Content Posted in 2024
10,000 Years of Happiness, Luke Koesters
10,000 Years of Happiness, Selected Thesis Poems, Luke Koesters
2023-2024 Common Data Set Template, Systems Intelligence and Data Analytics, University of Nebraska at Omaha
2023 Part One - Unlocking Insights: Accessing and Applying Census Data to Impact Your Community (Recording of presentations), Center for Public Affairs Research
2023 Part One - Why so many dashboards? Unlocking the Power of Data Dashboards (Recording of presentations), Center for Public Affairs Research
2023 Part Two - Creating Meaningful Data Visualization and Communications (Recording of presentations), Center for Public Affairs Research
2023 Part Two - Decoding Nebraska: State and Local Trends (Recording of presentations), Center for Public Affairs Research
2024 Annual Campus Safety and Fire Safety Report (UNO), University of Nebraska Police and Public Safety Department
2024 Slamdance Film Festival Introduction, William L. Blizek
*666, William L. Blizek
A Balancing Act in the Archives: Increasing Access to the Great Plains Black History Museum Collections, Wendy Guerra and Lori Schwartz
Academic Department Indicators: 2023-2024, Systems Intelligence and Data Analytics, University of Nebraska at Omaha
A Case Study Using the Human Factors Analysis and Classification System Framework, Flavio A. C. Mendonca, Chenyu Huang, and Julius Keller
A Classroom of Our Own: An exploratory case study of archivists teaching outside the archives, Claire Du Laney and Lori Schwartz
A Comparative Assessment of Hand Preference in Captive Red Howler Monkeys, Alouatta seniculus and Yellow-Breasted Capuchin Monkeys, Sapajus xanthosternos, Nasibah Sfar, Madhur Mangalam, Werner Kaumanns, and Mewa Singh
A Conceptual Understanding of Concepts in Organic Chemistry, Timerra Chisham
A Construction Grammar approach to analogical extensions of Spanish possessives, Mark Hoff
A Critical Review of the Literature for Sales Educators, Shannon Cummins, James W. Peltier, Robert Erffmeyer, and Joel Whalen
A cross-cultural analysis of the relations of physical and relational aggression with peer victimization, Ellyn Bass, Lina María Saldarriaga, Josafa M. da Cunha, Bin-Bin Chen, Jonathan Santo, and William M. Bukowski
Acute high-intensity exercise and skeletal muscle mitochondrial respiratory function: role of metabolic perturbation, Matthew T. Lewis, Gregory M. Blain, Corey R. Hart, Gwenael Layec, Matthew J. Rossman, Song-young Park, Joel D. Trinity, Jayson R. Gifford, Simranjit K. Sidhu, Joshua C. Weavil, and Russell S. Richardson
Acute High-Intensity Exercise Impairs Skeletal Muscle Respiratory Capacity, Gwenael Layec, Gregory M. Blain, Matthew J. Rossman, Song-young Park, Corey R. Hart, Joel D. Trinity, Jayson R. Gifford, Simranjit K. Sidhu, Joshua C. Weavil, Thomas J. Hureau, Markus Amann, and Russell S. Richardson
Acute mitochondrial antioxidant intake improves endothelial function, antioxidant enzyme activity, and exercise tolerance in patients with peripheral artery disease, Song-young Park, Elizabeth J. Pekas, Ronald Headid III, Won-Mok Son, TeSean Wooden, Jiwon Song, Gwenael Layec, Santosh K. Yadav, Paras K. Mishra, and Iraklis Pipinos
Acute Simultaneous Medial and Lateral Ankle Sprain in a Collegiate Football Player: A Case Report, Ian Matlack
Addressing Cancer Disparities among Native Americans in the Great Plains through an Arts-Based Research Partnership, Shiloh King
A Directory of Threat Assessment Models, Amber Seaward, Zoe Marchment, and Paul Gill
Advancements in Open-Source Geospatial Technologies and the Exploitation by Bad Actors, Megan Rutter
Advancements in the Connection Between Internet of Things (IoT) and Geospatial Technologies, Madeline Romm
Advancements in the Connection Between Unmanned Systems (UxS) and Geospatial Technologies, Abie Harder, Ryan Vilter, and Austin C. Doctor
Advancing Public Health Protection: The Efficacy of Electrospun Nanofibers in Capturing and Releasing Viral Aerosols, Aleksandr Fadeev, Kevin Crown, Sean Kinahan, Gabriel Lucero, and Yury Salkovskiy
Adverbial adventures: adult heritage Spanish speakers' placement of adverbs by semantic class, Becky Gonzalez and Geoff Collins
A Framework for Scheduling Household Charging of Electric Vehicles, Ahmad Almaghrebi
Agent of Happiness, John C. Lyden
Age-related endothelial dysfunction in human skeletal muscle feed arteries: the role of free radicals derived from mitochondria in the vasculature, Song-young Park, Robert H. I. Andtbacka, John R. Hyngstrom, Van Reese, M. P. Murphy, and Russell S. Richardson
A guide for innovation in LGBQ+ youth peer relationships research, V. Paul Poteat, Sarah B. Rosenbach, Rhiannon L. Smith, and Jonathan Santo
A Hands-on Project for Avionics Systems Course in Aviation Engineering Technology Program, Chenyu "Victor" Huang, Mary E. Johnson, and Thomas Eismin
AI, American Politics, and Modern Warfare, Madisen Campbell
AI Made Me Do It?: How AI is Used to Enhance Malevolent Creativity Idea Generation, Emma Theobald, Alexis L. d'Amato, Madison Scott, Jack Rygg, Joel Elson, and Sam T. Hunter
A kinematic and EMG dataset of online adjustment of reach-to-grasp movements to visual perturbations, Mariusz P. Furmanek, Madhur Mangalam, Matthew Yarossi, Kyle Lockwood, and Eugene Tunik
A Lived Experience of Opening a New High School: A Descriptive Case Study, Luke Ford
Altered skeletal muscle mitochondrial phenotype in COPD: disease vs. disuse, Jayson R. Gifford, Joel D. Trinity, Oh-Sung Kwon, Gwenael Layec, Ryan S. Garten, Song-young Park, Ashley D. Nelson, and Russell S. Richardson
Althea and Elsie, Allison Bayne
American Police Power Doctrine: The Origin of the Reasonable Restriction Clause of the Bangladeshi Constitution, Md Showkot Ali
American Sanctions on China's Space Program: Effective Economic Statecraft?, Paul J. Bolt
A Multi-Level Analysis of the Effects of Statistics Anxiety/Attitudes on Trajectories of Exam Scores, Kelly Rhea MacArthur and Jonathan Santo
Analysis of Functional Clinical test after training with a robotic assistive device, Nohshin Nafisa, Alex Dzewaltoski, and Philippe Malcolm
Analysis of Part 135 Aircraft Accidents to Facilitate Flight Data Monitoring, Chenyu "Victor" Huang
Analysis of the PLO and Hamas: Interview with Sir John Jenkins, Raphael Cohen-Almagor
Analysis of Water Pollutants Across Greater Omaha, Desmond Marshall
Analytical and numerical convexity results for discrete fractional sequential differences with negative lower bound, Christopher S. Goodrich, Benjamin Lyons, Andrea Scapellato, and Mihaela T. Velcsov
Analytical and numerical monotonicity results for discrete fractional sequential differences with negative lower bound, Christopher S. Goodrich, Benjamin Lyons, and Mihaela T. Velcsov
Analyzing the gap in mood choice of L1 and advanced L2 Spanish speakers with expressions of emotion in the past tense, Kiley Specht
An Analysis of de Novo Genome Assembly Algorithms, Alexa Anderson and Kathryn Cooper
An analysis of wildlife strikes to aircraft in Brazil: 2011-2018, Flavio A. C. Mendonca, Julius Keller, and Chenyu Huang
Androgyny in Liking and in Being Liked Are Antecedent to Well-Being in Pre-Adolescent Boys and Girls, William M. Bukowski, Bianca Panarello, and Jonathan Santo
An ethical leadership assessment center pilot: Assessing and developing moral person and moral manager dimensions, Alexis d'Amato, Vignesh Murugavel, Kelsey Medeiros, and Logan L. Watts
A new argument against gender-neutral MASC in Spanish, Daniel C. Greeson and Victor Severino
An exploration of anxiety sources in study abroad contexts through a qualitative lens, Andrea P. Hernando and Cristina Sanz
An Exploratory Study: Correlations Between Occupational Stressors, Coping Mechanisms, and Job Performance Among Chinese Aviation Maintenance Technicians, Yu Wang, Julius Keller, Chenyu Huang, and Richard O. Fanjoy
Animated Parables: A Pedagogy of Seven Deadly Sins and a Few Virtues, Joel Mayward
Ankle Performance in a Prototype Exoskeleton Boot Compared to Traditional Military Boots, Joe Malloy, Corbin Rasmussen, Sara Myers, and Mark Roser
Annual Truman Lecture USAFA 64th Academy Assembly, John Shaw
Antarctic streams as a potential source of iron for the Southern Ocean, William Berry Lyons, Kelsey R. Dailey, Kathleen A. Welch, Kelly M. Deuerling, Susan A. Welch, and Diane M. McKnight
Anti-thesis: When Your Worst Moments Become Your Best Work, Abigail Williamson
AoA effects in reading aloud and lexical decision: Locating the (semantic) locus in terms of the number of backward semantic associations, Michael J. Cortese, Sean Toppi, and Jonathan Santo
A Pandemic Road Map: Creating Social Work Student Wellness Plans in Field Placement, Susan Reay
A phylogenetic analysis of the population dynamics of a captive colony of Diploptera punctata., nick peterson
A Phylogenetic Analysis of The Population Dynamics of a Captive Colony of Diploptera punctata., nick peterson
Applications of ADS-B in General Aviation, Chenyu "Victor" Huang and Mary E. Johnson Purdue Polytecnic
Applying Knowledge Discovery Process in General Aviation Flight Performance Analysis, Chenyu "Victor" Huang
Approaches to Studying Conceptual Relationships in Online Extremism, Matthew Jensen
A Premature Obituary for Conventional Deterrence, Jeffery S. Lehmkuhl
Archival Collection Digitization: Great Plains Black History Museum, Wendy Guerra
Archives Field Trip! Bringing Public History to the Archives, Claire Du Laney and Lori Schwartz
Archiving Latinxs on the U.S. Great Plains: Voices of a Pandemic Oral History Collection, Wendy Guerra
Are Young Miko, Villano Antillano, and Tokischa reflecting their queer Caribbean Latina identity in their sociophonetics? A study of their spontaneous speech and their artistic performance speech, Elizabeth Naranjo Hayes and Kyra Ray
Arms Control Optimism and Great Power Competition, Damon Coletta
Artificial Intelligence as Agent in Journalism: A Concept Explication, Chad S. Owsley
A single-scale fractal feature for classification of color images: A virus case study, Walker Arce, James E. Pierce, and Mihaela T. Velcsov
Ask the women in blue: Female officers’ thoughts on the recruitment and retention of women in policing, Rachael Rief, Samantha S. Clinkinbeard, Lexi Goodijohn, and Trisha Rhodes
A sociocognitive approach to instructed second language learning, Paul D. Toth
A Sociolinguistic Analysis of a Deep Learning Based Classification model of South American Voseo in X Posts, Falcon Restrepo-Ramos
A Speech Act Approach to #MeToo Activism in the Americas, Anna Babel and Ashlee Dauphinais Civitello
Assessing and Improving Political Learning and Engagement on College Campuses, Nancy Thomas, Leah A. Murray, Kyle Upchurch, Catherine A. Copeland, Jodi Benenson, Jennifer Boehm, Lori Britt, Stephen K. Hunt, Steven Koether, Lance Lippert, Barbara A. Pickering, Kim Schmidl-Gagne, Jennifer Shea, Anthony M. Starke Jr., Angela Taylor, Andrea MM Weare, and Sidney Williams
Assessing Archival Instruction Through an Active Learning Survey, Claire Du Laney
Assessing Cane Impact on Post-Stroke Walking Velocity and Propulsion, martins Amaechi
Assessing Change Over Time: The Buffering Effect of Self-continuity on the Association Between Peer Victimization and Self-esteem Among Brazilian Adolescents, Sheri McVay and Sheri McVay
Assessing environmental along upstream and downstream sections of the Elkhorn River, Rozlyn Olson
Assessing Feeling States and Enjoyment of Various Exercise Activities, Kaitlyn Wusk
Assessing host associated microbiomes along upstream and downstream sections of the Elkhorn River, Zach McMullen
Assessing Malevolent Creativity in the Workplace, Averie Linnell and Roni Reiter-Palmon
Assessing Step Length Symmetry through Long Duration Home Measurements from IMU Based Angular Acceleration : An Exploration of Feasibility, Sangwon Shin, Mukul Mukherjee, and Philippe Malcolm
Assessing the Benefits of Simulations and War Games for Homeland Security Enterprise Workforce Development, David Schanzer and Daveed Gartenstein-Ross
Assessing the risks: An analysis of wildlife-strike data at the three busiest Brazilian airports (2011-2016), Flavio A. C. Mendonca, Chenyu Huang, Thomas Q. Carney, and Mary E. Johnson
Assessment of Human Adipose Tissue Microvascular Function Using Videomicroscopy, Melissa G. Farb, Song-young Park, Shakun Karki, and Noyan Gokce
Assimilation Processes within the Puerto Rican Diaspora, Yhosep Barba
A Tale of Two Subjunctives: A diachronic and comparative analysis of the Future Subjunctive in Spanish and Portuguese, Jonathan Jones-Edwards
A Three-Month Ankle Foot Orthosis Improves the Spatiotemporal Parameters of Gait in Patients with PAD, Zahra Salamifar, Frahnaz Fallahtafti, Kaeli K. Samson, Jason M. Johanning, Iraklis I. Pipinos, and Sara Myers
A three-month intervention using assistive shoes has the potential to enhance muscle oxygenation in patients diagnosed with peripheral artery disease., Zahra Salamifar, Farahnaz Fallahtafti, Iraklis I. Pipinos, Jason M. Johanning, Hafizur Rahman, and Sara Myers
Atomic Assurance: Funding a Modern U.S. Test Readiness Program, Mark Tang
Attraction Among Late-Adolescents, C. Nathalie Yuen, Tom Koziol, and Jonathan Santo
Attributions about Peer Victimization in US and Korean Adolescents and Associations with Internalizing Problems, Joo Young Yang, Kristina L. McDonald, and Sunmi Seo
Aubade, Music of Camps, Noah Edwards
A unified syntactic analysis of three Spanish wh-complement constructions: head movement and the labeling algorithm, Katie VanDyne
Authoritative school climate and peer victimization among Brazilian students, Hellen Tsuruda Amaral, Josafa M. da Cunha, and Jonathan Santo
Awareness and perception of artificial intelligence operationalized integration in news media industry and society, Chad S. Owsley and Keith Greenwood
Balance affects prism adaptation: evidence from the latent aftereffect, Dobromir Dotov, Till D. Frank, and Michael T. Turvey
Balancing Act in the Archives: Increasing Access to the Great Plains Black History Museum Collection, Lori Schwartz and Wendy Guerra
Balancing Act in the Archives: Increasing Access to the Great Plains Black History Museum Collection, Lori Schwartz and Wendy Guerra
BeatWalk: Personalized Music-Based Gait Rehabilitation in Parkinson’s Disease, Valérie Cochen de Cock, Dobromir Dotov, Loic Damm, Sandy Lacombe, Petra Ihalainen, Marie Christine Picot, Florence Galtier, Cindy Lebrun, Aurélie Giordano, Valérie Driss, Christian Geny, Ainara Garzo, Erik Hernandez, Edith Van Dyck, Marc Leman, Rudi Villing, Benoit G. Bardy, and Simone Dalla Bella
Beautytube: Enacting postfeminism on the YouTube multi-channel network ICON from 2015 to 2016, Andrea MM Weare
Becoming a Martyr, Jordan Martin
Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management Program Capabilities: Plain Language Summary, Tin L. Nguyen, Mario J. Scalora, and Denise Bulling
Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management Programs: Practitioner-Informed Baseline Capabilities, Tin L. Nguyen, Mario J. Scalora, and Denise Bulling
Behind the curve: technology challenges facing the homeland intelligence and counterterrorism workforce, Michelle Black, Lana Obradovic, and Deanna House
Behind the curve: technology challenges facing the homeland intelligence and counterterrorism workforce, Michelle Black, Lana Obradovic, and Deanna House
Best Practices for and Outcomes of Implementing Live Cases in Marketing Courses, Jeff S. Johnson and Shannon Cummins
Beta-galactosidase activity in tissues of the plant parasite Cuscuta pentagona, Ella Lucey
Betaglycan promoter activity is differentially regulated during myogenesis in zebrafish embryo somites, Lizbeth Ramírez-Vidal, Tonatiuh Molina-Villa, Valentín Mendoza, Carlos Alberto Peralta-Álvarez, Augusto Cesar Poot-Hernández, Dobromir Dotov, and Fernado López-Casillas
BET Inhibitor Exposure Impacts on Cancer Cells’ Surface Expression of NK Cell Ligands, Nathaniel C. Booher
Between the Temples, Dereck Daschke
Beyond Rehabilitation: Exploring the Field of Occupational Therapy and the Transformative Impact of Care, Sierra C. Fox
Beyond Self-diagnosis: How a Chatbot-based Symptom Checker Should Respond, Yue You, Chun-Hua Tsai, Yao Li, Fenglong Ma, Christopher Heron, and Xinning Gui
Beyond Surgeries and Bathrooms: Trans, Nonbinary, and Gender Nonconforming Experiences in Teacher Education, Isabella Manhart
Beyond the Mother Tongue: Identity and Expression in Exophonic Authors, Diane Holliday
BiblioTech, January 2024, Dr. C.C. and Mable L. Criss Library, University of Nebraska at Omaha Criss Library
BiblioTech, March 2024, Dr. C.C. and Mable L. Criss Library, University of Nebraska at Omaha Criss Library
BiblioTech, May 2024, Dr. C.C. and Mable L. Criss Library, University of Nebraska at Omaha Criss Library
BiblioTech, November 2024, Dr. C.C. and Mable L. Criss Library, University of Nebraska at Omaha Criss Library
BiblioTech, September 2024, Dr. C.C. and Mable L. Criss Library, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Biologically-variable rhythmic auditory cues are superior to isochronous cues in fostering natural gait variability in Parkinson’s disease, Dobromir Dotov, S. Bayard, Valérie Cochen de Cock, Christian Geny, Valérie Driss, G. Garrigue, Benoit G. Bardy, and Simone Dalla Bella
Bliss, William L. Blizek and Monica Blizek
Bodies of Horror in Judges 19-21 and Evil Dead II (1987), Jennifer M. Matheny and Aaron Bohn
Body mass-normalized moderate dose of dietary nitrate intake improves endothelial function and walking capacity in patients with peripheral artery disease, Elizabeth J. Pekas, TeSean Wooden, Santosh K. Yadav, and Song-young Park
Bold and shy zebrafish vary in their use of egocentric cues to navigate a T-maze, Abigail Reynolds, Levi Storks, and Ryan Wong
Bonnets, braids, and big afros: the politics of Black characters’ hair, Kay Siebler
Boron isotopic geochemistry of the McMurdo Dry Valley lakes, Antarctica, Deborah Leslie, William Berry Lyons, Nathaniel Warner, Avner Vengosh, Josh Olesik, Kathleen A. Welch, and Kelly M. Deuerling
Bots and Humans on Social Media, Lale Madahali
Botulinum Toxin Type A Injections May Improve Gait Kinematics Towards Typically Developing Values in Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Preliminary Report, Stephanie Mace, Vivek Dutt MD, and David C. Kingston PhD
Breakfast, Hispanic Linguistics Symposium 2024
Breakfast, Hispanic Linguistics Symposium 2024
Break (light refreshments), Hispanic Linguistics Symposium 2024
Break (light refreshments), Hispanic Linguistics Symposium 2024
Break (light refreshments), Hispanic Linguistics Symposium 2024
Break (light refreshments), Hispanic Linguistics Symposium 2024
Breaks in Longitudinal Elastic Fibers of Human Femoropopliteal Arteries, Elham Zamani
Bridge Between Predictability and Complexity in Human Gait, Seung Kyeom Kim, Tyler M. Wiles, Nick Stergiou, and Aaron D. Likens
Bridging Age, Body Mass Index, and Gait Variability: Differential Effects on Stride Interval Dynamics, Narges Shakerian, Tyler M. Wiles, Seung Kyeom Kim, Aaron Likens, and Nikolaos Stergiou
Brief History of a Family, John C. Lyden
Building an International Network: International Academic Partnerships for Science and Security, Gina Scott Ligon, Stacey Conchie, and Peter Simi
Building Community Resilience and Equity: A Case Study on the Importance of Federal Transit Grants for Title VI Programs in Nebraska., Michael Lee, Morgan Vogel, and Josie Schafer
Bullying and cyberbullying experiences among children in Brazil Experiências de bullying e cyberbullying entre crianças no Brasil), Josafa M. da Cunha, Marielly Rodrigues Mandira, and Jonathan Santo
Bullying Victimization and Friendship as Influences on Sleep Difficulty among Brazilian Adolescents, Thiago Henrique Roza, Vitor Atsushi Nozaki Yano, Sarah Aline Roza, Jonathan Santo, and Josafa M. da Cunha
Cacophony avoidance, interference, and priming: -mente adverbs vs. prepositional phrases of manner in original and translated texts, Carlos I. Echeverría and Esperanza González Moreno
Capability Gaps in Allied Space Deterrence, Mary A. Black
Cardiovascular and Autonomic Responses to Acute Exposure to Mild Hypercapnic Conditions: A pilot study, Andres Benitez-Albiter
Center of mass dynamic stability of independently ambulating stroke survivors is moderated by speed, but not handrail use, during treadmill walking, Emily A. Steffensen MS, CPO; Joel H. Sommerfeld MS; Aaron D. Likens PhD; and Brian A. Knarr PhD
Change in perceptions of occupational minority candidates for leader roles, Anthony Roberson
Change over time in interactions between unfamiliar toddlers, Ayelet Lahat, Michal Perlman, Nina Howe, Holly E. Recchia, William M. Bukowski, Jonathan Santo, Zhangjing Luo, and Hildy S. Ross
Changes in Character Virtues are Driven by Classroom Relationships: A Longitudinal Study of Elementary School Children, Kendra J. Thomas, Josafa M. da Cunha, and Jonathan Santo
Changes in Coactivation, Strength, and Gross Dexterity Following Training in Children with Upper Limb Reductions, Liliana Delgado and Jorge Zuniga
Changes In Effective Connectivity Within the Motor Cortex in Children with Upper Limb Reduction Deficiency Before and After an 8-Week Intervention, Chris Copeland, Kaitlin Fraser, Liliana Delgado, and Jorge M. Zuniga
Characterizing Frequency Shifts in Bilingual Expressions of Futurity among US Spanish Speakers, Lauren Miranda
Characterizing the role of PA5189 of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in deletion and overexpression mutants, Seh Na Mellick
Character Strengths In Children's Literature: Narrative Theme Versus Vocabulary, Alexandra Gaeth
Character Strengths in Classical Music Compositions of the Romantic Period: Focus on Orchestral Works, Izzy Vargas
“Charanga”: Cuban and Classical Flutistry, Claire James
Chilean speakers’ preferences for referring to parents: mi vs. el/la vs. null, Diego Ruiz Tagle
Chitosan nanofibrous wound dressing accelerates wound healing via reduction of CD68+/CD163+ ratio and increase of angiogenesis and collagen deposition, Mahboubeh Ghanbari, Mark A. Carlson, Carlos P Jara, and Yury Salkovskiy
Cinema, Black Suffering, and Theodicy: Modern God, Terry Lindvall
Civil War, Dennis Etzel Jr
Classifying Idiopathic Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disorder, Controls, and Mild Parkinson's Disease Using Gait Parameters, Valérie Cochen de Cock, Dobromir Dotov, Sandy Lacombe, Marie Christine Picot, Florence Galtier, Valérie Driss, Castelnovo Giovanni, Christian Geny, Beatriz Abril, Loic Damm, and Stefan Janaqi
Closing Reception, Hispanic Linguistics Symposium 2024
Closing Reception (dinner), Hispanic Linguistics Symposium 2024
Co-Design Smart Disaster Management Systems with Indigenous Communities, Chun-Hua Tsai, Chenyu Huang, Yu-Che Chen, Edouardo Zendejas, Sarah Krafka, and Jordan L. Zendejas
Cognitive and movement measures reflect the transition to presence-at-hand, Dobromir Dotov, Lin Nie, Kevin Wojcik, Anastasia Jinks, Xiaoyu Yu, and Anthony Chemero
Cognitive and Societal Mechanisms in Mock Spanish, Juan J. Colomina-Alminana
Collective dynamics support group drumming, reduce variability, and stabilize tempo drift, Dobromir Dotov, Lana Delasanta, Daniel J. Cameron, Edward W. Large, and Laurel Trainor
Collective music listening: Movement energy is enhanced by groove and visual social cues, Dobromir Dotov, Dan Bosnyak, and Laurel Trainor
Column: The development and recovery of North Omaha, Preston Love Jr.
Combined anthocyanins and bromelain supplement improves endothelial function and skeletal muscle oxygenation status in adults: a double-blind placebo-controlled randomised crossover clinical trial, Elizabeth J. Pekas, Jaehyun Shin, Ronald Headid III, Won-Mok Son, Gwenael Layec, Santosh K. Yadav, Steven D. Scott, and Song-young Park
Combined effects of aerobic exercise and 40-Hz light flicker exposure on early cognitive impairments in Alzheimer’s disease of 3×Tg mice, Sang-Seo Park, Hye-Sang Park, Change-Ju Kim, Seung-Soo Baek, Song-young Park, Cody Anderson, Myung-Ki Kim, Ik-Ryeul Park, and Tae-Woon Kim
Combined exercise training reduces blood pressure, arterial stiffness, and insulin resistance in obese prehypertensive adolescent girls, Won-Mok Son, Ki-Dong Sung, Leena P. Bharath, Kong-Jib Choi, and Song-young Park
Combined resistance and aerobic exercise training reduces insulin resistance and central adiposity in adolescent girls who are obese: randomized clinical trial, Leena P. Bharath, William W. Choi, Jae-min Cho, Alexus A. Skobodzinski, Alexei Wong, Ty E. Sweeney, and Song-young Park
Community Support & Personal Development, Scott Camero, Cambrie Schmidt, and Jeremy Zuniga
CommUNO Magazine, Spring 2024, School of Communication
Comparative Transcriptomics of Candida albicans: Identifying Species-Specific Filamentation Genes Dependent on Environment, Kimberly Evers
Comparing depression screening tools in persons with multiple sclerosis (MS), Joshua Hanna, Jonathan Santo, Mervin Blair, Kathy Smolewska, Erin Warriner, and Sarah A. Marrow
Comparing Scrolls and Codes: From ELS Inspiration to AI Discovery of Thematic Lineages in Genesis and Ruth, Tara Charter
Comparison of push-off forces during softball pitching with other dynamic movement, Takato Ogasawara and Brian Knarr
Competing national and regional vernaculars: Implicit attitudes towards informal address in Montevideo and Rocha, Uruguay, Veronica Loureiro-Rodriguez, María Irene Moyna, and Elif Acar
Computer Assisted Pronunciation Training of Spanish Rhotics, Carlos Andres Rojas
Computerized training with AI and human voices facilitates L2 prediction of grammatical gender agreement, Jorge Vargas Mutizabal and Nuria Sagarra
Computer Vision-Based Technique for Markerless Motion Capture of Squirrels, Evan James Sueper
Conclave, Sherry Coman
Concrete or Abstract? The Effects of Picture Concreteness and Mental Illness Prevalence on Destigmatizing Mental Illnesses, Roma Subramanian, Sungkyoung Lee, Jonathan Santo, and Shinobu Watanabe-Galloway
Conducting Instruction-Based Concurrent Operant Assessments to Increase Engagement, Sarah Hermann
Conference Reception (Dinner), Hispanic Linguistics Symposium 2024
Conspiracy Theories and Violent Extremism, Bettina Rottweiler and Paul Gill
Constraint CNF: SAT and CSP Language Under One Roof, Broes De Cat and Yuliya Lierler
Consulting to Avoid Kessler, Madison Walker
Consumer behavior in the online context, Shannon Cummins, James W. Peltier, John A. Schibrowsky, and Alexander Nill
Contextual influences on the relations between physical and relational aggression and peer victimization, Jonathan Santo, Ellyn Bass, Luz Stella-Lopez, and William M. Bukowski
Contextualizing Motivating Language to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): How Leader Motivating Language Affects Employees’ CSR Engagement and Employee–Organization Relationships, Yafei Zhang, Chuqing Dong, Andrea MM Weare, and Song Harris Ao
Contextual variations in associations between measures of aggression and withdrawal and functioning with peers: A replication study, William M. Bukowski, Meelanie Dirks, Ryan Persram, Jonathan Santo, Dawn DeLay, and Luz Stella Lopez
Context within Context: Invitation-refusals and Apologies by Heritage Learners of Spanish through the Lens of Intercultural Pragmatics, Christine H. Song and Nick I. Blumenau
Coordination Rigidity in the Gait, Posture, and Speech of Persons with Parkinson’s Disease, Dobromir Dotov, Valérie Cochen de Cock, Valérie Driss, Benoît Brady, and Simone Dalla Bella
Coping strategies in response to peer victimization: Comparing adolescents in the United States and Korea, Joo Young Yang, Kristina L. McDonald, and Sunmi Seo
Copyright and Creative Commons, Jennie Tobler-Gaston
Correlation of Pre-Hypertension with Carotid Artery Damage in Middle-Aged and Older Adults, Jinkee Park, Yongseong Na, yunjung Jang, Song-young Park, and Hyuntae Park
Creating a shared musical interpretation: Changes in coordination dynamics while learning unfamiliar music together, Emily A. Wood, Andrew Chang, Dan Bosnyak, Lucas Klein, Elger Baraku, Dobromir Dotov, and Laurel Trainor
Creating Green Open Access to Institutional Scholarship using Digital Commons, Deborah L. White and Yumi Ohira
Creating Meaningful Data Visualizations: Embracing Diverse Perspectives for Impactful Insights, Monica Miles-Steffens
Creating Meaningful Data Visualizations: Embracing Diverse Perspectives for Impactful Insights, Cristián Doña-Reveco
Criss Library Year in Review: 2023-2024, Dr. C.C. and Mable L. Criss Library
Cross-frequency coupling explains the preference for simple ratios in rhythmic behaviour and the relative stability across non-synchronous patterns, Dobromir Dotov and Laurel Trainor
Cultivating a Compassionate Climate with Secret Kindness Agents Program, Alexandra Deman
Cultivating the culture of responsible data science with Model-Cart, Vidit Singh, Yonas Kassa, Brian Ricks, and Robin Gandhi
Cultural Trends of Audience Online Interaction with Vocal Talent Shows: A Comparative Study between China and the US, Yafei Zhang, Andrea MM Weare, Heungseok Koh, and Li Chen
Current Fentanyl Trends and our Southern Border Region, Robert Harkins
Cyber-physical innovations:: Cyber-infrastructure for research, cyber-physical architecture for real-time applications, autonomous vehicle (AV) governance and AI artifacts for public value, Michael J. Ahn, Chenyu Huang, Pei-Chi Huang, Xin Zhong, Johannes Himmelreich, Kevin Desouza, and Richard Knepper
Cyber Red Lines: Government Responses to Cyberattacks on Critical Infrastructure, Denise L. Tennant, Louis Nolan, and Deanna House
DAEMONSEC: A Framework for Security Auditing of Linux Daemons, Sheikh Muhammad Farjad
Daruma, William L. Blizek and Monica Blizek
Data Driven Instruction in Teaching Poetry Analysis to Advanced Placement Literature and Composition Seniors, Andrea Reyes
Data Snapshot: The Consequences of "True Threats" Among Local Election Officials, Steven Windisch
Debussy through the Ears of Falla, Matthew Sheppard
Decentralizing corporate governance? A praxeological inquiry, Scott L. Mitchell, Mark D. Packard, and Brent B. Clark
Decoding democracy: Ideographic analyses of 2024 Republican presidential nominees' rhetoric, Allyson Havenridge
Decoding Nebraska: State and Local Trends in Demographics, Workforce, and Socio-Economics, Allison Shafer
Decoding Nebraska: State and Local Trends in Demographics, Workforce, and Socio-Economics, Josie Gatti Schafer
Deep Learning-based Text-in-Image Watermarking, Bishwa Karki and Prajin Khadka
DEI support structures: Relationships between organizational diversity, equity, and inclusion policies and employee experience, Laura J. Brooks Dueland
Demon Mineral, Brady DeSanti
Depressive Symptoms Are Associated With More Negative Functional Outcomes Than Anxiety Symptoms in Persons With Multiple Sclerosis, Sascha Gill, Jonathan Santo, Mervin Blair, and Sarah Marrow
DERMA: Expressions in Body Paint Post Spinal Injury, Amiey Elsasser
Designing a modular and customizable snakemake pipeline specialized for 16S data analysis, Chris Schinzel
Designing a Pragmatic Metahuman, Timothy Urbanski
Designing peptide amphiphiles as novel antibacterials and antibiotic adjuvants against gram-negative bacteria, Huihua Xing, Vanessa Loya-Perez, Joshua Franzen, Paul Denton, Martin Conda-Sheridan, and Nathalia Rodrigues de Almeida
Desolation, Kiara Adelina Hernandez Padron
Determining Efficacy of Check/Solid Stimuli Pair vs Light/Dark Stimuli Pair for Pavlovian Fear Learning in Zebrafish (Danio rerio), Kortney Johnson
Determining the Effect of Lower Body Muscle Group Activation Bias on Baseball Pitching Velocity, Dimitri Haan
Developing a “real me” in the political sphere: Using Lectal Focusing in Interaction to analyze Peninsular Spanish Regional Variation, Matthew Pollock
Developing A Tactile Augmenting Exoskeleton for Gait Rehabilitation, Chris Engsberg, Philippe Malcolm, Nathaniel Hunt, and Mukul Mukherjee
Developing the Ability to Arrange for Jazz Ensembles, Cameron Jordan
Development and implementation of natural killer cell simultaneous ADCC and direct killing assay, Maia M.C. Bennett-Boehm, Anna Mahr, Alexander Regan, Sean T. Hartwell, Isabelle Weber, Arriana Blackmon, Cami Bisson, Angela Ngoc Truong, Bella Circo, Jaden Nienhueser, Donald Rogers, Nathan Booher, Nithya Rajagopalan, Jacob W.S. Martens, and Paul Denton
Development of a Solution Concept Inventory for the High School Chemistry Classroom, Grace Tetschner
Devotional Fanscapes: Bollywood Star Deities, Devotee-Fans, and Cultural Politics in India and Beyond, Ajiththa Suganthan
DG.O 2021: Digital Innovations for Public Values: Inclusive Collaboration and Community, Yu-Che Chen, Jooho Lee, Sukumar Ganapati, Michael J. Ahn, and Chenyu Huang
Dialectal contact in Brazilian Portuguese: patterns and gaps, Livia Oushiro
Dialect change in a Salvadoran family in the Twin Cities: cross-generational changes in /s/ weakening, WILLIAM A. CORNEJO MOREIRA
Dibenzannulated medium-ring keto lactams as novel compounds with high potency against Toxoplasma gondii, Matthias Walters
Dictating Justice: Human Rights and Military Courts in Latin America, Brett J. Kyle and Andrew G. Reiter
Differences in Cadaver and In-Vivo ATFL Strain, Grace Matassa
Differences of Rehearsal Use in Pediatric Cochlear Implant Users to Age- and Language-Matched Peers, Brynn Golden
Differential interactions within the gut microbiome of marmosets treated with antibiotics as revealed by computational network analysis, Jordan Hernandez
Digital Collections Internships at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, Wendy Guerra
Digital Commons and Open Access: Utilizing DigitalCommons@UNO and UNO's Open Access Publishing Agreements to make your work open and accessible, Jennie Tobler-Gaston
Dímelo loco, ¿KLK? Structural and sociolinguistic dimensions of Dominican Spanish vernacular and their import for Linguistics, Almeida Jacqueline Toribio
Dinner Is Served, Clarissa Weitzel
Distinguishing unpredictability from uncertainty in entrepreneurial action theory, Ryan W. Angus, Mark D. Packard, and Brent B. Clark
"Disti qui nos han reconocío la Constitución, nojotro tiene más di direcho pa hablá”: Linguistic ideologies towards Afro-Bolivian Spanish, Pamela Jimenez and Sandro Sessarego
Distorted Personalities, Macy McClellan
Diverging Individual Profiles in the Multilingual Societies of Lusophone Africa, Michael Gradoville
Diverse College Students' Cultural Background and College Persistence, Kerrie DeVries, Jonathan Santo, and Juan Casas
Diversifying and Decolonizing Research: A transformative collection designed to support research that is critical and inclusive, Elise Elder Ed., Rebecca Lee Ed., and Kay Siebler
Division of Labor in Hand Usage Is Associated with Higher Hand Performance in Free-Ranging Bonnet Macaques, Macaca radiata, Madhur Mangalam, Nisarg Desai, and Mewa Singh
Division of labour: a democratic approach towards understanding manual asymmetries in non-human primates, Madhur Mangalam, Nisarg Desai, and Mewa Singh
Do Degrees Matter? Rethinking Workforce Development for Youth with Intellectual Disabilities and Mental Health Challenges, Susan Reay, William E. Reay, Kris Tevis, and Lisa Patterson
Does Lack of Psychological Readiness Influence Reinjury in Athletes at Return to Play After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Surgery?, Kennady Ruffcorn
Domestic Violence Against Women in Media, Alekz Solomon
Domestic Violent Extremism- A View through an Organizational Psychology Lens, Sam T. Hunter
Do Right-Handed Monkeys Use the Right Cheek Pouch before the Left?, Madhur Mangalam, Nisarg Desai, and Mewa Singh
Dosh, William L. Blizek and Monica Blizek
Driver Recruitment and Retention Survey Report, Morgan Vogel and Tara Grell
Drone-based, Boost-Phase Intercept of North Korean ICBMs, James D. Wells, William Priedhorsky, Frederick Lamb, and Laura Grego
Dynamic Interactive Artificial Intelligence: Sketches for a Future AI Based on Human-Machine Interaction, Dobromir Dotov and Tom Froese
Dynamics of Directed Boolean Networks under Generalized Elementary Cellular Automata Rules, with Power-Law Distributions and Popularity Assignment of Parent Nodes, Ray Goodman and Mihaela T. Velcsov
Dynamics of Peer Victimization and Self-Esteem in Brazilian Adolescents: A Focus on Gender Minority Youth, Albina Yurtova, Bianca Nicz, Hellen Tsuruda, Alexa Martin-Storey, Josafa Da Cunha, and Jonathan B. Santo
Earth to Orbit: Three Models for Strengthening Space Deterrence, Anton Dahm
Edge Sensor Security: A Structured Literature Review of Perception Layer Attacks, Md Monirul Islam
Editor's Note, Damon Coletta
Editor's Note, Damon Coletta
Educative Leadership of Curriculum Development Reconceptualized as Leadership of Personal, Group, Institutional and System Learning, Reynold JS Macpherson
Effectiveness of gym equipment cleaning by University of Nebraska-Omaha’s Student Wellness Center users, Victoria Arrowsmith
Effectiveness of Tai Chi on Cardiac Autonomic Function and Symptomatology in Women With Fibromyalgia: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Alexei Wong, Arturo Figueroa, Marcos A. Sanchez-Gonzalez, Won-Mok Son, Oksana P. Chernykh, and Song-young Park
Effect of Three-Month Use of Assistive Shoes on Gait in Patients with Peripheral Artery Disease, Jonathan Kirkland
Effect of Turn Angle and Speed on Segmental Coordination During Walking Turns, Joseph Aderonmu and Carolin Curtze Ph.D.
Effects of adaptive-tempo music-based RAS for Parkinson’s disease patients, Bart Moens, Leon Van Noorden, Wim De Wilde, Micheline Lesaffre, Dirk Cambier, Dobromir Dotov, Patrick Santens, Jana Blomme, Heleen Soens, and Marc Leman
Effects of Bison and Cattle Grazing on Milkweeds and Monarch Butterflies, Grace Thomas
Effects of chronic CBD exposure in juvenile zebrafish (Danio rerio) on their anxiety-related behaviors and brain wide 5-HT1A receptor expression as adults, Brandon Villanueva Sanchez
Effects of Cognitive Load on Postural Sway and Pupillary Response, Chandler Brock, Arun Karumattu Manattu PhD, and Carolin Curtze PhD
Effects of footedness and stance asymmetry confirm an inter-leg metastable coordination dynamics of standing posture, Steven J. Harrison, Jeffrey M. Kinsella-Shaw, and Dobromir Dotov
Effects of heated water-based versus land-based exercise training on vascular function in individuals with peripheral artery disease, Song-young Park, Alexei Wong, Won-Mok Son, and Elizabeth J. Pekas
Effects of passive and active leg movements to interrupt sitting in mild hypercapnia on cardiovascular function in healthy adults, Song-young Park, TeSean Wooden, Elizabeth J. Pekas, Santosh K. Yadav, Dustin Slivka, and Gwenael Layec
Effects of Sensory Feedback and Collider Size on Reach-to-Grasp Coordination in Haptic-Free Virtual Reality, Mariusz P. Furmanek, Madhur Mangalam, and Kyle Lockwood
Effects of the Loading Rate on Mechanical Properties of the Human Superficial Femoral Artery, Ali Zolfaghari Sichani and Majid Jadidi
Effects various distilled water brands have on Chlorophytum comosum., Brooke Bluhm
Eindis Ends It All, William L. Blizek and Monica Blizek
Ekbeh, Monica Blizek
El Spanglish, le franglais, and popular music: Not all major translanguaging varieties exist equally, Carlos Enrique Ibarra
Embodied gestalts: Unstable visual phenomena become stable when they are stimuli for competitive action selection, Dobromir Dotov, Michael T. Turvey, and Till D. Frank
Employing an experimental approach to study the killing capacity of natural killer cells, Diya Joy Varughese
Encyclopedia of Archaeology: Second Edition, Efthymia Nikita Ed., Thilo Rehren Ed., and Brandon J. Weihs
Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, Todd K. Shackelford Ed and Viviana A. Weekes-Shackelford Ed.
Encyclopedia of Geoarchaeology: First Edition, Allan S. Gilbert, John F. Shroder Jr., and Brandon J. Weihs
Encyclopedia of Transitional Justice, Lavinia Sta Ed., Nadya Nedelsky Ed., and Brett J. Kyle
Engaging the Next Generation of Aviation Professionals, Suzanne K. Kearns Ed., Timothy J. Mavin Ed., Steven Hodge Ed., and Chenyu "Victor" Huang
Engineering Nanofibers: Laboratory Characterization, Microstructural Analysis, and Image Processing Insights, Sayed Ahmadreza Razian, Mohammad Arjomandi, and Kaspars Maleckis
English-Spanish bilinguals' production of Portuguese mid vowels, Mariana Certanin Bertho
Enhancing 3rd Grade Learning of Multiplication and Division with Differentiated Instructional Strategies, Kennedy Bradburn
Enhancing Cultural Humility Through Critical Service-Learning in Teacher Preparation, Alan S. Tinkler and Barri Tinkler
Enhancing Mobility for Children with Cerebral Palsy: Artificial Muscle Powered Ankle Orthosis Design and Simulation, Sahel Mohammadi Ghalehney and Ahad Behboodi
Enhancing the Character Strength of Leadership in Children Through Read-Aloud Kids’ Books on Leadership, Karli Rosenberger
Enhancing the Character Strength of Perseverance in Children Through Read-Aloud Kids' Books on Perseverance, Asia Wewel
Enhancing the Safety Training of Aviators to Mitigate the Risk of Bird Strikes: A Scientific Approach, Flavio A. C. Mendonca, Chenyu Huang, and Thomas Q. Carney
Enhancing walking performance in patients with peripheral arterial disease: An intervention with ankle-foot orthosis, Farahnaz Fallahtafti, Kaeli K. Samson, Zahra Salamifar, Jason M. Johanning, Iraklis Pipinos, and Sara A. Myers
Enraptured by Rapture: Production Context, Biblical Interpretation, and Evangelical Eschatology in The Rapture, Left Behind, and This is the End, Robert G. Joseph, Laura M. Tringali, and Meghan R. Henning
Enrollment Profile Report Fall 2024, Systems Intelligence and Data Analytics, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Ensuring Transparency in Using ChatGPT for Public Sentiment Analysis, Chun-Hua Tsai, Gargi Nandy, Deanna House, and John M. Carroll
Entraining chaotic dynamics: A novel movement sonification paradigm could promote generalization, Dobromir Dotov and Tom Froese
Entrepreneurship Solutions for Sustainable Decluttering, Savannah Boedigheimer
Entropy analysis of Boolean network reduction according to the determinative power of nodes, Matthew J. Pelz and Mihaela T. Velcsov
Entry Level Manpower Needs in the Omaha Metropolitan Area, Vincent J. Webb and Michael Eskey
ENVISION24 Conference Agenda, National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center
EQUITY-CENTERED RISK MITIGATION MODELS for Opioid/Stimulant Use Disorder and Overdose Prevention Efforts, Eileen Boswell, Davidson Wissing, Allison Hoden, and Taylor Stanton
'Éramos más humiɾdes': An Acoustic Approximation to Liquid Production in Southwestern Dominican Republic, Josmary Medina Heredia
Ergodic characterization of nonergodic anomalous diffusion processes, Madhur Mangalam, Ralf Metzler, and Damian G. Kelty-Stephen
Establishing an Electronic Theses Repository Using Digital Commons, Deborah L. White and Yumi Ohira
[estar + Adjective]: a view from 19th and 21st century Dominican Spanish, Romi Román-Cabrera
Estimation of aircraft fuel consumption by modeling flight data from avionics systems, Chenyu Huang and Xiaoyue Cheng
“¡Estos inmigrantes!” Un análisis de la memoria colectiva de la inmigración europea en la prensa chilena, 1850-1920, Gonzalo Martínez Alarcón and Cristián Doña-Reveco
Estrategias discursivas en la representación de la familia y la identidad en la novela de Julia Álvarez: de cómo Tía Lola salvó el verano, Meimalin M Rivas
Eternal You, John C. Lyden
Ethical Perceptions of AI in Hiring and Organizational Trust: The Role of Performance Expectancy and Social Influence, Maria Figueroa-Armijos, Brent B. Clark, and Serge P. da Motta Veiga
Ethics in Law and the Effects on Mental Health: An Interview Study, Kaitlyn Nyffeler
Evaluating Proficiency and Communicative Competence in Heritage Brazilian Portuguese, Alexandre Alves Santos, Flávia Cunha, and Luiz Amaral
Evaluating Terrorism and Targeted Violence Prevention Programs: Lessons Learned, Matt Allen
Every LIttle Thing, Dereck Daschke
Evidencia de la Influencia Translingüística en la Inversión Verbo-sujeto en Oraciones Interrogativas: Un Estudio Piloto con Hispanohablantes de Herencia, Vanessa Revheim, Violeta Barahona, and Steve Vazquez
Examining Artificial Intelligence and its Role in Malevolent Creativity and Innovation: How AI Can Enhance Novel Threats and Attacks, Alexis L. d'Amato, Madison Scott, Emma Theobald, Averie E. Linnell, Joel Elson, Sam T. Hunter, and Jack Rygg
Examining Best Practices in Threat Assessment from an Insider Threat Perspective: A Review and Integration: Interim Deliverable, Matt Allen, Katherine Parsons, Tin L. Nguyen, and Lauren Zimmerman
Examining Teachers’ Raciolinguistic Ideologies in the SHL Classroom, Valeria Ochoa and Sergio Loza
Examining the representativeness of Spanish collocations with corpus and experimental data, Russell Simonsen
Exhibiting Forgiveness, John C. Lyden
Experiences In Femininity, Kennedy Wallman and Antonia (Toni) Parker
Experiences In Femininity, Antonia Parker and Kennedy Wallman
Experiences of Recent Nebraska STEM Teachers Who Have Left Teaching, Courtney N. Matulka
Experiencias Migrantes: Una Aproximación a la Relación entre la Calificación de los Migrantes, su Región de Origen y la Estructura Social en Chile, Luis Acuña Urzúa, Braulio Cabrera Toledo, and Cristián Doña-Reveco
Explaining Social Recommendations Using Large Language Models, Md Ashaduzzaman, Tin L. Nguyen, and Chun-Hua Tsai
Exploring ADS-B as an Alternative Data Source for Flight Data Monitoring of General Aviation, Chenyu "Victor" Huang and Mary E. Johnson
Exploring an EIT as a tool for accessing sociophonetic knowledge, Megan Solon, Nicholas Blaker, Katie Jonard, Matthew Kanwit, and Stacey Hanson
Exploring Asynchronous Pronunciation Training Through Context-Aware Pronunciation Applications, Claire L. Schweikert
Exploring female collegiate athletes’ lived experiences of mental health stigma on social media, Md Sazzad Mahmud Shuvo
Exploring Heritage Speakers, L2s, and Monolinguals' Typed Writing Strategies: Evidence from Stimulated Recalls, Luis D. Gaytán-Soto, Melissa A. Bowles, and Kami Parker
Exploring Highly Frequent Prefabs in Spontaneous Conversation, Karol Ibarra Zetter and David Paez
Exploring the impact of a fairness algorithm on a machine learning model in a Bioinformatics Application, Jason Driscoll
Exploring the Impact of a Firm’s Performance on Its IT Investment: The Role of IT Intensity, Fatemeh Shapouri and Kerry Ward
Exploring the Impact of Trusted Patient-Physician Relationship and Effective Health Communication on Patient Empowerment, Mingming Song
Exploring the intersection between language learning and experiential learning: Insights and implications for educators and students, Cecilia Tocaimaza-Hatch, Melanie Bloom, and Claudia García
Exploring the lexical aspect among heritage speakers of Brazilian Portuguese, Vanessa Revheim and Olivia Brooks
Exploring the Role of Calcineurin in Filamentation across Inducing Conditions in the Fungal Pathogen Candida albicans, Patricia Harte-Maxwell and Jill R. Blankenship
Exposure age and climate controls on weathering in deglaciated watersheds of western Greenland, Cecilia A. Scribner, Ellen E. Martin, Jonathan B. Martin, Kelly M. Deuerling, D. F. Collazo, and A. T. Marshall
Exposure, Motivation, Context of Learning and L2 Spanish Rhotic Development, Avery K. Puskas, Emily Koshollek, and Rajiv Rao
External Funding Bulletin, January - June 2024, UNO Office of Research and Creative Activity
External Funding Bulletin, July - December 2023, UNO Office of Research and Creative Activity
Eye-tracking shows that digital training improves L2 learning of stress-suffix associations, Nuria Sagarra and Kaylee Fernandez
Face of War: A Collective Narrative Podcast: Introduction to Season Two, Barbara K. Robins and Jessie Stewart
Face of War: A Collective Narrative Podcast -Retrospective of Season 2, Barbara K. Robins and Jessie Stewart
Face of War: A Collective Narrative Podcast -Season 2 Episode 1: From the Woman Veteran's Point of View, Part 1, Barbara K. Robins and Jessie Stewart
Face of War: A Collective Narrative Podcast -Season 2 Episode 2: From the Woman Veteran's Point of View, Part 2, Barbara K. Robins and Jessie Stewart
Face of War: A Collective Narrative Podcast -Season 2 Episode 3: Samuel Bak, Holocaust Survivor and Artist, Part 1, Barbara K. Robins and Jessie Stewart
Face of War: A Collective Narrative Podcast -Season 2 Episode 4: Samuel Bak, Holocaust Survivor and Artist, Part 2, Barbara K. Robins and Jessie Stewart
Face of War: A Collective Narrative Podcast -Season 2 Episode 5: A Personal Story of Loss, Barbara K. Robins and Jessie Stewart
Fact Book, Academic year 2023, Systems Intelligence and Data Analytics, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Factorial Validity of the Flight Risk Assessment Tool in General Aviation Operations, Chenyu "Victor" Huang, Allen Xie, and Flavio A. C. Mendonca
Factors Related to School Psychologists’ Confidence in Implementation of Behavior Intervention Plans, Miranda Cormaci, Adam D. Weaver, and Jonathan Santo
Fairness, trust, and school climate as foundational to growth mindset: A study among Brazilian children and adolescents, Kendra J. Thomas, Josafa M. da Cunha, Denise Americo de Souza, and Jonathan Santo
Fall 2023 Graduation Survey Responses, Systems Intelligence and Data Analytics, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Fall 2024 Census Enrollment Indicators Campus Report Tables 1-3, Systems Intelligence and Data Analytics, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Fallen Leaves, Frederick Ruf
Feminist Ethnographic Case Study: Financial/Emotional Stressors of Parenting Trans-Children, Kay Siebler
Filling the Empty Page, Paula Ray
Finance and Artificial Intelligence, Luke Schawang
Finding a North Star: Lessons in Space Law for the Nuclear Regime, Elsbeth J. Magilton
Finding Humor - Finding Voice, Christine R. Nessler
Finding Your Way: From Fantasy to Dystopian, Arianna Ashby
Fission–fusion species under restricted living conditions: a comparative study of dyadic interactions and physical proximity in captive bonobos and Bornean orangutans, Dorothee Classen, Stefanie Kiessling, Madhur Mangalam, Werner Kaumanns, and Mewa Singh
Flexibility in Food Extraction Techniques in Urban Free-Ranging Bonnet Macaques, Macaca radiata, Madhur Mangalam and Mewa Singh
FOD-A: A Dataset for Foreign Object Debris in Airports, Travis Munyer, Pei-Chi Huang, Chenyu Huang, and Xin Zhong
Folk Physics in the Twenty-first Century: Understanding Tooling as Embodied, Dorothy M. Fragaszy and Madhur Mangalam
Foreign Language Anxiety and the Pandemic, Laura Trenta, Rebecca Mason Vergote, and Holly Nibert
Foreign Object Debris Detection for Airport Pavement Images Based on Self-Supervised Localization and Vision Transformer, Travis Munyer, Daniel Brinkman, Xin Zhong, Chenyu Huang, and Iason Konstantzos
For Hemispheric Unity, a Change in U.S. Foreign Policy is Needed, Brett J. Kyle and Andrew G. Reiter
Formas variables en la expresión del pasado en aprendices del español: los efectos de la L1, Miguel G. Román
Four Years Later: Is Gender-Inclusive Language Still a Change in Progress?, Caitlin Samples
Framing Immanence in Carl Theodor Dreyer’s Ordet and Carlos Reygadas’s Stellet Licht, Andre Fischer
Freaky Tales, Christopher R. Deacy
Frog Story retell task as a means of evaluating Spanish-speaking children’s adjective development., John Grinstead and Erin Pettibone
“From Left to Right”: the Influence of Political Orientation on the Language Attitudes of the Population of Palma toward Catalan and Spanish, Alejandro Jaume-Losa
From Script to Scene: A Directing Capstone, Amanda Overfield, Kevin Bray, and Emma Riley
From the W-Method to the Canonical-Dissipative Method for Studying Uni-Manual Rhythmic Behavior, Dobromir Dotov and Till D. Frank
Front Matter, Space and Defense
Front Matter, Damon Coletta
Fuel Flow R ate and Duration o f General Aviation Landing and Takeoff Cycle, Chenyu "Victor" Huang and Mary E. Johnson
Fueling Prosperity: The Positive Economic Ripple Effects of Increasing Wages for Nebraska’s Direct Care Workforce, Ernest Goss and Susan Reay
Functional Brain Imaging Before and After Tool-Use Training, Kaitlin Fraser
Functional Outcomes of Noninvasive Sensory Feedback in Upper Limb Prostheses: A Meta-Analysis, Libby Caldwell
Functional, proteomic and bioinformatic analyses of Nrf2- and Keap1- null skeletal muscle, Lie Gao, Vikas Kumar, Neetha Nanoth Vellichirammal, Song-young Park, Tara L. Rudebush, Li Yu, Won-Mok Son, Elizabeth J. Pekas, Ahmed M. Wafi, Juan Hong, Peng Xiao, Chittibabu Guda, Han-Jun Wang, Harold D. Scultz, and Irving H. Zucker
Further Improving General Aviation Flight Safety: Analysis of Aircraft Accidents During Takeoff, Chenyu "Victor" Huang
Gait mechanics of treadmill and overground walking in children with cerebral palsy following fixed knee flexion deformity surgery, Joseph W. Harrington, Brian A. Knarr, Vivek Dutt, and David C. Kingston
Gamification of Speech Therapy with Pronunciation Pal, Parker Zbylut
Gender comprehension and vowel production: Are they related?, Ana Teresa Pérez Leroux, Laura Colantoni, Danielle Thomas, and Crystal Chen
Gender minoritized students and academic engagement in Brazilian adolescents: Risk and protective factors, Alexa Martin-Storey, Jonathan Santo, Holly E. Recchia, Shayla Chilliak, Henrique Caetano Nardi, and Josafa M. da Cunha
Geochemistry of mineral dust in the McMurdo Dry Valleys Region, Antarctica, Kelly M. Deuerling, Ethan Baxter, Jeremy Inglis, and William Berry Lyons
Geomorphic and geologic controls of geohazards induced by Nepal’s 2015 Gorkha earthquake, J. S. Kargel, G. J. Leonard, D. H. Shugar, U. K. Haritashya, A. Bevington, E. J. Fielding, K. Fujita, M. Geertsema, E. S. Miles, J. Steiner, E. Anderson, S. Bajracharya, G. W. Bawden, D. F. Breashears, A. Byers, B. Collins, M. R. Dhital, A. Donnellan, T. L. Evans, M. L. Geai, M. T. Glasscoe, D. Green, D. R. Gurung, R. Heijenk, A. Hilborn, K. Hudnut, C. Huyck, W. W. Immerzeel, Jiang Liming, R. Jibson, A. Kääb, N. R. Khanal, D. Kirschbaum, P. D. A. Kraaijenbrink, D. Lamsal, Liu Shiyin, Lv Mingyang, D. McKinney, N. K. Nahirnick, Nan Zhuotong, S. Ojha, J. Olsenholler, T. H. Painter, M. Pleasants, K. C. Pratima, Q. I. Yuan, B. H. Raup, D. Regmi, D. R. Rounce, A. Sakai, Shangguan Donghui, J. M. Shea, A. B. Shrestha, A. Shukla, D. Stumm, M. van der Kooij, K. Voss, Wang Xin, Brandon J. Weihs, D. Wolfe, Wu Lizong, Yao Xiaojun, M. R. Yoder, and N. Young
Geomorphology of the lake shewa landslide dam, Badakhshan, Afghanistan, using remote sensing data, John F. Shroder Jr. and Brandon J. Weihs
Gestation, Erza Sherman
Ghostlight, Christopher R. Deacy
Girls Will Be Girls, Christopher R. Deacy
Global Land Ice Measurements from Space, Jeffrey S. Kargel Ed., Gregory J. Leonard Ed., Michael P. Bishop Ed., Andreas Kääb Ed., Bruce H. Raup Ed., and Brandon J. Weihs
Glycosaminoglycan Accumulation Increases the Susceptibility of Aortic Media to Dissection, Ramin Shahbad
Good governance, bad governance: a refinement and application of key governance concepts, Scott L. Mitchell, Mark D. Packard, and Brent B. Clark
Good One, Christopher R. Deacy
Grace, William L. Blizek
Grace Abbott Training Supervision Academy: A Year of Growth, Collaboration, and Impact, Susan Reay and Grace Abbott Training and Supervision Academy, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Gradience vs. Categories: Compensatory Voiced Fricatives and the role of duration in Western Andalusian Spanish, Santiago Arróniz
Grasp, Isabel Johnson
Grassland bat ecology in North and South America, Kylie Black
GREATER NEBRASKA YOUTH SURVEY: Understanding the perceptions and perspectives of Nebraska’s next generation, Carrie Malek-Madani
GREENLAND REVISITED: LAKE EFFECTS ON COASTAL NUTRIENT FLUXES, Jonathan Martin, Andrea Pain, Ellen Martin, Megan Black, and Kelly M. Deuerling
Growing Together 2022: Data Summary, Ignacio Ruelas Avila
Guardians of the Ballot Box: Addressing Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities and Privacy Concerns for Local Election Officials in Digital Spaces, Steven Windisch; Adrienne Brookstein; Steven Chen; Adan Vela; and National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center
Guidebook for Clinical Supervision in Nebraska, Susan Reay
Gun Related Youth Violence: Fear of Victimization versus the Influence of Significant Others, Ryan E. Spohn and Samantha Lane
Habitual Combined Exercise Protects against Age-Associated Decline in Vascular Function and Lipid Profiles in Elderly Postmenopausal Women, Elizabeth J. Pekas, Won-Mok Son, Ronald Headid III, Song-young Park, and John Shin
Handling the Undead, Christopher R. Deacy
Hard Truths, Sherry Coman
Healthcare Omaha, Ne, Monique Drown, Patrick Johnson, Logan McCord, and Kellie Smith
Hearing political affiliation: A perceptual analysis of political speech in Malaga, Spain, Matthew Pollock and Marina Bonilla-Conejo
Heaviness Perception in Older Adults, Alli Grunkemeyer
Heavy Happy Hour/Dinner (at Le Bouillon), Hispanic Linguistics Symposium 2024
Herat: the granary and garden of Central Asia, George Bruce Malleson
Heretic, J. Barton Scott
Heritage Spanish-English Bilingual’s Intuitions on Inanimate Noun Subjecthood, Rachel Casper and Zenaida Aguirre-Munoz
Heroic Women of the West: The Role of Women in Developing the West, Oluchi Angela Ekwenye
High cortisol levels in the offspring of parents with bipolar disorder during two weeks of daily sampling, Mark A. Ellenbogen, Jonathan Santo, Anne-Marie Linnen, Claire-Dominique Walker, and Sheilagh Hodgins
Higher Complexity in Movements Indicates Better Sensorimotor Coordination, Kolby J. Brink and Aaron D. Likens
Historical Review of Variants of Informal Semantics for Logic Programs under Answer Set Semantics: GL’88, GL’91, GK’14, D-V’12, Yuliya Lierler
Hit Man, Christopher R. Deacy
Housing Stability, Taylor Gilfillan, Joshua Holm, Eh Moora, and Miranda Palacios Avila
How a Medical Orchestra Cultivates Creativity, Joy, Empathy, and Connection, Roma Subramanian and Matthew J. Brooks
How capuchin monkeys use their semi-prehensile tails, Madhur Mangalam, Callum F. Ross, Patricia Izar, Elisabetta Visalberghi, and Dorothy M. Fragaszy
How Chile's Welcome Turned Sour, Cristián Doña-Reveco
How expectations of speaker knowledge predict form selection: Epistemic adverbs in contexts of expertise, Dylan Jarrett
How LinguaMeeting Virtual Exchanges Guide Compliments in Spanish L2 Pragmalinguistic Encounters, Timothy J. Ashe Jr
How Organizational Dynamics in a Multi- Actor Environment Shape Terrorist Threats and CT Responses, Martha Crenshaw and Kaitlyn Robinson
How The AP used the Olympic Games in 1996: a historical analysis of the diffusion of digital camera technology innovation from 1996 to 2016, Chad S. Owsley
How to Successfully Implement Practical Functional Assessment in School Settings, Christina Stasi-Arispe
How tufted capuchin monkeys (Sapajus spp.) and humans (Homo sapiens) handle a jointed tool., Dorothy M. Fragaszy, Joshua D. Lukemire, Jose Eduardo Reynoso-Cruz, Stephanie Villarreal Jordan, Spencer Sheheane, Amanda Heaton, Monica Quinones, and Madhur Mangalam
Humanized NOG Mice for Intravaginal HIV Exposure and Treatment of HIV Infection, Anna Halling Folkmar Andersen, Stine Sofie Frank Nielsen, Rikka Olesen, Katharine Mack, Frederik Dagnæs-Hansen, N. Uldbjerg, Lars Østergaard, Ole S. Søgaard, Paul Denton, and Martin Tolstrup
Human Trafficking, Jessica Botts and Be Be Blue
Human Trafficking Collage, Ashley Martinez
Hydrogen Sulfide as a Biomarker in Patients with Peripheral Artery Disease, Dong Gun Jin, Kollyn B. Jallen, Cody Anderson, Andres Benitez-Albiter, Michael F. Allen, Matthew Jones, and Song-young Park
Hydrologic exchange and chemical weathering in a proglacial watershed near Kangerlussuaq, west Greenland, Kelly M. Deuerling, Jonathan B. Martin, Ellen E. Martin, and Cecilia A. Scribner
I Already Belong: Immigrant-Origin College Students’ Persistence, Kerrie DeVries, Wayne Harrison, and Jonathan Santo
ICT Kids Online Brazil: Survey on Internet Use by Children in Brazil (TIC KIDS ONLINE BRASIL Pesquisa sobre o Uso da Internet por Crianças e Adolescentes no Brasil), Brazilian Internet Steering Committe (Comitê Gestor da Internet no Brasil)
Identity Construction in Narratives by Peruvian Andean Migrants, Anahis Samame Rispa
I like you, do you like me? How gender, context, and aggression predict liking., Michaela Marian, Josafa M. da Cunha, and Jonathan Santo
"Imagine a world that's free of terrorism" | NCITE Ribbon Cutting 2024, National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center and Gina Scott Ligon
“I’m George Lucas”: A Connor Ratliff Story, John C. Lyden
Impact Assessment: National Security Simulation Course at Duke University, David Schanzer, Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, and Jessica Sperling
Impact of anthropogenic disturbance on the chemistry of a small urban pond, Susan A. Welch, Brandon C. McAdams, Steven T. Goldsmith, Annette M. Trierweiler, Justin M. Von Bargen, Kelly M. Deuerling, and Anne E. Carey
Impact of a TLR9 agonist and broadly neutralizing antibodies on HIV-1 persistence: the randomized phase 2a TITAN trial, Jesper D. Gunst, Jesper Falkesgaard Højen, Marie H. Pahus, Miriam Rosás-Umbert, Birgitte Stiksrud, James McMahon, Paul Denton, Henrik Nielsen, Isik S. Johansen, Thomas Benfield, Steffen Leth, Jan Gerstoft, Lars Østergaard, Mariane H. Schleimann, Rikke Olesen, Henrik Støvring, Line K. Vibholm, Nia Weis, Anne M. Dyrhol-Riise, Karen B.H. Pedersen, Jillian S.Y. Lau, Dennis C. Copertino, Noemi Linden, Tan T. Huynh, Victor Ramos, Rl Brad Jones, Sharon R. Lewin, Martin Tolstrup, Thomas A. Rasmussen, Michel C. Nussenzweig, Marina Caskey, Dag Henrik Reikvam, and Ole Schmeltz Søgaard
IMPACT OF GLACIAL RETREAT AND WEATHERING ON NORTH ATLANTIC ND ISOTOPES, Emily N. An, Ellen E. Martin, Kelly M. Deuerling, and Jonathan B. Martin
Impacts of aquatic walking on arterial stiffness, exercise tolerance, and physical function in patients with peripheral artery disease: a randomized clinical trial, Song-young Park, Elizabeth J. Pekas, and Yi-Sub Kwak
Impaired microcirculatory function, mitochondrial respiration, and oxygen utilization in skeletal muscle of claudicating patients with peripheral artery disease, Song-young Park, Elizabeth J. Pekas, Cody Anderson, Tyler N. Kambis, Paras K. Mishra, Molly Schieber, TeSean Wooden, Jonathan R. Thompson, Kyung-Soo Kim, and Iraklis Pipinos
Implementing Instructional and Assessment Strategies to Improve Student Success in Art, Hayden Thomaier
Including transition-age youth using evidence-based mental health treatments, Peter Szto, Susan Reay, Sarah Preston, and Claire Rynearson
Incorporating Citizen-Generated Data into Large Language Models, Jagadeesh Vadapalli, Srishti Gupta, Bishwa Karki, and Chun-Hua Tsai
Indirect effects of HPA axis dysregulation in the association between peer victimization and depressed affect during early adolescence, Ryan E. Adams, Jonathan Santo, and William M. Bukowski
Individualization of music-based rhythmic auditory cueing in Parkinson's disease, Simone Dalla Bella, Dobromir Dotov, Benoît Brady, and Valérie Cochen de Cock
Individualization of music-based rhythmic auditory cueing in Parkinson's disease, Simone Dalla Bella, Dobromir Dotov, Benoit G. Bardy, and Valérie Cochen de Cock
Individuals Exhibit Varied Risk Aversion When Entering Novel Environments While Walking, Seongwoo Mun
Inferior Auditory Time Perception in Children With Motor Difficulties, Andrew Chang, Yao-Chuen Li, Jennifer F. Chan, Dobromir Dotov, John Cairney, and Laurel Trainor
Inmigración y derecho al voto Una investigación exploratoria en Santiago de Chile (Immigration and the Right to Vote An Exploratory Study in Santiago, Chile), José Joaquín Pérez, Matías Corbeaux, and Cristián Doña-Reveco
"Innocence" and "Tainted", Danni Barth
Innovation in Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention: Final Closeout Report, Joel Elson and Erin M. Kearns
Innovation in Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention: Phase 1 Summary Report, Joel Elson and Erin M. Kearns
Innovation in Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention: Phase II Summary Report, Joel Elson and Erin M. Kearns
Innovative Technologies in Support of BTAM, Erin M. Kearns
In search for an alternative to the computer metaphor of the mind and brain, Damian G. Kelty-Stephen, Paul E. Cisek, Benjamin De Bari, James Dixon, Luis H. Favela, Fred Hasselman, Fred Keijzer, Vincente Raja, Jeffrey B. Wagman, Brandon J. Thomas, and Madhur Mangalam
Instructional strategies to foster the auditory processing of gender agreement in Spanish Heritage Speakers with mild-to-moderate hearing loss, Cristina Manteca-Gacho and Daniel Vergara
Integrative Use of Computer Vision and Unmanned Aircraft Technologies in Public Inspection: Foreign Object Debris Image Collection, Travis Munyer, Daniel Brinkman, Chenyu Huang, and Xin Zhong
“Integrative” vs “Integration”: STEM Skills and Concept Development in 6th Grade Students, Kathryn Chain
Intentional Design: Crafting a Sustainable Internship Program, Claire Du Laney, Lori Schwartz, and Wendy Guerra
Interfacing Neuroscience with Superheroes, Zombies, Cyborgs and Droids: Earth 262: Project Unity, Elias Fleming
Interfacing Neuroscience with Superheroes, Zombies, Cyborgs and Droids: The Story of PowerWoman, Alya Shah
INTER-JOINT VARIABILITY AND AGE-RELATED CHANGES IN HUMAN WALKING, Mehrnoush Haghighatnejad, Tyler Wiles, Seung Kyeom Kim, Aaron Likens, and Nicholas Stergiou
Internal Funding Newsletter, Academic Year 2022-2023, UNO Office of Research and Creative Activity
Internal Funding Newsletter, Academic Year 2023-2024, UNO Office of Research and Creative Activity
Interpretable Classification of Myositis from Muscle Ultrasound Images, Bishwa Karki, Xin Zhong, Yu-Che Chen, and Chun-Hua Tsai
Interviewing Student Entrepreneurs from the Nebraska Governor's New Venture Competition, Meagan E. Paez and Amanda Parker
In the Land of Brothers, John C. Lyden
In the Shadows of the Ink, Macy McClellan
In the Summers, Christopher R. Deacy
Investigating Hyperarticulation as a Gay Speech Stereotype in Puerto Rican Bilinguals, Jamison García Ramírez
Investigating relationships between aging, gender, and emotion contagion in younger and older adults, Kenneth Hites and Jewelia Taylor
Investigating Relationships Between Musical Reward and Empathy Across the Adult Lifespan, Naomi Adjei
Investigating the Function of the Transcription Elongation Factor, GreA, in Chlamydia trachomatis Growth and Development, Abigail R. Swoboda and Scot P. Ouellette
Investigating the Relationships Between Experiences with Fiction Reading and Empathy Across the Adult Lifespan, Jewelia Taylor
Investigation of Study Strategies in Undergraduate Preparation for the MCAT and Optimizing Preparation According to Current Medical Students, MaKayla Gordon
IoT in Banking - Factors influencing Customer Experience among Digital Banking users., Sai Laxmi Soundarya Jonnalagadda
I Saw the TV Glow, Dereck Daschke
Issues in Clitic Doubling and First Conjunct Clitic Doubling in Nariñense Andean Spanish, Jose Benavides and Jessica Jurado Eraso
It Matters Who Fights: How Recruitment Profiles Shape Organizational Development, Alec Worsnop
Its Her Fault, Madeline Falknor
It takes tú and vos to tango: Informal second person subject variation in Uruguayan Spanish, María Irene Moyna
I wish a whole new work was used for it: Pro-ED blogging and online identity, Andrea MM Weare
Jane Austen Wrecked My Life, Sherry Coman
Join the party: An RPG model for the language classroom, Sarah O'Neill
Just environments foster character: A longitudinal assessment of school climate, Kendra J. Thomas, Josafa M. da Cunha, and Jonathan Santo
Kabul Times, April 1962, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, April 1963, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, April 1964, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, April 1965, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, April 1966, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, April 1967, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, April 1968, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, April 1969, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, April 1970, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, April 1971, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, April 1972, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, April 1973, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, April 1974, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, April 1975, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, April 1976, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, April 1977, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, April 1979, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, April 1980, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, April 1981, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, April 1982, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, April 1983, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, June 1962, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, June 1963, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, June 1964, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, June 1965, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, June 1966, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, June 1967, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, June 1968, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, June 1969, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, June 1970, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, June 1971, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, June 1972, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, June 1973, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, June 1974, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, June 1975, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, June 1976, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, June 1977, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, June 1978, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, June 1979, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, June 1980, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, June 1981, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, June 1982, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, June 1983, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, May 1962, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, May 1963, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, May 1964, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, May 1965, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, May 1966, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, May 1967, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, May 1968, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, May 1969, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, May 1970, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, May 1971, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, May 1972, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, May 1973, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, May 1974, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, May 1975, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, May 1976, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, May 1977, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, May 1978, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, May 1979, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, May 1980, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, May 1981, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, May 1982, Bakhtar News Agency
Kabul Times, May 1983, Bakhtar News Agency
Keynes and Knight on uncertainty: peas in a pod or chalk and cheese?, Mark D. Packard, Per L. Bylund, and Brent B. Clark
Keynote: How Research Informs Governement, Nick Rasmussen
Keynote: The Threat Landscape, Jen Daskal
Kidnapping Inc., Christopher R. Deacy
"Kill the Indian, Save the Man", Julie Schrock
Kludge Cataloging: Cobbling Together Hebrew Bibliographic Records When You Can't Read Hebrew, Angela Kroeger
Knowledge Gaps in Reporting, Joel Elson and Erin M. Kearns
Knyaw/Karen Womanhood, Generational Healing and the Interplay of Faith, Genocide, Gender Roles, and Education in the Face of Health Diagnosis, Moo Law Eh Soe
Krazy House, Christopher R. Deacy
L1 Category Compactness, L1 Allophonic Targets and L2 Production, Christine Shea and Ciara Tapanes
L2 and HL student perceptions of Afro-Latinx representation in Spanish language curriculum, Lillie Padilla and Rosti Vana
L2 Learners' Attitudes toward and Perceptions of Spanish Varieties, Viveca Power
L2 Perception of three different varieties of Spanish: Intelligibility, Comprehensibility, and Familiarity, Laura Trenta
La adquisición del subjuntivo en niños hispanohablantes monolingües, Zayra Marcano
Laboratory Design to Enhance Understanding of Statics for Aeronautical Engineering Technology Students, Brian Kozak and Chenyu Huang
Lack of Media Coverage?, Kristina Lee
Language Identity and Ownership through Code-Switching among Bilingual Maya-Spanish Undergraduate Students at an Intercultural-Bilingual-Education Bachelor’s Program, Felipe Acosta-Munoz
Lan's Garden, William L. Blizek
Las actitudes de los trabajadores inmigrantes mexicanos hacia el “Spanglish” y el cambio de código, Hayden D. Holman
Latino Population in Douglas County and the City of Omaha: Main Characteristics, Kali Odd, Cristián Doña-Reveco, and Office of Latino/Latin American Studies (OLLAS)
Latino Population in Nebraska: Main Characteristics, Office of Latino/Latin American Studies (OLLAS), Kali Odd, and Cristián Doña-Reveco
Latino Population in South Omaha: Main Characteristics, Kali Odd, Cristián Doña-Reveco, and Office of Latino/Latin American Studies (OLLAS)
Latino Population in the Omaha-Council Bluffs Metropolitan Area: Main Characteristics, Kali Odd, Cristián Doña-Reveco, and Office of Latino/Latin American Studies (OLLAS)
Latinx RESPECTs: Using Theatre to Prevent Dating Violence, Heidi Adams Rueda, Patricia Newman, and Kathleen McGee
Layla, Christopher R. Deacy
Learning to See: Wittgenstein and Perception in Terrence Malick’s The Thin Red Line, Luke H. Roberts
Legal Issues, Dalton Busch and Connor Mason
Legend of El Cucuy, William L. Blizek
Leilani's Fortune, William L. Blizek and Monica Blizek
Lenition and Language Contact in Peru, Brandon Rogers, Carol A. Klee, and James Ramsburg
Leveraging Large Language Models for Effective Organizational Navigation, Haresh Chandrasekar, Srishti Gupta, Chun-Tzu Liu, and Chun-Hua Tsai
Lexical borrowability in Arizona Spanish: Types, frequency and diffusion, Isabella Calafate, Ana M. Carvalho, and Brandon J. Martínez
Life Above the Clouds: Philosophy in the Films of Terrence Malick, Pablo Alzola
Light of Light, William L. Blizek
Listen To My Story: An Autoethnographic Account of a Manic Episode, Allison
Little Death, Christopher R. Deacy
Locally Tight Programs, Jorge Fandinno, Vladimir Lifschitz, and Nathan Temple
Locally Tight Programs, Jorge Fandinno, Vladimir Lifschitz, and Nathan Temple
Local View: Boulder tells deeper story, Susan Reay
Loess failure in northeast Afghanistan, John F. Shroder Jr., Megan Jensen Schettler, and Brandon J. Weihs
Longitudinal Kinetics of Surface CD16 on Human Natural Killer Cells when Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell Pools are Treated with a Toll-like Receptor 9 Agonist, Angela N. Truong
Look Into My Eyes, Christopher R. Deacy
“Los murlacos somo[z] inconfundibles”: Variable intervocalic /s/ voicing in the Spanish of Cuenca, Ecuador, Christina Garcia, Monique Valdepeñas, and Justin Bland
Lost Figures, Margaret Militti
Lost in translation: Exploring Google Translate’s handling of Spanish forms of address in film dialogue, Michael Andrew Sciacca Jr and Wesley Scivetti
Love Machina, John C. Lyden
Love Me, John C. Lyden
LOWER BODY GAIT VARIABILITY AS A DISTINGUISHING FEATURE IN HUMANS, Tyler M. Wiles, Seung Kyeom Kim, Nick Stergiou, and Aaron D. Likens
Lower limb revascularization leads to faster walking but with less efficient mechanics in claudicating patients, Alex Dzewaltowski, Iraklis Pipinos, Molly Schieber, Jason Johanning, George P. Casale, Sara A. Myers, and Philippe Malcolm
Lunch and Learn: Open Access, Jennie Tobler-Gaston
Lunch (on your own), Hispanic Linguistics Symposium 2024
Lunch (on your own), Hispanic Linguistics Symposium 2024
Makayla's Voice: A Letter to the World, Monica Blizek
Malicious Insider Threats: An Overview, Matthew Allen, Kat Parsons, Tin L. Nguyen, and Lauren Zimmerman
Mapping Dominican lexical items: Visualizing perceptual communities and measuring attitudes towards Dominican lexical items in New York, Gabriella Reyes
MAPPING SEA CLIFFS ON DOMINICA USING PHOTO MOSAICS, Kelly M. Deuerling, A. L. Smith, J. E. Fryxell, G. E. Daley, and R. Garcia
Marginal phonemic contrasts yield marginal perceptual sensitivity, Jessica C. Tiegs and Miquel Simonet
Marketing strategy and the board room network, Shannon Cummins
Marungka Tjlatjunu (Dipped in Black), William L. Blizek and Monica Blizek
Marveling Religion: Critical Discourses, Religion, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Jessica Knippel
Mary Magdalene on Film in Twenty-first Century: A Feminist Theological Critique, Mary Ann Beavis
Mass-Movement Disturbance Regime Landscapes, Hazards, and Water Implications: Grand Teton National Park, John F. Shroder Jr. and Brandon J. Weihs
Mass movement in northeast Afghanistan, John F. Shroder Jr., Brandon J. Weihs, and Megan Jensen Schettler
Materials and Methods Developed for the Recording and Analysis of Behavior in the Common Marmoset (Callithrix jacchus)., Christian Wintle
Mathematics Majors in Medical School Admissions: A Comparative Evaluation of MCAT and GPA Performance, Morgan Baker
Math Minds, Lauren Gearhart
McMillan Magnet School: A Case History of a School Acquiring a Critical Mass of Computer Technology and Internet Connectivity, Neal Grandgenett, Neal Topp, Bob Pawloski, Pamy Mooney, Kerry Newman, Robert L. Goeman, and Wayne Fisher
Mean pressures under the ischio-sacral region while seated on different cushion types., Yassine M. Iro
Measures for a Funeral, Sherry Coman
Media Coverage in America and Canada, Jason Peterson and Breyna Surratt
Mega-terracettes and related ungulate activities in Loess Hills, Iowa, USA, Brandon J. Weihs and John F. Shroder Jr.
"¿Me lo puedes volver a explicar?": Una aproximación teórica a la (a)gramaticalidad de la subida de clíticos en perífrasis triverbales, Carlos A. Krapp López
Men Are Victims Too, Emma Luckey
Mental Representations of Surface- and Deep-Level Diversity, Alexandria S. Vandenberg
Messaging Matters: How Extremists Influence Followers Online, Matthew Jensen, Shane Connelly, Hairong Song, Ares Boira Lopez, Joseph Stewart, and Cecelia F. Gordon
Methamphetamine Activates Microglia and Increases Production of Pro-Inflammatory Chemokine C-C Ligand 2, Colton Bredenkamp
Microvascular Dysfunction in Peripheral Artery Disease: Is Heat Therapy a Viable Treatment?, Cody P. Anderson, Elizabeth J. Pekas, and Song-young Park
Militarization Redux: Across the Region, Latin America's Militaries are Regaining Power through the Court System, Brett J. Kyle and Andrew G. Reiter
Minor Exploitation and Regulatory Shortfalls: Safeguarding Children’s Data in the Age of Modern Technology, Kaylee Lahti
Minority Reports: Registering Dissent in Science, Haixin Dang
Missing & Murdered Indigenous People in the US, Kaylee Thompson
Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women, Michael Hawkes and Zander Glynn
MMP9 mediates acute hyperglycemia-induced human cardiac stem cell death by upregulating apoptosis and pyroptosis in vitro, Santosh K. Yadav, Tyler N. Kambis, Sumit Kar, Song-young Park, and Paras K. Mishra
Modalidad Epistémica y Evidencialidad en el Discurso testimonial, Karen Miladys Cárdenas Almanza and Nino Angelo Rosanía Maza
Modern Technology and Its Impact on the Control Panel Manufacturing Industry, Keegan Kenney
Monarch Caterpillar Movement on Milkweed Plants, Kailyn Hummel and Timothy Dickson
Monero: Powering Anonymous Digital Currency Transactions, Jake Braddy
Mood Selection in Deontic Predicates in Child Heritage Spanish, Laura Solano and Alejandro Cuza
Moving CLA beyond the classroom walls: Development and Outcomes of a Latinx ambassador program, Sergio Loza
Mr. Dressup: The Magic of Make-Believe, Ken Derry
Mtro., Alan Emmanuel Perez Barajas Mtro.
Multifractality in stride-to-stride variations reveals that walking involves more movement tuning and adjusting than running, Taylor J. Wilson, Madhur Mangalam, Nicholas Stergiou, and Aaron Likens
Multi-Scale Coordination of Distinctive Movement Patterns During Embodied Interaction Between Adults With High-Functioning Autism and Neurotypicals, Leonardo Zapata-Fonseca, Dobromir Dotov, Ruben Fossion, Tom Froese, Leonhard Schilbach, Kai Vogeley, and Bert Timmermans
Muscle tear of the anterior aspect of the adductor longus in a 20-year-old USHL hockey player, Brayden Effle
Mutual synchronization and control between artificial chaotic system and human, Dobromir Dotov and Tom Froese
My Father's Daughter, Sherry Coman
My Son Went Quiet; Shadow, William L. Blizek and Monica Blizek
“My voice sounds so different in my second language”: Differences in L1 English and L2 Spanish pitch during study abroad in Barcelona., Allison Goldman
National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center Annual Report 2023-2024, National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center
Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Aviation Safety: Systematic Review of Research and Outlook into the Future, Chuyang Yang and Chenyu Huang
Navigating Entry: The Role of Exposure and Career Fit Negotiation in Women’s Pathways to Policing in the United States, Samantha S. Clinkinbeard, Rachael Rief, Trisha Rhodes, and Lexi Goodijohn
Navigating New Realities: Virtual Reality's Role in Malevolent Innovation, Scarlett Miller
Navigating Social Media Text Analytics: Overcoming Linguistic Complexity via Advanced Modeling Techniques, Cecelia F. Gordon, Joseph W. Stewart, Ares Boria Lopez, Hairong Song, Shane Connelly, and Matthew Jensen
Nebraska Community Foundation Greater Nebraska Youth Survey Report, Josie Gatti Schafer
Nebraska Department of Correctional Services Classification and Crowding Project Technical Report, Zachary Hamilton, Alex Kigerl, Baylee Allen-Flores, Addison Kobie, John Ursino, Amber Krushas, Brian Gildea, and Ryan E. Spohn
Nebraska Department of Economic Development - 6 Regions One Nebraska - Regional Development Initiative - Central Region, Josie Gatti Schafer, Tara Grell, Michael Lee, and Ignacio Ruelas Avila
Nebraska Department of Economic Development – 6 Regions One Nebraska - Regional Development Initiative – Central Region, Josie Gatti Schafer, Tara Grell, Michael Lee, and Ignacio Ruelas Avila
Nebraska Department of Economic Development - 6 Regions One Nebraska - Regional Development Initiative - Metropolitan Region, Josie Gatti Schafer, Tara Grell, Michael Lee, and Ignacio Ruelas Avila
Nebraska Department of Economic Development – 6 Regions One Nebraska - Regional Development Initiative – Metropolitan Region, Josie Gatti Schafer, Tara Grell, Michael Lee, and Ignacio Ruelas Avila
Nebraska Department of Economic Development - 6 Regions One Nebraska - Regional Development Initiative - Mid-Plains Region, Josie Gatti Schafer, Tara Grell, Michael Lee, and Ignacio Ruelas Avila
Nebraska Department of Economic Development – 6 Regions One Nebraska - Regional Development Initiative - Mid-Plains Region, Josie Gatti Schafer, Tara Grell, Michael Lee, and Ignacio Ruelas Avila
Nebraska Department of Economic Development - 6 Regions One Nebraska - Regional Development Initiative - Northeast Region, Josie Gatti Schafer, Tara Grell, Michael Lee, and Ignacio Ruelas Avila
Nebraska Department of Economic Development – 6 Regions One Nebraska - Regional Development Initiative – Northeast Region, Josie Gatti Schafer, Tara Grell, Michael Lee, and Ignacio Ruelas Avila
Nebraska Department of Economic Development - 6 Regions One Nebraska - Regional Development Initiative - Southeast Region, Josie Gatti Schafer, Tara Grell, Michael Lee, and Ignacio Ruelas Avila
Nebraska Department of Economic Development – 6 Regions One Nebraska - Regional Development Initiative – Southeast Region, Josie Gatti Schafer, Tara Grell, Michael Lee, and Ignacio Ruelas Avila
Nebraska Department of Economic Development - 6 Regions One Nebraska - Regional Development Initiative - Western Region, Josie Gatti Schafer, Tara Grell, Michael Lee, and Ignacio Ruelas Avila
Nebraska Department of Economic Development – 6 Regions One Nebraska - Regional Development Initiative – Western Region, Josie Gatti Schafer, Tara Grell, Michael Lee, and Ignacio Ruelas Avila
Nebraska’s Labor Movement: Exploring Union Membership, Perceptions, and Efficacy, Morgan Vogel, Tara Grell, Michael Lee, and Meagan E. Paez
Nebraska’s Labor Movement Survey, Morgan Vogel
“New horizons” in research on language contact in Hispanic and Lusophone linguistics, Devin Grammon, Paola Enriquez Duque, Santiago Gualapuro Gualapuro, Luana Lamberti Nunes, Justin Pinta, and Anna M. Babel
New zones of language contact: A first look at the Spanish in Rural Oklahoma Corpus, Carol Ready and Ryan Nicklas
NK Cell Phenotyping Using Two Complementary Flow Cytometric Analysis Strategies, Isabelle S. Weber
NONAN GaitPrint: An IMU gait database of healthy young adults, Tyler M. Wiles, Madhur Mangalam, Joel H. Sommerfeld, Seung Kyeom Kim, Kolby J. Brink, Anaëlle Charles, Alli Grunkemeyer, Marilena Kalaitzi Manifrenti, Spyridon Mastorakis, Nicholas Stergiou, and Aaron Likens
Non-equilibrium thermodynamical description of rhythmic motion patterns of active systems: A canonical-dissipative approach, Dobromir Dotov, S. Kim, and T. D. Frank
Nonnatives Outperformed Natives: Spanish Determiners as Cues for Gender Assignment of Novel Nouns, Danny Melendez
Notes for Contributors, Space and Defense
Notes for Contributors to Space & Defense
Nothing is Real: a discussion of sound and music, Ethan Christiansen
#notokay: Challenging sexual violence through digital health activism, Roma Subramanian and Andrea MM Weare
Not What She was Wearing When it Happened, Kortni Stracke
Nowhere Stream, Rachel L. Wagner
Nuclear Regimes in the 21st Century, Stephen J. Cimbala and Adam Lowther
Nymphalidea, Kendra Boyd
OCEANIC FLUXES FROM PROGLACIAL AND DEGLACIAL WATERSHEDS IN WESTERN GREENLAND, Kelly M. Deuerling, Cecilia A. Scribner, Jonathan B. Martin, and Ellen E. Martin
Offline and online measures of Unagreement in Spanish and Italian, Myriam Cantu-Sanchez, Javier Sanchez-Lopez, Juan Silva-Pereyra, and John Grinstead
Ojalá (hopefully) dependent clauses in L2 Spanish: verbal morphology and epistemic interpretation, Joyce Bruhn de Garavito, Tyson de Moura Umberger, and Zayra Marcano Chiquin
Old Habits and Other Stories, Bryce Coulton
Omni-channel research framework in the context of personal selling and sales management: A review and research extensions, Shannon Cummins, James W. Peltier, and Andrea Dixon
One Step at a Time: Recovering Balance with Real-Time Auditory Biofeedback, Kierstin L. Niemeyer and Nathaniel H. Hunt
One Year Later: The Impact of the Oct. 7 Attack in the United States, Gina Scott Ligon, Mackenzie Harms, Erin Grace, and Blake Ursch
On the role of lexical proficiency in the distribution of manner and frequency adverbs in child and adult heritage Spanish, Edier Gomez Alzate
On the scaling properties of oscillatory modes with balanced energy, Dobromir Dotov
On the status of the "so-called" Basque partitive case: Evidence from Basque/Spanish code-switching, Daniel Vergara
Opening Remarks: Rebecca Medina, Rebecca Medina
Opening Remarks: Recap of Day 1 Themes, Gina Scott Ligon
Opening Remarks: University of Nebraska System President Jeff Gold, Jeff Gold
Opening Remarks: UNO Chancellor Joanne Li, Joanne Li
Open Nebraska (ONE) Tagging Project Overview, Stephen Craig Finlay and Renata Valquier Chavez
Open Source Software Supply Chains as Sociotechnical Systems, Matt Germonprez, Yu-Kai Lin, Yiqi Li, and Sean Goggins
Operational Components Related to the Development, Implementation, and Sustainability of Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management Programs, Mario J. Scalora and Denise Bulling
Operational Energy Solutions for a 21st Century Battlefield, Nestor R. Levin
Opioid Knowledge and Experiences in Nebraska College Students, Natalie Holding
Optimal Transport and CFD Modelling for Insect Wing Vein Networks, Jacob White
Optimization of tyrosine hydroxylase antibody for immunohistochemistry fluorescence detection in zebrafish (Danio rerio), Madison Thurber
Optimizing beat synchronized running to music, Jeska Buhmann, Edith Van Dyck, Dobromir Dotov, Marc Leman, and Bart Moens
Optimizing Differential Evolution for Fitting Constitutive Models of Bi-Directional Mechanical Stress-Stretch Data in Soft Tissues, Sayed Ahmadreza Razian, Alexey Kamenskiy, and Majid Jadidi
Oral Histories in the Archives, Wendy Guerra
Osage Indian Murders, Ryan Howard
Outlook: A Different Look on Life, Lydia Rose
Overcoming the challenge of exploration: How decompartmentalization of internal communication enhances the effect of exploration on employee inventive performance, Lin Jiang, Brent B. Clark, and Daniel B. Turban
Overview of Threat and Risk Assessment Measurement: A State of the Science Review, Samuel Hunter, Katherine Parsons, Kelsey Ciagala, Sydney L. Reichin, Matthew T. Allen, Erin M. Kearns, Austin C. Doctor, and Joel Elson
Oxford Bibliographies, D. S. Dunn Ed.
Palimpsest, Antonia (Toni) Parker
Parent Physical and Psychological Aggression and Youth Dating Violence: A Latent Class Analysis Approach, Heidi Adams Rueda, Kaitlyn Paxton Ward, and Steven Hoffman
Partial metathesis in Sevillian Spanish, Madeline Gilbert
Passive Exoskeleton Footwear to Improve Walking Performance in Patients with Peripheral Artery Disease, Joseph Neihart
Patellar dislocation and subluxations in a high school football player/wrestler requiring MPFL reconstruction, Alaya Roberts
Pathways and Turning Points: Child Maltreatment, Adolescent Outcomes, and Delinquency, Ryan E. Spohn
Patterns of dominance relationships among the females of a captive female-only group of lion-tailed macaques (Macaca silenus) during the course of the introduction of a new adult male, Pia Zaunmair, Madhur Mangalam, Werner Kaumanns, Mewa Singh, and Leopold Slotta-Bachmayr
Paying caregivers more could boost Nebraska’s economy − new research, Susan Reay and Ernest Goss
Peer-Reviewed Wellness Through the Lens of a Medical Orchestra, Matthew J. Brooks
Peers Amidst a Pandemic: Fostering Remote Relationships and Collaborative Mentoring in an Academic Library, Wendy Guerra
Perception-Action Mutuality Does Not Obviate Emergence or the Animal’s Active Role in the Perceptual Act, Dobromir Dotov
Perception and processing of Spanish questions and statements by L1 English/ L2 Spanish speakers, Izaro Bedialauneta Txurruka
Perception of dialect and attitudes towards Ecuadorian-Spanish speakers in the US, Kathleen Guerra, Christina Garcia, and Leonardo Carvajal
Perception of the Palatal Consonant in Yeísta Dialects: a Chilean Spanish Case Study, Joseph Larson
Personalized Support Systems Across Varying Higher Educational Settings: Recommendations for Personalized Educator Support, Herb Thompson III, Sandra Rodriguez-Arroyo, Connie Schaffer, and Cory Rohlfsen
Perspectives on the Israel-Palestine Conflict: A Historical Analysis through Palestinian Narratives, Hossam Elaraky
Petro, William L. Blizek
Phenology of reproductive behavior of the Sedge Wren in Nebraska, Madeline Eggink
Phenotyping Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Root Structure Architecture via Integrating Confident Machine Learning with ResNet-18, Brandon J. Weihs, Zhou Tang, Zezhong Tian, Deborah Jo Heuschele, Aftab Siddique, Thomas H. Terrill, Zhou Zhang, Larry M. York, Zhiwu Zhang, and Zhanyou Xu
Phoneme Recognition for Pronunciation Improvement, Matthew Heywood
Phonics in Kindergarten: Introducing Digraphs Using Scaffolding and Manipulatives, Courtney Brink
Phraseological modifications in colloquial Spanish: The case of readers’ comments in written sports media online., Patxi Lascurain-Ibarlucea and Montserrat Mir
Physical security culture: The neglected foundation for effective security, Kelsey Ciagala, Sydney L. Reichin, Kat Parsons, and Samuel T. Hunter
Pickleball and Well-being, Marina Erickson
Pinning beauty: standards promoted and behaviors encouraged within pinterest’s healthy makeup content, Andrea MM Weare and Guangchao Charles Feng
Pixels and Propaganda: A Primer on Gaming, Gaming-Adjacent Platforms, and Extremism, Madison Scott, Emma Theobald, Alexis L. d'Amato, Joel Elson, and Samuel T. Hunter
Placeholder na in Quechua-Spanish bilinguals, Chad Howe, Bethany Bateman McDonald, and Sarah Hubbel
Planning Committee 2023 Annual Report, Planning Committee, College of Public Affairs and Community Service, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Plantar Kinetics During Walking Aid Use in Persons with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Holton Gwaltney, Joseph W. Harrington, and David C. Kingston PhD
Please Interact: Reworking a digital exhibit for student engagement using "free" software, Claire Du Laney
Policy Creation for Racial Equity in State Government: Case Study of Vermont, Jonathan Wong
Políticas lingüísticas y educación en el oriente boliviano. El bésiro y su revitalización, Jacqueline Avila Alvarez
Positive and negative actions early in the relationship predict later interactions among toddlers, Ayelet Lahat, Zhangling Lou, Michal Perlman, Nina Howe, Jonathan Santo, Holly E. Recchia, William M. Bukowski, and Hildy S. Ross
Posteriormedial Ankle Impingement in a Male Division I Ice Hockey Player: A Case Report, Bethany Thompson
Postural perturbations change the adaptive response to control, Brian Schlattmann
Pragmatic and Discourse Functions of Discourse Marker (i)diay in Costa Rican Spanish, Christopher Brenes Fernández
Predicate constituent order variation in the Spanish-Quechua contact situation of Cusco, Peru, Sarah Hubbel
Predicting Tapping Coordination Between Partners With the Two-Frequency Resonance Map, Marilena Kalaitzi Manifrenti, Polemnia G. Amazeen, Jamie C. Gorman, and Aaron D. Likens
Predicting What They Use The Anticipating Terrorist Technology Adoption to Secure the Homeland (ATTASH) Project, Gary Ackerman
Preliminary item-level performance on developmental domain subtests with infants at low and high risk for autism, Paige Peterson
Preparing 3rd Graders for Addition & Subtraction Using Differentiated Instructional & Assessment Methods, Emily Brasfield
Preparing Effective Heritage Language Educators: A Needs Analysis of Spanish Teachers, Anna Marrero-Rivera
Preposition Stranding in Spanish Heritage Language as a non-Local Language Variety., Rafael Jimenez Baralt and Fabian Reynoso
Preventing U.S. Election Violence: Countering the Harmful Effects of Election Conspiracy Theories, Bettina Rottweiler, Isabelle van der Vegt, and Paul Gill
Prison, Poverty & Charity: Medieval to Modern, Beckett Allen, Xavier Bradley-Rael, Bella Circo, Katie Dykstra, Abraham Elias, Leigh Forman, Marina Hardy, Kirk Henningsen, Nate Krejci, Sophie Krueger, Anna Krupka, Izzy Martin, Raul Perez, and Ashley Yelovich
Proactive Behavior Strategies to Reduce Challenging Behaviors Leading to Exclusionary Discipline, Katherine A. Graves, Lindsey Mirielli, and Chad Rose
Problems in Power: How the U.S. and Russia Have Battled Throughout the Decades, Abbie Russman
Project title: Understanding Malevolent Creativity and Malign Application of Emerging Technology, Joel Elson and Alexis L. d'Amato
Promoting Service-Learning through an Interdisciplinary and Decentralized Faculty Fellow Program, Shannon Cummins, Mitzi J. Ritzman, Jodi Benenson, C. Cecilia Tocaimaza-Hatch, and Andrea MM Weare
Protecting Events in Under-Resourced Areas: A resource deployment framework for nimble event security, Tin L. Nguyen
Protecting the Cosmos: Defining Celestial Bodies in the Outer Space Treaty, David Epstein
Psychological Trauma in Terrorism (PT2R): Phase 1 End of Year Report, Matthew Crayne; Neil Shortland; Jennifer L. Mezzapelle; and National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center
Psychological Trauma in Terrorism Research (PT2R): Identifying Risk Factors and Intervention Points for Work-Related Psychosocial Trauma, Matthew Crayne
Psychosocial assessment of the family in the clinical setting, Arwa Nasir, Andrea Zimmer, David Taylor, and Jonathan Santo
Public Witnessing as Catalyst for Community Repair: Partnerships and Processing in the Archives., Lori Schwartz
Punishment, Rubina Ramji
Pushing Boundaries: Feminism, Female Leaders, and the Fate of Feminist Foreign Policy, Sannia Abdullah
Putting reins on the brain. How the body and environment use it, Dobromir Dotov
Quality Assessment of Bins in Gut Microbiome Metagenomic Processing Pipeline, Alexa Anderson, Jordan B. Hernandez, Kathryn E. Riley, Kathryn Cooper, and Jonathan B. Clayton
Quantifying non-Gaussian intermittent fluctuations in physiology: Multiscale probability density function analysis using the Savitzky-Golay detrending, Madhur Mangalam, Damian G. Kelty-Stephen, Eiichi Watanabe, and Ken Kiyono
Quantifying winter survival of alfalfa [Medicago sativa (L.)], Kabita Poudel, Craig Sheaffer, Jacob M. Jungers, Brandon J. Weihs, JoAnn F.S. Lamb, Sarah Bauder, Valentin Picasso, Jo Heuschele, and Zhanyou Xu
¿Qué es hablar golpeado? Correlatos acústicos, Marta O-Llebaria and Natalia Mazzaro
Questionable Takeout, Sara Dolinski
Radically Feminist or Monstrously Feminine?: Witches and Goddesses in Guadagnino's Suspiria (2018), Lindsay Macumber
Raúl Rangel Fernández, Raul Rangel
Reading Fluency Intervention: The Impact of Integrating Differentiated Instructional Strategies into Small Group Instruction, Amaya Brodine
Realm of Satan, Dereck Daschke
Recognizing and Getting Help for Extremist Behavior: A Guide for Families, Karyn Sporer, Brooke Buxton, and Nicholas Brown
Re-considering 'verbs like gustar' - insights from linguistic theory and empirical research, Becky Gonzalez and Rachel Hart
Recruiting, retaining, and advancing women in policing: Lessons learned from the IAWP Gender-Responsive Policing Summit, Jessica Huff, Samantha S. Clinkinbeard, Rachael Rief, Brenna Dunlap, Inès Zamouri, Lexi Goodijohn, Caroline Meenagh, Champ Champenstein, Jane Townsley, Mirko Fernandez, and Jessica Swanson
Red Hot and Grounded, Rachel Kay Curtiss
Redlining Impact On Aging Omaha, Shadybeth Martinez Castillo
Reducing Employee Burnout: The Mediating Role of Creativity, Salvatore Anthony Leone
Reducing mental illness stigma: What types of images are most effective?, Roma Subramanian and Jonathan Santo
Reducing “Treble” with Performance Focused Music Programs in Medical School: A Student Driven Needs Assessment to Clarify Participation Barriers Amongst Undergraduate Medical Students, Alexander Tu, Tiffany Truong, Kristy J. Carlson, Matthew J. Brooks, and Jayme R. Dowdall
Reflexivity in research: Navigating linguistic and cultural semi-understanding in the sociolinguistic interview, Carol Ready
Registration Table Open, Hispanic Linguistics Symposium 2024
Registration Table Open, Hispanic Linguistics Symposium 2024
Regulatory compliance and socio-demographic analyses of civil Unmanned Aircraft Systems users, Chenyu "Victor" Huang, Yu-Che Chen, and Joseph Harris
Relationship Between Perceived and Functional Strength and Mobility in Stroke Survivors, Abby Meier
Relationship of Bilateral Hip Internal and External Rotation During the Female Golf Swing with Flexibility and Strength Measurements, Cameron Jensen
RELI 3060-850: Religions of the West
RELI 3130: Women and the Bible
Reliability of a Novel Force Control Task in a Population with No Lower Extremity Injury, Maddie Mingo, Amelia Lanier, Adam Rosen, Elizabeth Wellsandt, and Brian Knarr
Reporting Form Construction, Joel Elson and Erin M. Kearns
Representando al Caserío: Lateralización de /ɾ/ en la música urbana de Puerto Rico, Linnet Sanchez and Elizabeth Juarez-Cummings
Research Challenges in Combating Terrorists Use of Explosives in the United States – 2024: Key Science and Technology Contributions, Austin C. Doctor
Research Challenges in Combating Terrorist Use of Explosives in the United States 2024, Austin C. Doctor, Samuel T. Hunter, Gina Scott Ligon, Gary Wes Carter, Dan Polanski, and Jimmie Oxley
Research productivity of management faculty: job demands-resources approach, Chet E. Barney, Brent B. Clark, and Serge P. da Motta Veiga
Resilience Factors in Adolescents’ Cybervictimization Experiences and Their Impact on School Anxiety, Lizzie Finn
Restorative Circles Training Through Video Modules: A Case Design with a Teacher from the Midwest, Diedra A. Reeves
Rethinking Implicit Bias Training, Connie M. Morris
Rethinking Social Work Education in Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons Learned from Social Work Scholars and Leaders (First Edition), Liat Shklarski LCSW, Ed. and Yael Latzer Ed.
Revealing the Key Ingredient: Understanding How Teachers in Challenging School Environments Navigate School Culture to Enhance Learner Retention, Babalwa Kafu-Quvane Dr
Review of Publicly Accessible Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management Program Guides, Erin M. Kearns, Callie Vitro, and Sarah Schappert
Review of the Geology of Afghanistan and its water resources, John F. Shroder Jr., Naim Eqrar, Hamidullah Waizy, Hemayatullah Ahmadi, and Brandon J. Weihs
Revitalizing America's Low-Yield Deterrent, Alex Kleitz
Revolution and Dictatorship: The Violent Origin of Durable Authoritarianism Steven Levitsky and Lucan Way. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2022. pp. 656., Joseph L. Derdzinski
Reworking BugSeq-er2 to streamline metagenomics binning using DAS Tool, Kathryn E. Riley, Jordan B. Hernandez, Alexa Anderson, Kathryn Cooper, and Jonathan B. Clayton
Rhotic Contrast and Neutralization in Judeo-Spanish, Dr. Travis G. Bradley
Rhotics in Nariñense Andean Spanish: an analysis of lenition and fortition patterns, Jessica Jurado Eraso
Rhythmic abilities and musical training in Parkinson’s disease: do they help?, Valérie Cochen de Cock, Dobromir Dotov, Petra Ihalainen, V. Bégel, Florence Galtier, Cindy Lebrun, Marie Christine Picot, Valérie Driss, N. Landragin, Christian Geny, Benoit G. Bardy, and Simone Dalla Bella
Ritual Characteristic Congruence between Consumers’ Consumption and Production Practices, Shannon Cummins and Sanford Grossbart
Rogue Entrepreneurship, Russ McBride, Mark D. Packard, and Brent B. Clark
Running economy - a comprehensive review for passive force generation, Christos Ziliaskoudis, Song-young Park, and Sang-Ho Lee
Salt restriction lowers blood pressure at rest and during exercise without altering peripheral hemodynamics in hypertensive individuals, Stephen M. Ratchford, Ryan M. Broxterman, Taylor La Salle, Oh-Sung Kwon, Song-young Park, Paul N. Hopkins, Russell S. Richardson, and Joel D. Trinity
Sam Howerton Discusses Takeaways from NCITE's Annual Conference, Sam Howerton
Sam Howerton Speaks at NCITE Annual Conference, Sam Howerton
Sasquatch Sunset, Dereck Daschke
Say Something, John C. Lyden
School climate and peer victimization: perceptions of students with intellectual disability, Hellen Tsuruda Amaral, Josafa M. da Cunha, Iasmin Zanchi Boueri, and Jonathan Santo
School (socie)ties: individual and school level differences in the association between ethnic/racial victimization and academic functioning, Josafa M. da Cunha and Jonathan Santo
Screening for Insider Threats in US Law Enforcement: A National Sample of Department Policies and Practices Plain Language Summary, Erin M. Kearns, Sadaf Hashimi, Jessica Huff, Justin Nix, and Natalie Cotton
Screening for Insider Threats in US Law Enforcement: A National Sample of Department Policies and Practices Self-Assessment Toolkit, Erin M. Kearns, Sadaf Hashimi, Jessica Huff, Justin Nix, and Natalie Cotton
Screening for Insider Threats in US Law Enforcement: A National Sample of Department Policies and Practices State of Practice Guide, Erin M. Kearns, Sadaf Hashimi, Jessica Huff, Justin Nix, and Natalie Cotton
SEASONAL EVOLUTION AND SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF WEATHERING IN WESTERN GREENLAND, Kelly M. Deuerling, Jonathan B. Martin, Ellen E. Martin, Cecilia A. Scribner, and Daniel F. Collazo
Sects, Lies, and Videotape: Debunking deadly tropes about Jews and Israel in TV, film and media, Dereck Daschke
Securing a Job, Aidan Beckenhauer, Julian King, and Julian Morales
Security Mechanisms and Communication Strategies for the Adaptive Partition of Remote Electrocardiogram (ECG) Diagnosis Between Wearable Sensor Net and Cloud, Adarsha Bhattarai
Seeming Ethical Makes You Attractive: Unraveling How Ethical Perceptions of AI in Hiring Impacts Organizational Innovativeness and Attractiveness, Serge P. da Motta Veiga, Maria Figueroa-Armijos, and Brent B. Clark
Selectivity studies of CBDs against CB1 and CB2 using docking approach, Brandon Villanueva Sanchez and Andy Zhong
Self-Continuity Moderates the Association Between Peer Victimization and Depressed Affect, Jonathan Santo, Alexa Martin-Storey, Holly E. Recchia, and William M. Bukowski
Self-Continuity Moderates the Association Between Sexual-Minority Status Based Discrimination and Depressive Symptoms, Holly E. Recchia, Jonathan Santo, and Alexa Martin-Storey
Selling for the Social Good: A Commentary and Extension to Pedagogy Place, Shannon Cummins
Semantic network topology in L1 and L2 Spanish, M. Gabriela Puscama
Semiotic Erasure and the Discursive Construction of LGBTQIA+ Identities in the Portuguese ABCLGBTQIA+ Campaign, Jennifer Kaplan
Sentencing Leaders in U.S. ISIS Cases, Callie Vitro, Austin C. Doctor, Seamus Hughes, and Camden Carmichael
Service Learning to Benefit Graduate Students and Meet Community Needs, Brittany Sullivan and Hannah Canady
Session 1 | Modern Terrorist Threats to the U.S. Video, National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center; Austin C. Doctor; Sam T. Hunter; and Martha Crenshaw
Session 2 | Panel: Extremist Use of Emerging Technology Video, National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center; Scarlett Miller; Alexis L. d'Amato; Austin C. Doctor; and Gary Ackerman
Session 3 | Changes in How Terrorists Behave Video, National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center; Alec Worsnop; and Patrick Finnegan
Session 4 | Prosecutions and Post-Conviction Outcomes Video, National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center; Seamus Hughes; and Erin M. Kearns
Session 5 | Galvanizing Events: The U.S. Election Video, National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center; Bettina Rottweiler; Christopher Bader; and Peter Simi
Session 6 | Lightning Talks Novel Threat Assessment for Individuals, Organizations, and Their Events Video, National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center; Sam T. Hunter; Amber Seaward; Tin L. Nguyen; and Erin M. Kearns
Session 7 | Innovations in Measurement and Analysis for the Study of Terrorism Video, National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center; Michael Logan; Matthew Jensen; and Matt Allen
Session 8 | Lightning Talks: Transformative Workforce Development Video, National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center; Stacey Conchie; Robert Harkins; Matthew Crayne; Karyn Sporer; A. Erin Bass; David Schanzer; and Daveed Gartenstein-Ross
Severe Social Withdrawal: Cultural Variation in Past Hikikomori Experiences of University Students in Nigeria, Singapore, and the United States, Julie C. Bowker; Matthew H. Bowker; Jonathan Santo; Adesola Adebusola Ojo; Rebecca G, Etkin; and Radhi Raja
Sex Matters The Impact of Skin Tone on Perceived Levels of Attraction, Callie Vitro and Talisa J. Carter
Sexual Activity and Attitudes as Predictors of Sexual Satisfaction During Pregnancy: A Multi-Level Model Describing the Sexuality of Couples in the First 12 Weeks, Sofia Jawed-Wessel, Jonathan Santo, and Jay A. Irwin
Sexual Health and Dating with Disabilities: Understanding the Perspectives of Parent Resource Coordinators (PRCs), Heidi Adams Rueda, Anne Woodruff Jameson, Maggie Neujahr, Amber Godsey, Lynda Hayes, Jessica Johnson, Sam Montemarano, and Carly De Bruin
Sing Sing, John C. Lyden
Skeletal muscle bioenergetics in vivo using combined 31P-1H Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Muhammet Enes Erol
Slope Failures and Cross-Valley Profiles, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, Richard A. Marston, Brandon J. Weihs, and William D. Butler
Smart Data-Driven Policy on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS): Analysis of Drone Users in U.S. Cities, Yu-Che Chen and Chenyu Huang
Snapshot of U.S. Federal Cases Against Violent Incels, Seamus Hughes and Camden Carmichael
Snapshot of U.S. Federal Cases Against Violent QAnon Adherents, Seamus Hughes, Camden Carmichael, and Clara Braun
Social interaction in the Spanish classroom: How proficiency and linguistic background impact vocabulary learning, C. Cecilia Tocaimaza-Hatch and Jonathan Santo
Socially responsible children: A link between school climate and aggression and victimization, Josafa M. da Cunha, Kendra J. Thomas, Paweena Sukhawathanakul, Jonathan Santo, and Bonnie Leadbeater
Social Media Engagement and Mobilization to Extremist Violence, Lauren Moss
Sociolinguistic variation in Chilean Spanish: sensitivity to subtle sociophonetic traits in child language development, Miguel Ramos
Soft Target Security: Examining the Need and Readiness for Sector-Specific Standards, Jennifer Hesterman, Sam T. Hunter, Katherine Parsons, Kelsey Ciagala, and Sydney L. Reichin
Solving Two-Dimensional Schrödinger Equation for a Double Well Potential Using Analytical and Variational Methods, Kathryn Chain, Dylan Herrmann, and Julio Navas
Some Means All Until Mutual Exclusivity Says It Doesn’t, John Grinstead and Pedro Antonio Ortiz Ramírez
Souleymane’s Story, Sherry Coman
So, you want to start a sales center? An organizational learning approach to sales center formation and growth, Cindy B. Rippe, Shannon Cummins, and Olivia J. DeGeorge
Space and Defense Vol. 15 No. 2 Fall 2024 (Whole Issue)
Space and Defense Volume 15 No. 1 Spring 2024 (Whole Issue), Space and Defense
Spanish Dialect Contact in New York: Perception and Representation in Theatrical Stage Performance, Marisleydi Ramos
Spanish Heritage Speakers’ Perspectives sobre el español, inglés, y Spanglish: A Mixed-Methods Study, Gorka Basterretxea Santiso
Spanish in Catalan interactions: code-switching as an ideological-discursive strategy to represent others, Natàlia Server Benetó
Spanish is just the beginning: helping Spanish speakers grow while boosting world language enrollments, Chris CJ Jacobs
Spanish Second person singular (2PS) forms in the digital marketing of fast-food companies: a multinational and bimodal approach, Rachel Milito
Spanning paradigms: Using immunotherapy to enhance human natural killer cell antibody dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity against cancer and infectious disease, Jaden Nienhueser and Paul Denton
Speech aerodynamics at word junctures: Resyllabification in US heritage Spanish, Ander Beristain
Spiking Engagement: Analyzing Social Media Tactics and Fan Interaction in the Omaha Supernovas, Anne Thomas
Spirit Ingredient, Ethan Robles
Spiritual Cinema: Agel, Merleau-Ponty and the Cinematic Real, Patrick O'Connor Dr
Spring, Savana Schiltz
Spring 2023 - Enrollment Profile Report, Systems Intelligence and Data Analytics, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Spring 2024 Campus Enrollment Indicators Report Tables 1-3, Systems Intelligence & Data Analytics, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Spring 2024 - Enrollment Profile Report, Systems Intelligence and Data Analytics, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Spring 2024 Graduation Survey Responses, Systems Intelligence and Data Analytics, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Spring-loaded Shoe Affect Step Characteristics in Patients with Peripheral Artery Disease, Jania Williams, Farah Fallahtafti, Zahra Salamifar, Jonathan Kirkland, and Sara Myers
Start Where the Social Worker Is: Social Workers’ Perceptions of Clinical Licensure in Nebraska, Susan Reay, Henry J. D'Souza, Kris D. Tevis, and Avery H. Fleck
State of intervention: community stakeholder discourse on teen childbearing in Iowa, Andrea MM Weare, Tammy J. Walkner, and Melissa Tully
State of Science: Surveys of Americans’ Acceptance of Politically Motivated Violence, Christopher Bader and Peter Simi
Statistical modeling of the fuel flow rate of GA piston engine aircraft using flight operational data, Chenyu "Victor" Huang, Yixi Xu, and Mary E. Johnson
Stolen Sisters, Cambelle Nieman
Stranded, Drea Goynes
Strategic Space Cooperation: U.S. Space Command and the National Guard’s State Partnership Program, David Moore, Jesse Morehouse, and Patrick Mitchell
Strong Relationship Between Vascular Function in the Coronary and Brachial Arteries: A Clinical Coming of Age for the Updated Flow-Mediated Dilation Test?, Ryan M. Broxterman, Melissa A. Witman, Joel D. Trinity, H. Jonathan Groot, Matthew J. Rossman, Song-young Park, Simon Malenfant, Jayson R. Gifford, Oh-Sung Kwon, Soung Hun Park, Catherine L. Jarrett, Katherine L. Shields, Jay R. Hydren, Angela V. Bisconti, Theophilus Owan, Anu Abraham, Anwar Tandar, Charles Y. Lui, Brigham R. Smith, and Russell S. Richardson
Structural constraints in late L2 code-switching: Investigating the effect of acquisition order, Bryan Koronkiewicz
Structure and Operations of Targeted Violence Threat Assessment Models: A Systematic Review, Amber Seaward
Studies in Perception and Action XIII Eighteenth International Conference on Perception and Action, Julie A. Weast-Knapp Ed., MaryLauren Malone Ed., and Drew H. Abney Ed.
Subacute to Chronic Subdural Hematoma in an 18-Year-Old Male Football Player, Peyton Bodemann
Subjunctive productivity and governor effects in US Spanish: Insights from productivity measures and mixed-effects modeling, Isabella Calafate
Sujo, Christopher R. Deacy
Summer 2024 Census Enrollment Indicators Campus Report Tables 1-3, Systems Intelligence and Data Analytics, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Sundance Film Festival 2024 Introduction, John C. Lyden
Superheroes Being People, Gable Meade
Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story, Dereck Daschke
Supporting All Students With Labor-Based Grading, Gwyneth E. Cliver
Surface CD16 Modulation by Toll-Like Receptor 9 (TLR9) Agonism on Human Natural Killer Cells, Angela N. Truong
Surviving: Insanity, Religion, and Fandom, Aury Pilachai
Syllable Merger in Moroccan Judeo-Spanish, Samuel Douglass and Dr. Travis G. Bradley
Sympathoinhibition and vasodilation contribute to the acute hypotensive response of the superoxide dismutase mimic, MnTnBuOE-2-PyP5+, in hypertensive animals, Sarah L. Schlichte, Elizabeth J. Pekas, Taylor J. Bruett, Elizabeth A. Kosmacek, Bryan T. Hackfort, Jordan M. Rasmussen, Kaushik P. Patel, Song-young Park, Rebecca E. Oberley-Deegan, and Matthew C. Zimmerman
Synaptotagmin-9 in mouse retina, Chris S. Mesnard, Cassandra L. Hays, Lou E. Townsend, Cody L. Barta, Channabasavaiah B. Gurumurthy, and Wallace B. Whoreson
Table of Contents, Space and Defense
Table of Contents Vol. 15 No. 2
Taekwondo training reduces blood catecholamine levels and arterial stiffness in postmenopausal women with stage-2 hypertension: randomized clinical trial, Sang-Ho Lee, Steven D. Scott, Elizabeth J. Pekas, Seungyong Lee, Seok Hoon Lee, and Song-young Park
Task-Based Needs Analysis for Medical Spanish, Leticia Rincon Herce and Madeline Critchfield
Teacher decision making in teaching about the Holocaust through art, Julie Bell, Connie Schaffer, and Kimberly Gangwish
Teaching Fraction Concepts to Third Grade Students with the Support of Instructional and Assessment Strategies, Kaitlyn Brandl
Teaching Self-regulation to SPED Students: An Intervention, Kelsie Premer
Teaching Students How to Fill Out Job Applications in a Special Education Classroom, Lucas Gappa
Televangelism and Religion in Star Trek V and Licence to Kill, Robert Revington
Temporal Dynamics of Emotion: Biometric Insights into Decision-Making Under Uncertainty, Kellie Lindsay
Temporal organization of stride-to-stride variations contradicts predictive models for sensorimotor control of footfalls during walking, Madhur Mangalam, Damian G. Kelty-Stephen, Joel H. Sommerfeld, Nicholas Stergiou, and Aaron Likens
Terrorist Exploitation of Emerging Geospatial Technologies, Austin C. Doctor
Terrorist Recruitment Profile Afghanistan, Evan Perkoski, Meredith Maloof Loken, and Alec Worsnop
Terrorist Recruitment Profile Somalia, Evan Perkoski, Meredith Maloof Loken, and Alec Worsnop
Testing Promising Drug-like Compounds Against Rare but Fatal Parasitic Amoeba, Naegleria, Brianna N. Davis, Jeff M. Zimmerly, Andrew J. Neville, and Paul H. Davis
Testing V.I.A strengths in 3rd Graders: A Qualitative Analysis, Macy Cummins and Lisa Scherer
Text-to-Speech Animation: Generating Visuals Based on Phonetic Spelling, Colin Tomcak
That Way: An Examination of Male Relationships in Film During the Hays Code, Jane Knudsen
The 2024 “Electoral Super-Cycle” in Latin America, Brett J. Kyle
The acquisition of present perfect aspectual values in heritage and L2 Spanish, Santiago Castillo, Alejandro Cuza, and Francisco Clavijo
The Acquisition of Sociolinguistic Variation in the Classroom Using a Cognitive Linguistic Approach, Sarah Rubio
The Age of Adolescence: Examining the Relationship Between Body Image and Mood in Early Adolescence, Destiny R. Klanecky
The Artist, Elizabeth Eich
The Bitcoin Car, John C. Lyden
The characterization and role of aeolian deposition on water quality, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, Kelly M. Deuerling, William Berry Lyons, Susan A. Welch, and Kathleen A. Welch
The Cinema of Paul Thomas Anderson: American Apocrypha, Matt Kingcroft
The Combined Effects of Study Abroad and Phonetics Instruction on L2 Spanish Pronunciation Development, Leah Metzger and Alfonso Morales-Front
The CPACS Collective Summer 2024, College of Public Affairs and Community Service, University of Nebraska at Omaha
The Developmental Significance of the Social Context as an Additional Self-Continuity Strategy: A Comparison of Emerging Adults From Brazil and the United States, Jonathan Santo, Josafa M. da Cunha, and Annesha Mitra
The Diary of Anne Frank Costume Design, Thomas Rowe
The Double-Pivot Network Simplex Method, Jordan Mae Sahs
The Effectiveness of Dry Needling for Decreasing Pain and Improving Overall Function in Patients with Hip Osteoarthritis., Chu Han Chen
The Effect of a Constitutive Formulation on Limb Flexion-Induced Stresses in the Human Femoropopliteal Artery: a Patient-Specific Study, Ali Ahmadi and Anastasia Desyatova
The Effect of an Oak Savanna Habitat Restoration on Bat Activity in Eastern Nebraska, Aidan Hatfield and Jeremy White
The effect of list length and stimuli type on young adults’ utilization of mnemonic strategies, Hunter Skogerboe
The Effect of Peer Victimization on Adolescent Perceptions of Body Image, Cierra Johnson
The Effect of Sleep on Athletic Performance: A Critically Appraised Topic, Julyah Wilson
The Effect of Unstable Treadmill Gait Training on Healthy Young Adults: A Pilot Study, Stephanie Mace and David Kingston
The effects of a 12-week jump rope exercise program on abdominal adiposity, vasoactive substances, inflammation, and vascular function in adolescent girls with prehypertension, Ki-Dong Sung, Elizabeth J. Pekas, Steven D. Scott, Won-Mok Son, and Song-young Park
The effects of dual-tasking on multiscale coordination between center of pressure and center of mass in healthy young adults, Mahsa Barfi and Madhur Mangalam
The Effects of Mat Pilates Training on Vascular Function and Body Fatness in Obese Young Women With Elevated Blood Pressure, Alexei Wong, Arturo Figueroa, Stephen M. Fischer, Reza Bagheri, and Song-young Park
The Exorcist Effect: Horror, Religion, and Demonic Belief, Sena Nurhan Duran
The Forbidden Body: Sex, Horror, and the Religious Imagination, Tara Baldrick-Morrone
The Future of Work: Robots in The Workplace, Johnathan Pintar
The German Zeitenwende: Turning Point or Blind Alley?, Savannah Hollen
The Girlfriend Who Locks Doors, Kevin Clouther
The History of the Injustice System, CJ Weaver and Carter Bruneau
The Horroromedy: What I Write and Why I Write It, Lena Cigleris
The Ideal Victim, Abby Gocek and Olivia Delforge
The Impact of Aspirin Intake on Lactate Dehydrogenase, Arterial Stiffness, and Oxidative Stress During High-Intensity Exercise: A Pilot Study, Sang-Ho Lee, Elizabeth J. Pekas, Seungyong Lee, Ronald Headid III, and Song-young Park
The impact of a study abroad experience on the use of discourse markers by heritage speakers and L2 learners, Laura Marques-Pascual and Irene Checa-García
The Impact of General Self-Worth on the Effect of Negative Peer Experiences to Barometric Self-Esteem of Early Adolescents, Heidi Heyden
The Impact of Healthcare Interprofessional Education on Collaboration., Mya Winjum
The Impact of Policy and Perception on Women’s Health Since 2010, Eryn Busenbark
The Impact of School Isolation and Parental Closeness on Agreeableness in Korean Adolescents, Cassandra Gardner
The Impact of Sexual Violence, Avril Blume
The Impacts of Decarceration on Individuals Who Remain in Incarcerated, Baylee Allen-Flores and John Ursino
The Importance of Physical Security Culture in Protecting Soft Targets, Sam T. Hunter
The increase of lung capacity using the Lung Master (Pulmonary Exerciser), Ann Nguyen
The influence of cognitive-perceptual variables on patterns of change over time in rural midlife and older women’s healthy eating, Bernice C. Yates, Carol H. Pullen, Jonathan Santo, Linda Boeckner, Patricia A. Hageman, Paul J. Dizona, and Susan Noble Walker
The International Terrorism Landscape, Austin C. Doctor
The L2 acquisition of the discourse properties of second person singular forms of address in Paisa Spanish, Nofiya Denbaum and Falcon Restrepo-Ramos
The Last of the Sea Women, Sherry Coman
The Law: Recovering and Remembering, Ethan Price
The Law, Security and Civil Society Freedoms, Mandeep S. Tiwana and Brett J. Kyle
The liminal (vowel) space of womanhood: Fundamental frequency, formants, and the intersex body in Brazil, Ashlee Dauphinais Civitello
The Linguistic Landscape of ‘Little Portugal’ neighborhood in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Jannis Harjus and Linda Harjus
Thelma, John C. Lyden
The Looming, William L. Blizek
The Media on MMIWG, Anthony Marino
The Metaverse as a Future Threat Landscape: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, Sam T. Hunter, Alexis L. d'Amato, Joel Elson, Austin C. Doctor, and Averie E. Linnell
The Modern Legacy of Gibson's Affordances for the Sciences of Organisms, Madhur Mangalam, Alen Hajnal Ed., and Damian G. Kelty-Stephen
The Moogai, Dereck Daschke
The NCITEr Newsletter August 2024, National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center
The NCITEr Newsletter December 2023, National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center
The NCITEr Newsletter December 2024, National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center
The NCITEr Newsletter March 2024, National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center
The Needs and Barriers Associated with Publicly Available Datasets on Domestic Terrorism: A Survey of Counterterrorism Analysts, Michael Logan and Steven Windisch
The Needs of the Counterterrorism Workforce and the Utility of Existing Datasets: A Survey of Counterterrorism Analysts, Michael Logan and Steven Windisch
The Needs of the Counterterrorism Workforce: The Availability and Utility of Datasets on Domestic Terrorism and Targeted Violence, Michael Logan, Steven Windisch, and Adrienne Brookstein
Then & Now, Madi Spencer
The Open Shop: Number Five, Business Men's Association of Omaha
The Open Shop: Number Nine, Business Men's Association of Omaha
The Open Shop: Number Ten, Business Men's Association of Omaha
The Open Shop: Volume III Number 1, Business Men's Association of Omaha
The Open Shop: Volume III Number 3, Business Men's Association of Omaha
The Open Shop: Volume II Number 1, Business Men's Association of Omaha
The Open Shop: Volume II Number 3, Business Men's Association of Omaha
The Open Shop: Volume II Number 5, Business Men's Association of Omaha
The Open Shop: Volume II Number 6, Business Men's Association of Omaha
The Open Shop: Volume IV Number 1, Business Men's Association of Omaha
The Person Behind the Wheel: A Study and Application of Character Driven Stories, Caleb Narva
The Phonological and Sociophonetic Perception of Devoiced Vowels in Mexican Spanish by Learners and Speakers of Other Dialects, Anthony Brandy
The Pig, the Snake and the Pigeon: A Buddhist Reimagination of the Classic Tale of Zhou Chu, Henry C.H. Shiu
The Positive and Negative Effects of Technology in the Workplace, Savannah Boedigheimer
The predictive value of school climate and teacher techniques on students’ just world beliefs: a comprehensive Brazilian sample, Kendra J. Thomas, Jonathan Santo, and Josafa M. da Cunha
The Present Perfect in Castilian Spanish: current state and restrictions, MAIALEN CASQUETE DE LA PUENTE
The production of clitic doubling in psych verbs and inalienable possession constructions in heritage speakers and L2 learners of Spanish, Francisco Clavijo and Santiago Castillo
The productivity of velar insertion in Spanish verbs ending in stem-final /s/, Maria Elizabeth Garza
The Quiet Girl, Frederick Ruf
The Ranking of Contractors to the U.S. Department of Defense According to Integrated Power Blocs Among the Contractors, F. Gregory Hayden, Elliot G. Campbell, and Shannon Cummins
The referentiality of Cibaeño "ello", Daniel C. Greeson and Victor Severino
The relationship between compensatory behavior and balance control during walking in stroke survivors, alexia rains, Christopher Engsberg, Nathaniel Hunt, Philippe Malcolm, and Mukul Mukherjee
The Relationship Between Language Use and Conspiracy Beliefs, Isabelle van der Vegt, Bettina Rottweiler, and Paul Gill
The relationship between patellar tendon anthropometrics and modifiable risk factors of patellar tendinopathy, Sarah Woelfel
The Relationships between School Personnel Attitudes about At Risk Students, the At Riskness of the Student Population, and Effort Expended for At Risk Students, Jill Russell, Mary Lickteig, and Neal Grandgenett
The Reliability of a New Instrumented Device for Measuring Ankle Laxity and Strength, Ji Yeon Choi
The River Styx, April Renee Christensen
Thermal effects on metabolic and developmental rates in lizard embryos, Benjamin Haussmann and Travis R. Robbins
The role of environmental constraints in walking: Effects of steering and sharp turns on gait dynamics, Dobromir Dotov, Benoit G. Bardy, and Simone Dalla Bella
The role of experience in acquiring code-switching constraints: Acceptability data from L1-English L2-Spanish bilinguals, Bryan Koronkiewicz and Jordyn Battistelli
The role of interaction and predictability in the spontaneous entrainment of movement., Dobromir Dotov, Valérie Cochen de Cock, Christian Geny, Petra Ihalainen, Bart Moens, Marc Leman, Benoît Brady, and Simone Dalla Bella
The role of personality type and the brain on learning and memory in zebrafish, Cherylynn Gibson
The Room Next Door, Sherry Coman
The Skills of the Provisional Irish Republican Army and the Oath Keepers, Patrick Finnegan
The Soil Geochemistry in the Beardmore Glacier Region, Antarctica: Implications for Terrestrial Ecosystem History, William Berry Lyons, Kelly M. Deuerling, Kathleen A. Welch, Susan A. Welch, G. Michalski, W. W. Walters, U. Nielsen, D. H. Wall, I. Hogg, and B. J. Adams
The Soul of the S.S. SIlverton, Patrick Paronable
The State of the Art in Root System Architecture Image Analysis Using Artificial Intelligence: A Review, Brandon J. Weihs, Jo Heuschele, Zhou Tang, Larry M. York, Zhiwu Zhang, and Zhanyou Xu
The Sudden Deluge: Parasite, Matthew 24:36-51, and Immanent Apocalyptic Imagery, Diana Abernethy
The Synanon Fix, Dereck Daschke
The Taste of Things, Sherry Coman
The Tomahawk Buried Underneath the Mississippi: Reacting to the 1825 Treaty of Prairie du Chien, Mike Kelley
The Unified Command Plan for A New Cold War, David Stilwell
The Unspoken Words of Fashion: Movements Behind Harajuku’s Avant-Garde Fashion Trends, Alastair Leon
The use of Spanish language in public signage in Trinidad, Paola Palma
The Vanished Voices of The Caribbean: Spanish Colonialism and the Pre-Columbian languages in the first voyages, Rafael J. Jimenez Baralt
Threat and Risk Assessment Measurement: A State of the Science Review, Sam T. Hunter, Katherine Parsons, Kelsey Ciagala, Sydney L. Reichin, Matt Allen, Erin M. Kearns, Austin C. Doctor, and Joel Elson
Threat Assessment Team Cohesion, Joel Elson and Erin M. Kearns
Time-Series Analysis of Embodied Interaction: Movement Variability and Complexity Matching As Dyadic Properties, Leonardo Zapata-Fonseca, Dobromir Dotov, Ruben Fossion, and Tom Froese
Tod@/e/xs opinan: Actitudes implícitas hacia el lenguaje inclusivo en español, Gorka Basterretxea Santiso, Maria Gonzalez, James Graham Johnson, and Andrew Weston
Tolerance for Violence Toward Public Servants, Peter Simi
To Tell All The Truths Project: Missing & Murdered Indigneous Women, Jordan Gross
To Tip or Not to Tip: An Analysis into Prompted Tipping, Jared Dingman
Toward Effective and Sustainable Smart City Model: Case study exploration of varying smart city approaches and outcomes, Michael J. Ahn, Yu-Che Chen, Kihaing Cho, Chenyu Huang, Youhee Kim, and Seung-Hwan Meyong
Toward the flow-centric detection of browser fingerprinting, Rui Zhao
Traducir entrerrianismos, ¿es una papa? El grado de conocimiento de unidades fraseológicas entrerrianas de traductores y estudiantes de traducción, Milton Ariel Hein
Tribal Knowledge Cocreation in Generative Artificial Intelligence Systems, Yi-Fan Wang, Yu-Che Chen, Yen-Chen Huang, Carol Redwing, and Chun-Hua Tsai
TRPV1 channels in human skeletal muscle feed arteries: implications for vascular function, Stephen J. Ives, Song-young Park, Oh-Sung Kwon, Jayson R. Gifford, Robert H. I. Andtbacka, John R. Hyngstrom, and Russell S. Richardson
Trying to save the game(r): Understanding the self-disclosure of YouTube subscribers surrounding mental health in video-game vlog comments, Maria Mickles and Andrea MM Weare
Two Lessons in Prevention: What Practitioners Need to Know to Support the Families, Karyn Sporer
Understanding affordances: history and contemporary development of Gibson’s central concept, Dobromir Dotov, Lin Nie, and Matthieu M. de Wit
Understanding Insider Threats: Learning from Related Research Streams, Matthew Allen, Kat Parsons, Tin L. Nguyen, and Lauren Zimmerman
Understanding Terrorist Use of Explosives in the United States, Austin C. Doctor, Angie Benda, and Lauren Moss
Understanding Threats to Public Officials, Peter Simi, Christopher Bader, and Seamus Hughes
Undetectable very-low frequency sound increases dancing at a live concert, Daniel J. Cameron, Dobromir Dotov, Erica Flaten, Dan Bosnyak, Michael J. Hove, and Laurel Trainor
Union, John C. Lyden
University of Nebraska at Omaha Commencement: August 2021, University of Nebraska at Omaha
University of Nebraska at Omaha Commencement: December 2020, University of Nebraska at Omaha
University of Nebraska at Omaha Commencement: December 2022, University of Nebraska at Omaha
University of Nebraska at Omaha Commencement: December 2023, University of Nebraska at Omaha
University of Nebraska at Omaha Commencement: May 2021, University of Nebraska at Omaha
University of Nebraska at Omaha Commencement: May 2022, University of Nebraska at Omaha
University of Nebraska at Omaha Commencement: May 2023, University of Nebraska at Omaha
University of Nebraska at Omaha Commencement: May 2024, University of Nebraska at Omaha
University of Nebraska at Omaha Division of Biomechanics and Research Development Annual Report 2022-2023, UNO Biomechanics
Unlocking Insights: Accessing and Applying Census Data to Impact Your Community, Carol Miller
Unlocking Insights: Accessing and Applying Census Data to Impact Your Community, Josie Gatti Schafer
UNMC Status and Future of the Nebraska Healthcare Workforce, Josie Gatti Schafer, Tara Grell, Morgan Vogel, Meagan E. Paez, and Amanda Parker
UNO Criss Library Shares September Kripke-Veret Book Display, Claire Du Laney
Unpacking the misfit effect: Exploring the influence of gender and social norms on the association between aggression and peer victimization, Ellyn Bass, Lina María Saldarriaga, Ana Maria Velasquez, Jonathan Santo, and William M. Bukowski
Unraveling Decarceration Policy and How It Affects Correctional Populations, John Ursino and Baylee Allen-Flores
Unraveling the Link Between Diet and Bifidobacteria Populations in the Gut of Nonhuman Primates, Mayowa Abiodun, Jonathan Clayton, Cindy Schmidt, Jordan Hernandez, and Shivdeep Hayer
Unraveling the Role of Heme Oxygenase-1 (HO-1) in Prostate Cancer progression; an RNA Sequencing Approach, Sarah Nakamura, Ramia J. Salloom, Maher Y. Abdalla, and Kate Cooper
untitled, Jonny Boothe
untitled, Sadie Shiver
Untitled Poem (in Arabic), Asmaa Azaizeh
Untitled poem (in English), Asmaa Azaizeh
Unveiling the Path to Violence: Exploring the Mobilization of Incels, Camden Carmichael, Clara Braun, and Seamus Hughes
U.S. 5G Technology Policy: Competition or Boycott?, Wes Ferguson and Kyle Vargus
USAFA 64th Academy Assembly Banquet Keynote on NASA Transformation, Madison Walker and Lori Garver
Usar un Corpus para crear unas lecciones que incorporan el impacto de los idiomas indígenas al español., Raul Rangel
Use-Conditional Meaning of Morphological Diminutives in Brazilian Portuguese, Victoria Cataloni
Use of Non-Linguistic Representation in a 1st Grade Classroom, Haylee Umble
Using Artificial Intelligence to Improve and Accelerate the Breeding Process for Root Structure Architecture in Alfalfa, Brandon J. Weihs, Jo Heuschele, and Zhanyou Xu
Using CATA to Evaluate the Morality of Violent Extremist Leaders and Traditional Organizational Leaders, Kalyn Wettengel
Using common marmoset (Callithrix Jacchus) feces to isolate and characterize Acinetobacter, Andrew Kiyoji Huang
Using common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) feces to isolate Escherichia coli, Kaitlyn Oswald
Using common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) feces to isolate Escherichia coli, grace walter
Using metaprogramming techniques to enhance eclingo performance through the reification format, Eleuterio Juan Lillo Portero
Using Statistical Parametric Mapping to Compare IMU Calibration Types and 3D Motion Capture, Joseph W. Harrington and David C. Kingston
Using the Sales Process as an Instructional Tool to Improve Student Perceptions of Instructor Responsiveness, Pedagogical Affect, and Likelihood to Enroll: An Abstract, Cindy B. Rippe, Shannon Cummins, Suri Weisfeld-Spolter, and Yuliya Yurova
Usos del español inclusivo en la (auto)referencia de gente no-binaria, Andrea Levinstein Rodriguez
Uterine Fibroids: A silent crisis, Diana Mwikisa
Utilizing Collaborative Learning to Analyze and Represent Data During a Graphing Unit, Emily Mangano
Utilizing Large Language Models in Tribal Emergency Management, Srishti Gupta, Yu-Che Chen, and Chun-Hua Tsai
Utilizing Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models for Pregnancy Nutrition Advice, Taranum Bano, Jagadeesh Vadapalli, Bishwa Karki, Melissa K. Thoene, Matt VanOrmer, Ann L. Anderson Berry, and Chun-Hua Tsai
Variable Clitic Placement in Monolingual and Bilingual Spanish-Speaking Adolescents, Paul de Nijs
Variación de las estructuras condicionales (no)prototípicas en español, Maria Jose Serrano
Variaciones en el uso del modo subjuntivo en el español hablado de Oaxaca de Juárez, México, Jannis Harjus
Variation in the Intonation of Uruguayan Spanish Declaratives, Brandon Goodale
Vascular mitochondrial respiratory function: the impact of advancing age, Soung Hun Park, Oh-Sung Kwon, Song-young Park, Joshua C. Weavil, Robert H. I. Andtbacka, John R. Hyngstrom, Van Reese, and Russell S. Richardson
Vasodilatory and vascular mitochondrial respiratory function with advancing age: evidence of a free radically mediated link in the human vasculature, Soung Hun Park, Oh-Sung Kwon, Song-young Park, Joshua C. Weavil, Jay R. Hydren, Van Reese, Robert H. I. Andtbacka, John R. Hyngstrom, and Russell S. Richardson
Verbs in Context: Project Based Learning as Intrinsic Motivation, Trinity Weers
Vicarious Trauma in Counterterrorism Practitioners, Daisy Muibu, Joseph Young, Michael Becker, Sarah Lynch, Ethan Ferguson, and Lindsay Barclay
Victims Look Like Everyone, Summer Dingman
Virtual Communities of Anglo and Spanish Migrants in Chile. A Multiple Case Study, Cristián Doña-Reveco and Yanko Pavicevic
Virtual Reality as a Context for Adaptation, Matthew Yarossi, Madhur Mangalam, Stephanie Naufel, and Eugene Tunik
Vocational and Life Skills Evaluation Annual Report: Grant Cycle 3: Year 2 July 1, 2019-June 30, 2020, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research, Katelynn Towne, Michael Campagna, Ryan E. Spohn, and Tara Grell
Vocational and Life Skills Grant Cycle Three: July 2018-June 2020 Programs Funded, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research
Vocational and Life Skills Monthly Data Update: April 2019, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research, Katelynn Towne, and Michael Campagna
Vocational and Life Skills Monthly Data Update: April 2020, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research and Katelynn Towne
Vocational and Life Skills Monthly Data Update: August 2018, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research, Katelynn Towne, and Michael Campagna
Vocational and Life Skills Monthly Data Update: August 2019, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research, Katelynn Towne, and Michael Campagna
Vocational and Life Skills Monthly Data Update: August 2020, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research and Katelynn Towne
Vocational and Life Skills Monthly Data Update: December 2018, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research, Katelynn Towne, and Michael Campagna
Vocational and Life Skills Monthly Data Update: December 2019, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research and Katelynn Towne
Vocational and Life Skills Monthly Data Update: December 2020, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research and Katelynn Towne
Vocational and Life Skills Monthly Data Update: February 2019, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research, Katelynn Towne, and Michael Campagna
Vocational and Life Skills Monthly Data Update: February 2020, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research and Katelynn Towne
Vocational and Life Skills Monthly Data Update: January 2019, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research, Katelynn Towne, and Michael Campagna
Vocational and Life Skills Monthly Data Update: January 2020, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research and Katelynn Towne
Vocational and Life Skills Monthly Data Update: July 2018, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research, Katelynn Towne, and Michael Campagna
Vocational and Life Skills Monthly Data Update: July 2019, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research, Katelynn Towne, and Michael Campagna
Vocational and Life Skills Monthly Data Update: July 2020, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research and Katelynn Towne
Vocational and Life Skills Monthly Data Update: June 2019, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research, Katelynn Towne, and Michael Campagna
Vocational and Life Skills Monthly Data Update: March 2019, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research, Katelynn Towne, and Michael Campagna
Vocational and Life Skills Monthly Data Update: March 2020, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research and Katelynn Towne
Vocational and Life Skills Monthly Data Update: May 2019, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research, Katelynn Towne, and Michael Campagna
Vocational and Life Skills Monthly Data Update: November 2018, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research, Katelynn Towne, and Michael Campagna
Vocational and Life Skills Monthly Data Update: November 2019, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research, Katelynn Towne, and Michael Campagna
Vocational and Life Skills Monthly Data Update: November 2020, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research and Katelynn Towne
Vocational and Life Skills Monthly Data Update: October 2018, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research, Katelynn Towne, and Michael Campagna
Vocational and Life Skills Monthly Data Update: October 2019, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research, Katelynn Towne, and Michael Campagna
Vocational and Life Skills Monthly Data Update: October 2020, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research and Katelynn Towne
Vocational and Life Skills Monthly Data Update: September 2018, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research, Katelynn Towne, and Michael Campagna
Vocational and Life Skills Monthly Data Update: September 2019, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research, Katelynn Towne, and Michael Campagna
Vocational and Life Skills Monthly Data Update: September 2020, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research and Katelynn Towne
Vocational and Life Skills Quarterly Report: Grant Cycle 3, Quarter 4 April-June 2019, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research, Katelynn Towne, and Michael Campagna
Vocational and Life Skills Quarterly Report: Grant Cycle 3, Quarter 6 October-December 2019, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research and Katelynn Towne
Vocational and Life Skills Quarterly Report: Grant Cycle 3 Quarter 7 January-March 2020, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research, Katelynn Towne, and Michael Campagna
Vocational and Life Skills Quarterly Report: Grant Cycle 3, Quarter 8 April-June 2020, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research, Katelynn Towne, and Michael Campagna
Vocational and Life Skills Quarterly Report: Grant Cycle 4 Quarter 1 July-September 2020, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research, Katelynn Towne, and Michael Campagna
Vocational and Life Skills Quarterly Report: Grant Cycle 4 Quarter 2 October-December 2020, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research, Katelynn Towne, and Michael Campagna
Vocational and Life Skills Quarter Report: Grant Cycle 3, Quarter 3 January-March 2019, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research, Katelynn Towne, and Michael Campagna
Vocational and Life Skills Quarter Report: Grant Cycle 3, Quarter 5 July-September 2019, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research, Katelynn Towne, and Michael Campagna
Vocational & Life Skills: Quarterly Report - Grant Cycle 3, Quarter 1, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research and Grace Sankey-Berman
Vocational & Life Skills Quarterly Report: Grant Cycle 3, Quarter 2 October-December 2018, UNO Nebraska Center for Justice Research, Katelynn Towne, and Michael Campagna
Voices of a Pandemic Oral History Collection, Wendy Guerra and Cheryl Jiménez Frei
Waging Peace on the Final Frontier 64th Academy Assembly Proceedings, Space and Defense and Madison Walker
Walking to a multisensory beat, Charlotte Roy, Julien Lagarde, Dobromir Dotov, and Simone Dalla Bella
Walking with a Load on Wheels: Potential Effects of Bidirectional Springs on Walking Economy, Hiva Razavi and Philippe Malcolm
War in Iraq, 2003-2011: an exhibit from the Hagel Archives, Lori Schwartz
WEATHERING, RADIOGENIC ISOTOPES, AND MARINE RECORDS OF GLACIAL DYNAMICS, Ellen Martin, Kelly M. Deuerling, Shauna Flynn, Cheyenne Everhart, Jonathan Martin, Andrea Pain, and Emily An
We Can Do It! But Should We? Reflecting on Projects and Priorities, Claire Du Laney, Wendy Guerra, Amy Schindler, and Lori Schwartz
What Did They Say?!: Analyzing Differences in Extremist Rhetoric, Eva Burklund and Herb Thompson III
What Do Pre-Service Teachers Know About Teaching with Technology?, Lauren Hays, Jenna Kammer, and Kristina Schuler
What Freedom? Freedom-A Disease Without Cure. Slavoj Žižek. London: Bloomsbury Academic. 2023. pp. 328., Edward Sankowski and Betty J. Harris
What is ‘neutral’ Spanish?: Perspectives from the US-based television industry, Andrew Lynch and Marisleydi Ramos Borrego
What makes us "Good" Leaders?, Dante Rossini
What role does social context play in Spanish-Valencian bilingual language processing?, Maria Rodrigo-Tamarit, Verónica Loureiro-Rodríguez, and Sunyoung Ahn
What Was I Wearing?, Ryan Wagner
“What We Say in The Dark” and Other Essays, Faith Vawter
When is “I’m Sorry” Not Enough?: An exploration of breaking bad news in a simulated clinical setting, Bailey Shubert
When Is Teasing Abuse? A Grounded Theory of Teasing Among Mexican American Adolescent Dating Couples, Heidi Adams Rueda, Lela Rankin, and kim peace-tuskey
When preventing Achillies Tendinopathy (AT) injuries in athletes, is it better to train eccentrically or concentrically?, KiJana Owens
When the dominant languages are not ergative. A case of ergative variation in Basque in Basque-Spanish and Basque-English bilingual communities, Eukene Franco Landa
Where Nebraska Workers Live Brief, Josie Gatti Schafer
Why not be an early-bird researcher?, Ravindra P. Nettimi, Madhur Mangalam, and Mewa Singh
Why so many dashboards? Unlocking the Power of Data Dashboards, Jeff Armitage
Why so many dashboards? Unlocking the Power of Data Dashboards, Bryce Jones M.A.
Wildcat, Karl Martin
Winding Path, Monica Blizek
WNT5A regulates adipose tissue angiogenesis via antiangiogenic VEGF-A165b in obese humans, Melissa G. Farb, Doan T.M. Ngo, Song-young Park, Samantha M. Saggese, Naomi M. Hamburg, Brian Carmine, Donald T. Hess, Kenneth Walsh, and Noyan Gokce
Woody Encroachment of a Riparian Corridor in a Tallgrass Prairie: Dendrochronological Evidence from Kansas, Brandon J. Weihs, Ryan Bergstrom, Claire Ruffing, and Kendra McLauchlan
Workforce and Professional Development Project: Building Capacity in HSE-Focused Business Analysis Application, A. Erin Bass
Working around our CMS: providing access to 78,000 images when "digitize everything" is the goal, Wendy Guerra
World Building, Elijah Buckhold
Writing Beyond the Veil, Deidre Mattox
Yearning for Popularity: How are Popularity Goals and Self-Perceived Popularity Related to Aggression and Victimization?, Sunmi Seo, Joo Young Yang, and Kristina L. McDonald
“You get old. You get invisible”: Social isolation and the challenge of communicating with aging women, Tammy J. Walkner, Andrea MM Weare, and Melissa Tully
Your Word is Never Taken as it is, Emma Heinold
You Were Never Really Here, Monica Blizek
Zeami's Buddhism and Noh in Kurosawa's Ikiru, Ronald S. Green