model of prejudice reduction, Sonja Williams