Theses, Dissertations, and Creative Activity from students in the Department of Educational Leadership.

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Theses/Dissertations from 2017


Elementary Teachers’ Grading Practices and Perceptions in Communicating Assessment of Students, Shannon A. Thoendel


Comparing Formative and Summative Instruments: What Tools Inform Practice and Guide Teacher Candidate Decision Making?, Christina L. Wilcoxen

Theses/Dissertations from 2016


Mutual Fund of the Minds: a Correlational Study on Education and the Economy at the State Level, Aaron Jay Bredenkamp


After ALICE: The Implementation of an Active Shooter/School Intruder Training Program in K-12 Schools, Deborah Gleich-Bope


At the Intersection of Gender and Race: A Qualitative Study of the Lived Experiences of African American Female Elementary Principals, Andrea M. Haynes


The Relationship between Teachers’ Instructional Practices, Professional Development, and Student Achievement, Denise M. Hoge


Predictability of Hiring Mechanisms for Elementary Teachers, Troy Juracek


An Evaluation of a Support Program for First-Generation College Students, Aaron Krueger


A Product Evaluation of the Selective Abandonment Process for School Budgeting, Christopher M. Loofe


Rates of Poverty and Special Education Students Among Open Enrollment Students, Heather D. Nebesniak


Equitable Student Engagement: a Correlation Between Personalized Learning, Student Engagement, and Poverty Level, Andrea Yeager Neuzil


Contemplative Early Childhood Leadership, Mongkonrat Parks


A Program Evaluation Using Stufflebeam’s CIPP Model to Evaluate Educational Service Unit 2 (Esu 2) Consortium for Special Education of Administration Services (Cases), Jodie L. Sams


Investigating Educators’ Perceptions of STEM Integration: A Semi-Structured Interview Approach, Brian K. Sandall


An Investigation of Education Leaders’ Perceptions of their Knowledge of Special Education Law, Kendra Schneider


Traditional vs. Blended: the Effect of Instruction Methods on Sixth Grade Pre-Algebra Students’ Performance and Perceptions, Lynn Marie Spady


District-Created Response to Intervention in High School Mathematics: a Program Evaluation Integrating Social Cognitive Theory, Elizabeth M. Wessling

Theses/Dissertations from 2015


Omani English Language Learners’ Proficiency with Idioms, Khalid Almashikhi


Impact of School-Based Mentoring, Joel Beyenhof


The Packasso Project: A Case Study, Fairouz Bishara-Rantisi


The Essence of Instructional Coaching with Elementary Teacher Candidates: Reflections of Practice, Abigail J. Burke


A Program Evaluation of a Summer Program Designed to Reduce Summer Learning Loss, Kara L. Hutton


Leading Cultural Change to Impact Workplace Satisfaction of Teachers with a Focus on Teacher Career Cycle, Scott H. Ingwerson


Self-Efficacy Perceptions of Novice and Career Teachers in Instructional Strategies, Student Engagement, and Classroom Management, Jeffrey S. Kerns


School Librarian Candidates’ Diversity Dispositions: Examining the Impact of Cultural Proficiency Instruction, Bridget I. Kratt


THE DIFFERENCE A COACH CAN MAKE: Supporting New Teachers in the Classroom, Mary Beth Kueny-Runge


Reading and Math Outcomes of Randomly Selected Majority Culture Students Participating in an Elective, Parent Choice, Full Academic Content Area Spanish Immersion Program, Matt K. Rega


Teachers’ Perceptions of Student Attendance of a Newly Implemented Tardy Policy, Tyree Dawn Sejkora


Correlation Between Teacher Mindset and Perceptions Regarding Coaching, Feedback, And Improved Instructional Practice, Beth K. Stenzel


Investigation of Mentoring for Instructional Leadership within an Educational Consortium, Scott A. Sturgeon


Measuring the Effects of Guided Reading on NeSA-R Student Cohort Scale Scores, Todd E. Tripple


The Effect of Teacher-Child Interactions on Child Outcomes, Jean R. Ubbelohde


Evaluating a 1:1 Computer Program in a Secondary School, Andrew R. Walters

Theses/Dissertations from 2014


Educator Mindset: Perceptions of Economic Inequality and Awareness of Poverty on Student Potential, Cindy B. Copich


Reading and Math Outcome Equity of Students, by Language, Ethnicity, and Gender Conditions, Required to Participate in an Attendance Court Program Based on Excessive School Absences, Kenneth E. DeFrank


The Effect of Public School Preschool, Private School Preschool, and No Preschool Attendance on Kindergarten Students’ Academic Achievement as Measured by Fall, Winter, and Spring MAP Scores, Matthew w. Fenster


Achievement Outcomes of Sixth-Grade Students With a Military Parent Deployed to a War Zone or a Military Parent Not Deployed Compared to Same School Students Whose Parents Have No Military Affiliation, Robert L. Ingram III


Sustained Effects of Intensive Reading Intervention: Can Intensive Intervention Gains Made in Primary Grades Be Maintained Through the End of Elementary School?, Jolene J. Johnson


The Impact of the Gradual Release of Responsibility on Graduate Teacher Education Candidates’ Self-Efficacy with iPads, Wendy L. Loewenstein


The Effects of a Language Arts Academic Pullout Program for Middle School “Academic Bubble” Students, Carrie L. Rath


Elementary and Secondary Teachers’ Attitudes Towards the Education of English Language Learners in the Mainstream Classroom in Rural Schools, Adam N. Sempek


Identifying the Impact of Universal College Testing on State Academic Testing at the Eleventh Grade, Kristi N. Thompson-Gibbs


The Impact of a Kindergarten Intervention Program on Student Reading Achievement in Primary Grades, Tammy S. Voisin


An Exploration of High School Engagement Factors and their Relationship to College Completion Rates, Tamela J. Wegener

Theses/Dissertations from 2013


The effect of school counselors' domain specialization on seniors' milestone completion and college access planning, Nancy J. Bond


Evaluating the achievement of students who did or did not participate in a high ability learning program, Elizabeth A. Fitzgerald


Teacher effectiveness and experience comparing evaluation ratings and student achievement, Janice Marie Garnett


Analysis of participation in 21st century community learning center after-school program and student grade five achievement, Willie T. Herbert


Access patterns of ADHD students utilizing campus disability services supports, Meribeth L. Jackson


Implementing a one-to-one iPad program in a secondary school, Donald P. Johnson


The Impact of High-Speed Internet Connectivity at Home on Eighth-Grade Student Achievement, Kent J. Kingston


Achievement, engagement, and English language acquisition of fourth-grade ELL students following five years of instruction in an English as a Second Language program or instruction in a dual language program in the same urban elementary school, Rony E. Ortega


An analysis of a district-led leadership seminar on the dispositions of certified staff members, Michael J. Rupprecht


Exploring the effects of district mathematics curriculum on NeSA-M student cohort scores from 2011 to 2012, Julee R. Sauer


The effect of prior high school dual enrollment course completion and access equity on first generation college attending students, Douglas E. Stansberry


The Effect of Poverty on the Achievement of Urban African American Male Students Successfully Completing High School, Amy L. Welch


Behavior Outcomes of Kindergarten Through Third-Grade Students Following an Exclusionary Consequence or an In-School Alternative Consequence for Violent or Aggressive Behavior at School, Amy E. Williams

Theses/Dissertations from 2012


The Impact of Teacher Administered Positive Behavioral Support Interventions on the Behavior and Achievement of Intermediate Level Students Identified with Measured Moderate, Mild, and Low Disruptive Externalizing Behaviors, Gregory W. Betts


The effects of single-gender math classroom activities on the achievement and behavior outcomes of fifth-grade girls and boys at a public elementary school, Erik P. Chaussee


The effects of the achievement gap on students formally identified as gifted. Does giftedness prevail?, Dwayne T. Chism


Comparison of college/career readiness outcomes between the Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) program and the traditional high school academic program, Sandra K. Day


Effects of embedded and direct language strategies on prekindergarten students' cognitive and social emotional development, Matthew L. Dominy


The Impact of Prolonged Participation in a Pro-Social Cognitive Behavioral Skills Program on Elementary Age Students, with Behavior Related Disorders, Behavior Accelerative, Behavior Reductive, and Return to Regular Classroom Outcomes, Ted H. Esser


The Impact of School Choice on the Early Literacy Achievement of Kindergarten Students, Lydia L. Gabriel


The Impact of a Year-Long, Same School Social Skills Instruction Program on Students' with Verified Behavioral Disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorders, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders Perceptions of Program Effectiveness, Gregory G. Gaden


Achievement and high school completion rates of Hispanic students with no English language skills compared to Hispanic students with some English language skills attending the same high school in an immigrant responsive city, Joanne M. Garrison


The sustainability of reading recovery intervention on reading achievement of students identified as at-risk for early reading failure, Anne J. Harley


A program evaluation of a special education day school for students with emotional and behavioral disabilities, Lucinda Klein-Lombardo


The Effect of Improved School Climate Over Time on Fifth-Grade Students’ Achievement Assessment Scores and Teacher Administered Grade Scores, Dawn M. Marten


The Effect of a Zoo-Based Experiential Academic Science Program on High School Students' Math and Science Achievement and Perceptions of School Climate, Elizabeth A. Mulkerrin


The impact of low, moderate, and high military family mobility school district transfer rates on graduating senior high school dependents' achievement and school engagement, Jeffrey K. Rippe


The Effects of Marzano's Six Step Vocabulary Process, on Fourth Grade Students' Vocabulary Knowledge, Fluency, and Sentence Complexity, Janet S. Suing


Achievement, Engagement, and Behavior Outcomes of At-Risk Youth Following Participation in a Required Ninth-Grade Academic Support Study Center Program, Jeffrey P. Wagner


The Impact of a One-to-One Laptop Computer Program on the Literacy Achievement of Eighth-grade Students With Differing Measured Cognitive Skill Levels Who are Eligible and Not Eligible for Free or Reduced Price Lunch Program Participation, Eric G. Weber


The Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Achievement of High School Students Participating in a One-to-One Laptop Computer Program, Anthony J. Weers

Theses/Dissertations from 2011


Achievement, Engagement, and Behavior Outcomes of Youth At Risk Following a Pre- Eighth-Grade Summer Academic Enrichment Program and Participation in a School- Wide, School Year Long, Ownership, Mastery, and Grading Initiative, David K. Alati


Exploring the Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scales-Revised (ECERS-R) Evaluation on Preschool Children's Pre-academic Progress, Jennifer L. Fundus


Algebra Readiness Outcomes of Sixth-Grade Boys and Girls Placed in Challenge Math Based on Measured Math Ability Compared to Sixth-Grade Boys and Girls Placed in Challenge Math Based on Teachers' Recommendations, David C. Hemphill


The Impact of Parental Military Status on the Achievement, Attendance, and Attitudes of Fourth Grade Students, Melba Hooker


The effect of scheduling models for introductory algebra on 9th-grade students, test scores and grades, Angela L. O'Hanlon


The Effect of the English Language Learner Pull Out Program on Primary Students' Language Achievement, Heidi T. Penke


The Effect of Optional Summer Transition to High School Program Participation and Required School Year Long Placement on a Core Content Team on Ninth-Grade Students At-Risk Measured Achievement, Engagement, and Behavior Outcomes, Frances K. Pokorski


Accuracy of the TeacherInsight Online Perceiver Tool in Determining the Effectiveness of High Rated and Low Rated Math and Science New Hire Teachers Following One Year and Three Years of Single School District Employment, Nicole A. Regan


The Effect of an English Language Learner Program on Student Achievement Outcomes in Language, Reading, and Math, Jennifer L. Reid


The Impact of a School-wide High School Advanced Placement Program and Culture on Participating Students' High School Achievement and Engagement Outcomes and First Year University Academic Success, Gregory E. Tiemann


The Effect of Teachers' Cultural Proficiency Training on Sixth Grade Students' Reading Achievement, Diane Wells-Rivers


The Effect of Varying Levels of Reading Delimitations on the Ability of Students with Disruptive Behavior Disorders Admitted to a Residential Treatment Center to Demonstrate Language-Based Pro-Social Behavior Replacement Skills, Tanya D. Wright.

Theses/Dissertations from 2010


Conditions Affecting the Decision to Seek or Not Seek a Position as a School Assistant Principal/Principal, Gerald M. Beach


A Program Evaluation of the Building Construction of Bellevue Elementary School for the Bellevue Public Schools, Matthew Blomenkamp


Alternative scheduling models and their effect on science achievement at the high school level, Jay Roland Dostal


The effect of explicitly differentiated reading instruction groups on eighth-grade students' achievement, behavior, and engagement in a school seeking to reestablish adequate yearly progress benchmarks, Sean P. Dunphy


The Effect of Explicitly Differentiated Reading Instruction Groups on Eighth-Grade Students’ Achievement, Behavior, and Engagement in a School Seeking to Reestablish Adequate Yearly Progress Benchmarks, Sean P. Dunphy


The Effect of a Seventh Grade After School Leadership Program on the Developmental Assets, Academic Achievement, and Behavior of Non-thriving Students, Beth L. Fink


The Impact of Previous Schooling Experiences on a Quaker High School’s Graduating Students’ College Entrance Exam Scores, Parents’ Expectations, and College Acceptance Outcomes, Debbie K. Galusha


Effect of a Career, Academic, Personal and Social Growth High School Transition Program Option on 9th-Grade Students' Achievement, Behavior, and Engagement, Tiffanie A. Gauchat


The Impact of an Advisor-Advisee Mentoring Program on the Achievement, School Engagement, and Behavior Outcomes of Rural Eighth Grade Students, Christopher J. Herrick


The Effect of the Involvement within Career Academies by Elective Participation of Eleventh and Twelfth Grade High School Students During the Implementation Year, Nancy A. Johnston


Factors Affecting Literacy Achievement of Eighth Grade Middle School Instrumental Music Students, Johnny T. Brauch Kurt


The effects of positive school engagement on math and reading achievement in midwestern suburban middle school students, Heather C. Phipps


Teachers’ Attitudes Towards English Language Learners in Rural Schools Implementing Sheltered English and English as a Second Language Compared to Teachers’ Attitudes in Schools with No Clearly Defined Model of Language Services, Mary R. Smith