Theses, Dissertations, and Creative Activity from students in the Department of Educational Leadership.

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Theses/Dissertations from 2010


The Impact of Teacher Assigned but Not Graded Compared to Teacher Assigned and Graded Chemistry Homework on the Formative and Summative Chemistry Assessment Scores of 11th-Grade Students with Varying Chemistry Potential, Jennifer L. Wilson

Theses/Dissertations from 2009


The effect of classroom management training and active or information-based follow -up on inexperienced teachers' perceived classroom behavior management effectiveness, Diana L. Casey


Evaluating the sign language phonology of sight words used to support deaf /hard of hearing students' literacy development in Idioma de Señas de Nicaragua, Julie A. Delkamiller


The Effect of Decreasing Enrollment Patterns in a Title I School Surrounded by Economic Decline on 5th-Grade Students’ Achievement, Behavior, Parent Involvement, and Teacher Mobility Rates, Carolyn L. Grice


The Effect of an In-Class Behavioral Intervention Plus Differentiated Instruction Program on the Achievement and Behavior Outcomes of Verbally Disruptive 8th-Grade Students With and Without Co-Occurring Reading Delimitations, David R. Lavender


The Effect of a Back-to-Basics Core Academic Program Compared to a Traditional Academic Program on Participating 4th-Grade Students’ Achievement and Perceptions of Life Skills, Paula A. Peal


The Effect of a School-Year-Long In-Service Leadership Development Grow-Your-Own Program on New and Veteran Assistant Principals’ Perceived Leadership Effectiveness, LuAnn M. Richardson


The Impact of Traditional and Alternative University Teacher Preparation Program Options on Secondary Teacher Candidates’ Knowledge, Skills, Dispositions, and Employment, Rebecca B. Schnabel


Attitude and Agility Scores of Co-Occurring and Single Sport High School Girl Volleyball Players Following Completion of an Invitational Summer Strength and Conditioning Program, Joesph J. Toczek


The effectiveness of a school-wide differentiated home room academic extension re-teaching initiative on the achievement and proficiency categories of 8th-grade students with varying levels of cognitive skills, Tamara J. Williams

Theses/Dissertations from 2008


The Effect of a Rural High School Combination Supplemental Literacy Program on Emerging Readers’ Achievement, Engagement, and Behavior Outcomes, Mark L. Adler


The impact of speech -language pathologist service delivery models for concept imagery formation instruction on second grade students' language achievement outcomes, Jennifer L. Allen


The effect of a yearlong one -to -one laptop computer classroom program on the 4th-grade achievement and technology outcomes of Digital Divide Learners, Daniel H. Bird


The Effect of a Yearlong One-To-One Laptop Computer Classroom Program on the 4th-Grade Achievement and Technology Outcomes of Digital Divide Learners, Daniel H. Bird


Evaluating the achievement outcomes of 5th-grade students following their enrollment in federally-funded, inquiry-based classrooms to determine program sustainability, Daniel L. Frazier


Reading Outcomes of Pre-Literate 3rd-Grade Students after Two Years of Combined Reading Classroom Instruction and Individualized Intervention or Classroom Instruction, Jon T. Lopez


The Impact of an International Baccalaureate Primary Years Curriculum on Intermediate Grade Girls’ and Boys’ Perceptions of their Learned Global Citizenship Attributes, Suzanne R. Melliger


The effect of a new teacher induction program on new teachers reported teacher goals for excellence, mobility, and retention rates, Bonnie J. Perry


The Effect of Inquiry-Based, Hands-On Math Instruction Utilized in Combination with Web-Based, Computer-Assisted Math Instruction on 4th-Grade Students' Outcomes, Jason D. Plourde


The Impact of Two Middle School Grade Level Start Points, 5th-Grade and 7th-Grade, on Adolescents' 8th-Grade Achievement, Behavior, and High School Preparedness, Elizabeth W. Standish

Theses/Dissertations from 2007


The effect of an intensive writing instruction assessment preparation program on student writing proficiency, Edward J. Bennett


First Things First: What Do Students Really Know About the First Amendment?, Joanne Chapuran


The effect of a required Character Education and Class-Wide Peer Tutoring program on 5th-grade students' reading and writing performance, Anthony P. Dancer


The Effect of a Required Character Education and Class-Wide Peer Tutoring Program on 5th-Grade Students’ Reading and Writing Performance, Anthony P. Dancer


Cynicism in Christian secondary schools: A phenomenology, Victor H. Fordyce


Teacher candidates' perceptions of traditional classroom assessments and electronic portfolio classroom assessments, Robert L. Goeman


The effect of required tutoring option participation on failing eighth-grade students' academic and behavioral performance, Larry Murry


The Impact Of Option-In Longevity Enrollment Patterns on Student Achievement, Behavior, and Engagement Outcomes, Andrew J. Rikli


The effects of increased racial isolation on 5th-grade students' achievement, attendance, and behavior, Peter J. Smith


The impact of elementary principal supervision on public prekindergarten classrooms and student development, Lisa A. St. Clair


An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Uninterrupted Time on High Stakes Writing Assessments, Chuck Story


The effect of a founding International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme on participating seventh grade students' achievement, behavior, extra-curricular involvement, and perceptions of life skills, Joan C.R. Wilson

Theses/Dissertations from 2006


A comparison of Montessori students to general education students as they move from middle school into a traditional high school program, Shelley K. Corry


Developing and Implementing Successful Transition Strategies for Middle to High School Students in Glenwood, Iowa, Russell E. Finken


The impact of IQ on symptom reduction in a Midwestern residential group home setting using the Family Home Program, Robert G. Gehringer Jr.


Teachers' perceptions of the effectiveness of block scheduling in Nebraska high schools, Steven P. Shanahan


Sustainability of a school reform program as measured by Title I students achievement, behavior, and attitudes, Sharra R. Smith


Gains in 8th Grade Student's Reading Skills in Group Within a Group and Large Group Guided Reading Instruction, Brian A. Wedemeyer


A comparison of student achievement in economically different but academically equivalent Catholic school programs, Roseanne L. Williby


Qualifying the Definition of Dispositions, Brooke S. Wiseman Dowse


The effects of parent involvement on the reading achievement and reading engagement of students participating in a balanced reading curriculum, LeDonna M. York

Theses/Dissertations from 2005


Nebraska public school superintendents' perceptions of Nebraska's assessment/accountability system's effect on high schools, Wanda M. Clark


A comparison of teachers' and parents' perceptions of the behaviors of effective Catholic elementary school principals, Diane M. Cronin


Differences in the Quality of Written Evaluation Recommendations of Master and Marginal Teachers, Michele L. Gehringer


The real and perceived social and economic impact of school consolidation on host and vacated communities in Nebraska, Ken Heinz


The Relationships Between Secondary Language Teachers' Multiple Intelligence Preferences and Their Choice of MI-Inspired Teaching strategies in the Classroom, Wenmin (Mindy) Huang


Between theory and practice: Student teachers' espoused and observed dispositions, Kay A. Keiser


An empirical study of high school principals' data -driven decision-making practices and their relationships to contextual variables, Mingchu (Neal) Luo


Private odyssey: Responsibilities, challenges, and needs of the beginning Catholic school principal, Dorothy A. Ostrowski


Exploring teachers' perceptions of their preparedness for culturally responsive teaching, Mary T. Brauch Petersen


Elementary school principals' perceptions of their needs for professional development in instructional leadership, Michael N. Smith Jr.


The relationship between observable teaching effectiveness behaviors and personality types in a sample of urban middle school teachers, Jeaneen Kaye Talbott

Theses/Dissertations from 2004


Omaha business support for work -based learning, Keith E. Bigsby


Instructional methods and efficacy of teachers trained in differentiated instruction, Patricia A. Crum


Factors that keep teachers with perceived leadership potential from seeking secondary principal and assistant principal positions, Wesley J. Galusha


Foreign language teachers' use of technology in instruction: An exploratory study, Clara G. Hoover


Job satisfaction and organizational commitment among faculty at Taiwan's higher education institutions, Yu-Ching Huang


Board members' perceptions of their roles in the governance of an independent Christian school, Michelle Lundgren


Improving instructional practice: The value of classroom goal teams as measured by elementary teachers' perceptions, Debra J.Easton Rodenburg


Improving Instructional Practice: The Value of Classroom Goal Teams as Measured by Elementary Teachers' Perceptions, Debra J. Easton Rodenburg

Theses/Dissertations from 2003


Factors that influence Omaha public schools African -American and Caucasian males' decisions to become educators, Jerry M. Bartee


Fourth-grade teachers' perceptions of Nebraska's state standards process in elementary schools, Richard J. Beran Jr.


Effects of factors and people of influence on college choice comparing general population and top academic students, Winnie L. Callahan


The socialization of central office administrators responsible for curriculum and instruction, Richard Harry Christie


Perceptions of Nebraska school leaders toward the use of digital portfolios in the teacher selection process, Paul Allan Clark


The Motif of Human Flying in Children's Literature, Kathleen M. Hinman


Teachers' perceptions of technology professional development in a suburban school district, Victoria Ann Kaspar


Commercialism in public schools: A study of the perceptions of teachers and administrators on accepting corporate advertising, Gerard Jude Kowal


Changes in student teachers' perceptions of stress during the student teaching semester, Connie L. Schaffer

Theses/Dissertations from 2002


A Study of Parental Satisfaction in the First Year of a Full-Day Kindergarten Program, Kevin Elwood


Perceptions of Nebraska school leaders on the use of handheld computers: Do handheld computers make a difference?, Veronica A. Huerta


The experiences of first-year school counselors from novice to expert, Anne E. Luther


The process of parental choice in choosing a general elementary program or a district magnet program, Nila Jeannette Nielsen


Student Perceptions of Interactive Television Courses in Rural Northeast Nebraska High Schools, Kevin M. Nolan


Teachers' Attitudes Towards the Statewide Writing Assessment and the District Assessments Used In Nebraska STARS, Kristi A. Preisman


The effects of interdisciplinary team size on student achievement, behavior, attendance, and student perceptions about community, James Vernon Sutfin


Nebraska public high school principals' perceptions of how state standards impact schools, Mark William Weichel

Theses/Dissertations from 2001


The Work-Place Experience of Non-Team Special Area Teachers As Affected By Institutional Procedures In Middle Schools Structured For Team-Teaching, Cecelia A. Birckhead


Crisis management plan characteristics in elementary schools as perceived by Nebraska public school principals, Linda K. Christensen


Surprise and sense-making: The organizational socialization of first -year teachers in intermediate grades four through six, Kathleen Joanne Daley Peterson


Investigating trust in the mentoring relationship: The beginning teacher's perspective, Nancy Ann Edick


Assimilation concerns of immigrant high school students to the United States, Michelle Jeannette Garcia


A quantitative analysis of the high school department head role in teacher evaluation, instructional improvement, curriculum development, and student performance standards, John Thomas James


A comparative study of leadership behaviors of principals from high and low socio-economic elementary public schools in Nebraska, Marilou Niemeyer


Third-Graders' Motivation, Metacognition, and Transaction As They Learn About Women in History, Joyce Pawlenty


Factors in adults' decisions to enter educational fields, Pamela Anne Schiffbauer


The current training practices and perceived training needs of paraprofessionals in special education programs in Nebraska, Enid Ann Schonewise


The current training practices and perceived training needs of paraprofessionals in special education programs in Nebraska, Enid Ann Schonewise


Performance -based assessment: Teacher perceptions of implementation and related potential outcomes, Gary Martin Shudak

Theses/Dissertations from 2000


Work -to-family conflict of high school assistant principals, Stephen Gregory Aspleaf


A Comparison of Awareness: Web-Based Faculty Development Versus Paper-Based Faculty Development at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, Melissa A. Diers


A Perspective of Technology Supervisors In Support of Schools, Douglas K. Ealy


Implementation and Effects of a Conflict Resolution Program in a Urban Middle School, Deborah A. Frison


Prepare Preservice Teachers to Use Technology in Education Classrooms: An Evaluation of the Program Used at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, Anna Marie Mudd


Middle-level summer school effectiveness as measured by student gains in achievement and attitude, Melanie Janine Mueller


A longitudinal study of predictors of student achievement related to socioeconomic status, race/ethnicity, attendance, and student mobility, Theresa Ann Norris


The Effects of Graphic Organizers on Student Internalization, Aaron F. Smeall


An evaluation of the self-esteem of at-risk middle -level youth with intervention of the Mentorship Program, Lisa Marie Sterba

Theses/Dissertations from 1999


Seeking Support: A Qualitative Study of the Support Given Four Kindergarten Teachers in the Archdiocese of Omaha Who Use Developmentally Appropriate Classroom Practices, Ann Marie Adkins


A Comparative Study of the Morale Levels of Lower and Upper Elementary Public School Teachers, Marcellina Hummer Anderson